My Walking Dead Fanfics (somewhat Luke-centric)

edited March 2015 in Forum Games

Yo! Telltale's TWDG has been a big inspiration and I'd like to share some of the fanworks I've written at different points in time. I rarely if ever write stories that involve multiple chapters so it's all a quick read. I'm curious to know what you think!

First up is ( "The Ties That Bind").

Notes: 'I was speaking with a friend and we were wondering how fans’ reception of Luke might have been affected for if Carver beating him to shit had been shown on-screen like Kenny’s beat-down had. So, thanks to all the encouragement, I decided to write a take on what happened and it ended up becoming darker than intended. The goal of this was to try to maintain that deep and unsettling sense of tension episode 3 creates but also aim to be minimalistic with the actual description. Because Lord knows I can ramble. Just look at this note!'

warnings: ref to unwanted touching, rape threat, overall violence (Troy's responsible for the first two, being the creep he is -- it doesn't advance beyond being a threat, but still worth warning about anyway)


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