I didn’t have enough time to think. As soon as that M4 poked out of the window, I darted left.
I hit the grou… morend, still hurting from my injuries. I tried getting up, but something heavy was on top of me. It kept me from getting back up, and I fell under the weight. I could barely breathe. Just before I passed out, the weight on top of me was lifted. I felt a firm grip on my shoulder as I was lifted up. I looked at the face of my rescuer. It was Jake. His face was twisted with anger as he stared at the SUV disappearing into the distance. Which means… I turned my head towards the ground. The feminine body was slumped over, as if in deep sleep. Blood splatter could be seen around the grass, and a pool started to form from her head. There was no doubt about it, Clover was dead. Shot to death by a man they had both helped hours ago. I curled my fists in anger. Why had it been her? She was a valuable asset to this miss… [view original content]
School: Good, cause you don't have homework.
School: You just have to study for the finals if you want to get good grades.
Let's was supposed to be a part, so we'll get tons over Memorial Break.
If you're still accepting character submissions heres mine:
Eddie Redfield
Appearance: Eye color? Hair color? What are they wearing?
Anything more about your character: Weapon of choice, backstory, anything else you’d like to add, ect.
Weapon of choice: Flaregun
Backstory:Used to work at a Mall in as a owner of a clothing shop named Men's Choice, wife(Clara Redfield) and kids (Tyler Redfield and Nikki Redfield) left him because he was considered dangerous, fired three days later from Men's Choice because he got caught in the CCTV stealing the register money, depressed started to sell drugs for money in alleys
Deceased: Clara Redfield(Bitten), Nikki Redfield(Bitten)
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story?
Yes i do.
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor?
Yes i do.
(EXTRA INFO: Image 1: Eddie, Image 2: Clara and Image 3: Undead Clara
If you're still accepting character submissions heres mine:
* Name:
Eddie Redfield
* Appearance: Eye color? Hair color? What are th… moreey wearing?
* Anything more about your character: Weapon of choice, backstory, anything else you’d like to add, ect.
* Weapon of choice: Flaregun
* Backstory:Used to work at a Mall in as a owner of a clothing shop named Men's Choice, wife(Clara Redfield) and kids (Tyler Redfield and Nikki Redfield) left him because he was considered dangerous, fired three days later from Men's Choice because he got caught in the CCTV stealing the register money, depressed started to sell drugs for money in alleys
* Deceased: Clara Redfield(Bitten), Nikki Redfield(Bitten)
* Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story?
Yes i do.
* Do you understand that your character can be major or minor?
Yes i do.
(EXTRA INFO: Image 1: Eddie, Image 2: Clara and Image 3: Undead Clara
Due to events that are out of my control, I cannot make parts for a short time. This is why I've stopped posting temporarily. Good news, though! I should have Saturday or Sunday all to myself, so I can work on parts in peace and quiet.
I peered out from behind a corner and quickly sprinted across the street into the next house over. Taking a look around the room, I could see destroyed furniture and torn wallpaper, just like in the last house. Perhaps it had been raided recently? I did not care. The only thing on my mind was to get as far away from here as possible. There were two doorways, one that may lead to the back of the house and one that veered right. I made my way to the second door. Yeah, like I’m dumb enough to go the other way…
Stone building
“I’m gonna go check out that stone building over there.” I told Jake, who was carrying Clover’s body over to a nearby tree.
“Alright then. I’ll meet up with you after this.” Jake proceeded to take the medical supplies from Clover’s person and threw his right hand up as a sign of good luck. I turned around and took out my revolver. This mission was not going to fail, not after this. I approached the door and opened it. The moment I walked in, I heard the sound of someone running. It’s her. It has to be. It can only be her. I flung the door wide open and ran in the direction of the sounds. There was a door on my left and to my right. The one of the right wasn’t closed, but if she exited I wouldn’t have heard her footsteps. Left it is, then. This room was simply a long hallway and only had one direction to go. She cornered herself. I sped up, not caring about my injured arm hitting the wall. The only door that was open led to some kind of garage. The metal doors were still closed, which means she is somewhere in this room. I turned the lights on and slowly walked down the stairs. A large screeching noise penetrated my ears, and I turned to see the girl desperately trying to pry open the door with her hands, to no avail. I aimed the gun at her.
