Ideas for Star Wars Telltale games
I know it might be hard for a point and click Star Wars game but hear me out here as I've got a way for it to work:
How about a Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks. With Droids you play as C-3PO and R2-D2 and play along as a point and click adventure (the same with the Ewoks except you play as Wicket with the other Ewoks).
With Droids, the episodes could be based sometime between the stories or during them like evading Boba Fett and IG-88 or something else.
With the Ewoks, could just be another adventure on Endor against the Duloks or Morag.
Also another idea is that Telltale could do another Lucas Learning game but besides that, Droids and/or Ewoks would be a great idea.
Also note, the Droids series is canon as in the book "The Star Wars Ultimate Visual Guide" states that at some point C-3PO and R2 got split from Antilles on some occasion.
So yeah, would be great for Telltale to do a Droids or Ewok series
How about a Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks. With Droids you play as C-3PO and R2-D2 and play along as a point and click adventure (the same with the Ewoks except you play as Wicket with the other Ewoks).
With Droids, the episodes could be based sometime between the stories or during them like evading Boba Fett and IG-88 or something else.
With the Ewoks, could just be another adventure on Endor against the Duloks or Morag.
Also another idea is that Telltale could do another Lucas Learning game but besides that, Droids and/or Ewoks would be a great idea.
Also note, the Droids series is canon as in the book "The Star Wars Ultimate Visual Guide" states that at some point C-3PO and R2 got split from Antilles on some occasion.
So yeah, would be great for Telltale to do a Droids or Ewok series

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How about Star Wars, the adventures of Jar Jar Bink...
Seriously there is another company who has done StarWars to death...
I think it has some L in its name and ends with Arts ;-)
Usually people who think that way should just ignore what they don't like and not spread it to other people.
But really, this is kind of a good idea for a Star Wars point and click adventure.
Ok Jokes aside:
The closest games in the Star Wars universe to point and click adventures are the Kotor RPGs done by Bioware for Lucasarts.
Not really adventure games but very story intensive.
They btw. are really good games on their own, also as far as I can remember there was something along the lines of Yodas desktop adventures back in the early nineties, but I have never seen the game all I know is that it got rather bad ratings.
I can't see KOTOR as point and click.
And maybe Yodas desktop adventures got a bad rating cause it was an EDUCATIONAL GAME. You would see bad ratings for educational games due to large majority of gamers wanting blood, gore, body parts being decapitated and some action.
But the fact is a Droids and Ewoks point and click adventure would suite and be perfect. The Droids could be based on the episodes the same as Ewoks or could be whole new stories but within those series.
Well I don't see any harm in it. Plus the Droids and Ewoks series is already you know, so they can't do any harm in createing a point and click adventure.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Star Wars Droids and Ewoks series so I'll provide some links about them:
So you see, this is why a Star Wars point and click adventure would be perfect for these.
I'd be down for one.
And yes, it was scrapped.
Yes I mean the droids one will be just playing as C-3PO and R2-D2 and the Ewok one will be Wicket and the gang.
God I'd love to face the Great Heep or thwart Boba Fett and/or IG-88.
With the Ewoks, just battle the Duloks and the Tulgah witch Morag. Also trying to defeat Raygar and sneaking onto the Star Destroyer
Anything with a small, furry protagonist, I'm there!
Yeah, just playig an Ewok and wrecking technology cause they don't understand it lol.
Be able to tackle Raygar as Wicket just like in the show and could have like in Sam & Max with firing a gun but instead a spear
I'm sue with the droids, could have R2's shock like thing as like using the gun in Sam & Max
i had played the indianna jones laptop adventures it was like putting together a 10 peice puzzle each time u started it and each little peice had well. arcade style grab item or kill the 3 or 4 snakes to get the peice. loads of tiny disapointing puzzles
Of course but what we are focusing here is nothing like that. But merely like any telltale point and click adventure game but based on the Star Wars Droids and Ewoks cartoons (and yes they are canon).
Yes I see, I know what you mean. This is why I suggested the Droids and Ewoks series which as you can see would be perfect.
I don't want to see a Star Wars game. Maybe an entire Sam & Max episode where they could rip on the series or something.
More than that, both Droids and Ewoks are older than Monkey Island. Those cartoon series are 25 years old. The Star Wars franchise has moved on and evolved since 1985.
AND the cute, kid-friendly market for Star Wars games is cornered by the LEGO Star Wars games and the games based on the new Clone Wars series. Going to a 25 year-old series when they have fresh material that new fans relate to already seems absolutely ridiculous.
And again. It's STAR WARS. LucasArts has made and continues to make more than enough titles with that license. The revival of licenses that have been dead for decades is exciting, more Star Wars not so much. In any form.
But I can just see a Droids or Ewoks point and click game
Since it looks like this:
Would be right for a point and click adventure.
LOL how about the Tosche Station joke on the Star Wars Robot Chicken special
Um No!
I have supplied enough reasons and how it would work for a Star Wars point and click game done by Telltale :cool:
I really don't think so. Like, if you had the chance to stop something really, really stupid like... say... George 'W' being elected, would it necessarily be better to sit back and not spread your cynicism to others?
But you see, the problem is that (whether or not it is appropriate) a very large number of TTG fans have a festering hatred of Star Wars after Jim Warped (pun, get it? Ward... Warp!? ah... never mind) the entire LA portfolio into half-finished Star Wars stuff. What about people who don't like Star Wars? What if we don't want yet another company spending time making more Star Wars stuff? Would you like My Little Pony to be the base for every other PC game in existence? No? I rest my case your honour..
I hate C3PO so much, so.much.
I wish I'd just quoted this straight off >.<
Indeed, while the TTG style may fit Star Wars, does Star Wars necessarily fit the TTG style? Sure, i'd love a space based adventure point 'n' click. Preferably with lots of weird little aliens and very obvious toilet humour and phallic imagery, but not with Star Wars in it. I feel like a man who has eaten naught but Chocolate Cake for fifty years. Star Wars is the chocolate cake. Yummy at first, but now decidedly sickening.
As I wrote above, you have shown us it would work, not that it is necessarily a good thing.
You don't have to use the Star Wars franchise or pay royalties to you-know-who to use this dramatic concept. I kinda like games with at least one scene in which you're much less powerful than the opposition, maybe to the point of being not at all important to them, yet still find a clever way to win in the end!
Yes exactly.
This is how a SW TTG would work yet no one seems to think that.
See it could work with point and click :cool:
Yes I know so many but as I said, this is just an idea for a point and click based on the Ewok and Droids cartoons.