Favorite Line/Quote TV

I know there is already a favorite line or quote thread on the game but I wanted to see what you people say when it come to the show Game of Thrones.
To start off mine is "Come with me and take this city!" -Stannis Baratheon-


  • edited March 2015

    Arya: "He killed Lommy."

    Sandor: "What the fuck's a Lommy?"

  • "Fuck the king!" - Sandor Clegane

  • edited March 2015

    my favorite lines are from Bronn

    Tyrion Lannister: And here we have Bronn, son of...
    Bronn: You wouldn't know him.

  • "Those are some brave men knocking at our door... let's go kill them!"

    -Tyrion Lannister.

  • 'Why are all Gods such vicious creatures? Where is the God of Tits and Wine?'-Tyrion

    'Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief then a thousand lying whores!'-Tyrion

    'I think it is time for the King to go to his chambers'-Tywin

    'A crown for a King'-Khal Drago

    'I am not threatening the King, I am lecturing my nephew. Bronn, if Ser Whatshisface speaks again kill him. That was a threat, see the difference?'-Tyrion.

    'I should have let Stannis kill you all'-Tyrion

    Way too more to count.

  • 'And fuck them in the arses!'

    "Those are some brave men knocking at our door... let's go kill them!" -Tyrion Lannister.

  • LOL

    "You know nothing Jon Snow." - Ygritte

  • edited March 2015

    One nice dialogue that comes to mind from season 2: Tyrion and Varys conversation before Blackwater, (Pod is helping Tyrion with his armor):

    Varys: "Podrick, is that it?"

    Tyrion: "'Is that it?' Nice touch, as if you don't know the name of every boy in town."

    V: "I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting."

    T: "I'm entirely sure you're entirely sure what I'm suggesting."

  • Oh man I have a lot. Off the top of my head though -

    Cersei: "You're only half as clever as you think you are."

    Tyrion: "Still makes me twice as clever as you."

    Also this line is the books and I'm almost 100% sure it's in the show as well -

    Tyrion: "A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth and you will know the debt is paid."

    And this mindblowing quote -

    Hodor: "Hodor"

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