“Daria Tuma, I presume?”
The girl turns her head to face me. Her eyes showing the fear of cornered prey.
“How do you know my name?” She asks.
“Not many people wear hijabs, Daria. Many people know you in this neighborhood. Knew you, I guess the proper term would be.”
“Fine. What do you want with me?” She rubbed her left arm with a free hand.
“I’m just helping out a fellow survivor in this thing. People are dying left and right, after all.”
I knew he was lying. That’s not why he was here.
“I don’t think that’s the truth…” I said quietly.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
I pointed to his arm. “Not many people wear casts, Alec Devic.” His eyes lit up. “I know..I know where you’re from. And I won’t go back. Not after what happened..”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but you don’t have a choice in the matter. Neither of us do.” He slowly walked towards me, his gun never leaving my direction. I started backing up, but I found my back against the wall.
“S-Stay back! I’m warning you!” I tried to threaten. He kept advancing.
“Don’t delude yourself. If you come quietly I won’t have to knock you out.” He said in his normal voice.
“You wouldn’t!” I scanned the room from top to bottom, looking for SOMETHING that would help me.
“I would. You’re my meal ticket, after all. The condition doesn’t matter, as long as I deliver you back.”
That was the last straw. I make a break for it, trying to run between him and one of the cars. I felt something metallic hit the back of my head, and I hit the floor in a crumpled heap. Just before I lost consciousness, I heard his voice.
“I warned you.”
First part of the two that I'm going to be posting this weekend to celebrate the revival :P
Make a break for it
I peered out from behind a corner and quickly sprinted across the street into the next house over. Taking a … morelook around the room, I could see destroyed furniture and torn wallpaper, just like in the last house. Perhaps it had been raided recently? I did not care. The only thing on my mind was to get as far away from here as possible. There were two doorways, one that may lead to the back of the house and one that veered right. I made my way to the second door. Yeah, like I’m dumb enough to go the other way…
Stone building
“I’m gonna go check out that stone building over there.” I told Jake, who was carrying Clover’s body over to a nearby tree.
“Alright then. I’ll meet up with you after this.” Jake proceeded to take the medical supplies from Clover’s person and threw his right hand up as a sign of good luck. I turned around and took out my revolver. This mission was not going to fail, not after … [view original content]
Make a break for it
I peered out from behind a corner and quickly sprinted across the street into the next house over. Taking a … morelook around the room, I could see destroyed furniture and torn wallpaper, just like in the last house. Perhaps it had been raided recently? I did not care. The only thing on my mind was to get as far away from here as possible. There were two doorways, one that may lead to the back of the house and one that veered right. I made my way to the second door. Yeah, like I’m dumb enough to go the other way…
Stone building
“I’m gonna go check out that stone building over there.” I told Jake, who was carrying Clover’s body over to a nearby tree.
“Alright then. I’ll meet up with you after this.” Jake proceeded to take the medical supplies from Clover’s person and threw his right hand up as a sign of good luck. I turned around and took out my revolver. This mission was not going to fail, not after … [view original content]
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it myself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of the house. I couldn’t make it out, but I ran in the direction of the noise. “Dad! Help me!”
The door to Nikki’s room was locked shut. I backed up about four, maybe five feet and proceeded to fling my body at the door full force. After two hits, I fell with the door and quickly picked myself up. Nikki was being grabbed by another of those things, but I grabbed the creature by its shoulders and threw it to the floor. Nikki pulled her arms to her chest and started crying.
“Nikki, where’s Tyler?” I keep it pinned down as to not endanger the kids.
“He’s hiding in the closet!” She pointed to it, and I saw it slowly open up. Sure enough, Tyler popped out of it with little force.
