Erik and Gared
In my playthrough I sent Erik to the wall and as a result I met him in episode 2 while playing Gared it turns out they know each other and as you can imagine Erik's not too happy with the Forrester's. I'm wondering if he will have an impact on Gared's story or just a couple cameos what do you think? I at least want to have a few conversations with him but it won't bother me that much if ep2 will be his only appearance.
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I showed Erik mercy and hope I'll see him again, joining my army with his whole village, hahaha
Well, I can keep dreaming.
I can see the appeal behind showing him mercy but he commited a crime regardless of his motive he had to be punished.
What can I say, I was young and foolish. And now I'm dead. 0.0
But honestly, I didn't do it for him but for his family. Didn't want to let his kids go hungry. That would be punishing the innocent. I didon't want to let him go free until he mentioned them.
Erik's family isn't the only people going hungry. And Erik can still stay with his family if you take three fingers.
i thought chopping off his fingers was the worst not the wall
The guy is a thief and a deserter, and under military law a deserter gets the chop, so losing a few fingers is the least of his worries.
Also, the Forresters are a fallen house, completely at the mercy of its enemies, so if you do not impose discipline, all your soldiers will run away.
I've only seen one person find Erik without trying (aside from the OP). Yeah, it was a pretty bad spot to put him, they should have given us an indication of some sort that we could come upstairs.
I sent him to the Wall but I didn't find him in Ep2, which leads me to believe that he might not play a big role considering that Telltale might not even care if you get to talk to him or not. Hopefully not, it'd be cool to get to know him more in the later episodes.
When did you meet him exactly ? I sent him to The Wall too but I didn't see him.
During your training you have to go up and he's by Frostfinger I believe. I didn't because I thought if Frost saw me walking away from training it would reflect on what he thinks of me.
As much as I hope to see him have more of an effect on the story, I doubt it. The placing of Erik at the Wall has me believe that Telltale put him there for funzies and that's it (reminds me of a certain character in TWAU). We may not see him in any other way, shape, or form later in the story.
Here's where he is:
In my first play through I decided to send him to the wall. Part of me wanted to show mercy, but the simple fact is he tried to steal and desert the house! To top it all off he was trying to encourage others to abandon the house too! My Ethan couldn't afford to appear weak especially as he had to prove himself as the new lord. However looking back on it I decided to take three of his fingers and I made Ethan do it himself.
1) Taking the fingers shows that Ethan is not weak and despite only being a boy, he will enforce punishment if the rules are broken. There has to be a deterrent from committing crimes other wise people will go around doing what ever they please and then no one will be safe!
2) Taking the fingers is a mercy because at least he still gets to stay with his family, whereas if you send him to the wall his family will lose him.
Thanks. I thought cutting Erik's fingers off was more cruel than having him away, but you proved me wrong. Anyway, I still think than sending him to the Wall is justice.
thank you...I didnt see that because I gave him mercy.
Exactly, if you send him to the wall, he has to disown his family and can no longer provide for them. if you take three fingers, he can still work and care for them, everyone will just know he's a thief– definitely seems merciful to me.
This was my reasoning as well. I've seen a lot of speculation that cutting his fingers off was the cruelest punishment, but the Wall is a lifetime punishment for him and his family. Whereas if you use the 'usual' punishment for thieves (as the last lord did), you show that you aren't a pushover, and that you follow tradition and the examples of those who came before you. As well as meteing out the punishment yourself, which could give your men at arms more faith, that such an unexperienced lord was willing to do his own dirty work.
The Wall is worse in Westeros.
"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."
It isn't mercy if you send him to the Wall. That's the worse thing you can do to him.
I was going to chop off the fingers, but I didn't want him hanging around Ironrath and telling people to abandon my house. I figured he was less of a problem at the Wall.
Besides what's to say that if you send him to the wall he won't lose some of his fingers to frost bite anyway! So out of the two options:
1) Lose 3 fingers after they get chopped off, but still get to remain with your family.
2) Get sent to the wall, lose your family (i.e. ability to be with and provide for them) and also risk losing your fingers to frost bite.
I think option one sounds like the better situation.
One thing that I have been wondering about is - how the hell did Eric reach the wall before Gared?
Me and my friend basically played the first episode going 'Why are they talking about being sent to the wall for the rest of his life is better than losing 3 fingers.'
Episode 2 Erik if you sent him to the wall: I wished they took my fingers
That is good reasoning as well. But with how pissed he is at being sent there, (if you speak to him at the wall) he might try to make trouble for Gared simply out of spite.
The most likely reason Erik reached the wall before Gared, was because he was escorted there by people from Ironrath who would have had horses. Unlike Gared who had to walk .
Gared had a horse though.
He also lost that horse and was reduced to walking.
Your right , he did . I forgot , sorry.An alternative explanation would be as Erik had a escort they new exactly were they were going were as Gared would have been unsure since he had no map and may have gotten lost . And anyone in Gared position would not be in any rush.
Finally , I also think traffic may have played a key role.
I kind of think Gared will leave to help fight for his house and bring people from castle black,Cotter,Finn(determinant)and if you sent Erik to the wall he will come to help his family,now he knows how to fight and will help more
He finds the horse. Seeing as Gared rides it into the castell at the Wall.