Surfin' the Highway

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max Comics
Hey there,

I was considering getting Surfin' the Highway, but have now been leaning against it. I'm wondering what the content level is like. If any of you could give any input at all, it would be greatly appreciated.



  • edited June 2009
    Wiki to the rescue! It's 197 pages and includes all (afaik) comics published before 2000 as well as a bunch of promotional art.
  • edited June 2009
    Sorry....wrong definition of content on my part :o
    What I meant by 'content' was not its included contents. By content, I meant what audience is it aimed towards, and is there any material some readers may find unsettling?

    Sorry for any misunderstandings,
  • edited June 2009
    There's some minor swearing - just hell and damn, I think - and the most objectionable thing is probably the song the road pirates sing about their "wives", who are manatees. There's no gore that I can remember. Most of the violence happens off the page, and there's no blood even when there should be. There's quite a few disgusting images, though.

    I guess it's aimed towards adults.
  • edited June 2009
    A few instances of "taking the Lord's name in vain" are present as well if that bothers you.

    I bought the $60 hardcover - and personally I was disappointed greatly for what I paid. It would've been worth $20 but it wasn't the amazing super epic awesomeness that I thought it was going to be. It was good but not amazing.
  • edited June 2009
    I've been rethinking this. Given, I've heard it's a great book, but I'm unsettled by PariahKing's references to 'disturbing images'. Could someone please elaborate on this if needed? Just keep in mind that I'm only a youth. So don't give me night terrors.

  • edited October 2009
    Evan wrote: »
    I've been rethinking this. Given, I've heard it's a great book, but I'm unsettled by PariahKing's references to 'disturbing images'. Could someone please elaborate on this if needed? Just keep in mind that I'm only a youth. So don't give me night terrors.


    Not, really anything disturbing it's all cartoony, no more violence than an episode of Ren&Stimpy or older nickelodeon cartoons.
  • edited October 2009
    There are also a few images of corpses, especially if Flint Paper has anything to do with it. With the manatee song as well, I interpreted the pirates mentioning that the manatees... Enjoyed bangers, without the mash, if you know what I mean. I tried to put it as subtly as I could.
  • edited October 2009
    Yup, what Icedhope and The Highway said. Cartoon images that cover gory situations, but shown without the gore. Violence happens off-screen (or should I say "off-panel").

    Like PariahKing said, $60 is a lot to pay for it. I bought the Hardcover Special pack (the book, along with the games) meaning I got all three products for nearly half price, so I wasn't disappointed with my purchase. The paperback edition is a good deal though.

    I still recommend the book. I've laughed out loud a number of times when reading it; it's very well-written. I personally don't recall being particularly mentally disturbed by anything in the book, but like others have said already just keep in mind that it's aimed at adults and the comics were created back when cartoons were generally more violent than they are nowadays.
  • edited October 2009
    There's nothing in Surfin' that I would consider nightmare inducing imagery. Hope this helps.
  • edited November 2009
    Yeah, pretty much what everyone else said. The worst part is probably when Sam says " I do and so those my hairy little friend. And Max does, too"
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