GOT Battle Royal Round 2

Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

Jon Snow vs Jaime Lannister

Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

Khal Drogo vs Styr

The Hound vs The Mountain

Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

Tyrion vs Varys


  • Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

    Jon Snow vs Jaime Lannister

    Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

    Khal Drogo vs Styr

    The Hound vs The Mountain

    Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

    Tyrion vs Varys

    1. If it's a duel, Ramsay. If it's a battle of wits, ol' Petyr.
    2. Jaime Lannister, unless he already lost his right hand. In that case, even Boros Blount would be able to defeat him.
    3. Not really sure about that one. Will go for Roose, just because Roose is a bit younger than Tywin.
    4. Khal Drogo.
    5. Damn, can't really say. I'll call it a draw.
    6. I'd say Ser Barristan. Stannis is a competent fighter, but Barristan was counted among the best swordfighters within the Kingsguard, throughout his entire service.
    7. Varys, unless Tyrion gets lucky and stabs him somewhere. If it's a battle of wits, I'm not so sure.
  • Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

    Jon Snow vs Jaime Lannister

    Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

    Khal Drogo vs Styr

    The Hound vs The Mountain

    Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

    Tyrion vs Varys

    and thanks!

  • Ramsay Snow


    Tywin Lannister

    Khal Drogo

    The Hound

    Barristan Selmy


  • edited March 2015

    Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

    Jon Snow vs Jamie Lannister

    Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

    Khal Drogo vs Styr

    The Hound vs The Mountain

    Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

    Tyrion vs Varys (1v1 probably Tyrion, but Varys has his little birds)

  • Ramsay

    Jaime, assuming he has both hands.

    Roose. Tywin is much older than he is.

    Khal Drogo.

    The Hound. This one's tough, but size isn't everything. I'd say The Hound is actually the more competent fighter, not relying solely on being bigger than everyone else.

    Barristan Selmy. He's one of the best fighters in the seven kingdoms.


  • edited March 2015
    1. Ramsey
    2. Jaime (if it's one-handed Jaime then I'd have to say Jon)
    3. Tywin. (only due to the fact he's more battle hardened)
    4. Khal Drogo.
    5. The Mountain (Its stated that the guy is a walking fortress. Only the most skilled fighters or those with a solid plan have a chance of beating him)
    6. Barristan Selmy (arguably the second best swordsman mentioned in the series)
    7. Varys
    1. Ramsey
    2. Jaime
    3. Bolton
    4. Khal Drogo
    5. The Hound
    6. Stannis
    7. Varys
    MrHazer posted: »

    * Ramsey * Jaime (if it's one-handed Jaime then I'd have to say Jon) * Tywin. (only due to the fact he's more battle hardened) * Khal Dro

    1. Ramsey
    2. Jon Snow
    3. Tywin Lannister
    4. Khal Drogo
    5. Sandor Clegane (The Hound) It's hard for this one considering they were both evenly matched in the tournament.
    6. Stannis Baratheon
    7. Varys
  • Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

    Jon Snow vs Jaime Lannister

    Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

    Khal Drogo vs Styr

    The Hound vs The Mountain

    Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

    Tyrion vs Varys

  • Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

    Jon Snow vs Jaime Lannister

    Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

    Khal Drogo vs Styr

    The Hound vs The Mountain

    Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

    Tyrion vs Varys

  • Ramsay Snow vs Little Finger

    Jon Snow vs Jaime Lannister

    Tywin Lannister vs Roose Bolton

    Khal Drogo vs Styr

    The Hound vs The Mountain

    Stannis Baratheon vs Barristan Selmy

    Tyrion vs Varys

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