“Good, good. What about your mother?” Nikki looked at Tyler then to me. She said nothing, only pointed at me.
“What? What’s that supposed to-” Suddenly, I lost my grip and was pushed to the ground. The monster’s eyes met with mine, and then I knew. That bloodied face growled and inched closer to mine.
“Clara?” I managed to squeak out. “Is that..” Before I could fathom what had happened to her, a blade penetrated her skull. She slumped over next to me with one final snarl. Her eyes were devoid of any life, much the opposite of how she had lived. I looked up to see Nikki panting and clutching her arm. Tyler had shut himself inside of the closet once more, and I could hear him sobbing.
“D-Dad..I’m sorry, I had to. Mom said that if another got in I could use it..” Nikki was tearing up.
I got up and placed my hand on her shoulder. “Shh, it’s ok. did the right thing.” I looked at her left arm. It was dripping blood. “What happened?” I asked.
She uncovered it to reveal teeth marks. “I..I think she might’ve bitten me. It really hurts.” Her face was twisted in pain.
“There should be some medical supplies in the bathroom. Do you think you can get there on your own?” She nodded and exited the room. I turned back to the closet Tyler had locked himself into. His mother had just died in front of him, his sister was hurt, and dear old dad had been gone for a long time.
1)Talk to Tyler
2)Check on Nikki
We were almost out of energy. We had been running ever since that run in with the walkers, taking no chance to stop anywhere on the way to the evac point. We had maybe three more miles to go, and if we booked it we’d be there just before sundown. Sebastian and I took turns carrying Daniel, who was exhausted from the trip. Just as we were about to stop, I heard voices in the distance. I took my hand and wiped my brow of sweat, then looked ahead. Two silhouettes were waving their arms in the air and shouting. One was waving both of his arms and jumping, while the other appeared to be sitting down and only waved one arm in a calm fashion. Sebastian and I stared at each other, and began our second wind. With each step we took, the people got louder, and I soon knew whose voice one belonged to. I began chuckling loudly and Sebastian was consoling Daniel about making it. Soon enough, we closed the distance and the five of us were standing face to face. Sebastian set Daniel down and he started examining his surroundings. The woman was smiling, and instead of sitting down as I initially thought, she was in a wheelchair. I turned to face the man standing next to her. He, too, was smiling. I placed my hand in front of him, my palm open. He took his and did the same.
“You did good, Miles.”
“I could say the same to you.”
We had begin introductions immediately after our reunion. James had apparently saved Sebastian and Daniel, who were the other people we saw in front of the building. I was proud to tell him that my rescue mission had gone just as well, and Shino had agreed. I told him about everything that had transpired, from us getting here a large amount of time before him, about the torture we witnessed, Jerry’s near death battle, my theory about the walkers, and our current situation we face with Quirk. Before we could go further into detail, Shino spoke up.
“I hate to interrupt, but what of my brother? He was with you, yes?” Sebastian had hung his head at this question, and Daniel didn’t look too happy, either.
“About that…” James rubbed his head. “While we DID get a vehicle, we lost it in this conflict with another group of walkers. We had told Santiago to stay put, but Daniel told us he left because he found fuel. Usui must’ve found him, and the two should be traveling here soon.”
“They had better get back before sunset, or we’ll have no choice but to leave.” I told him, my head shaking in disappointment.
“Wait, what? Why would we leave, Miles?” Sebastian had suddenly chimed in, turning his attention to me.
“Come on, Daniel. Let’s leave them be for now.” Shino had coaxed Daniel into leaving, and the two of them started walking to the camp.
“We have no choice. Quirk isn’t exactly the nicest guy in the world. Long story short, we had a disagreement and he lost his cool.”
“Why would you disagree with him? Why not-” James placed his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and shook his head. He stopped and sighed. “I’ll just..keep watch of this area.”
James walked over to me and started observing the truck. “You did a good job keeping her clean.” He took a rag from his pocket and began rubbing a blood stain. “For the most part, that is.”
“Oh, I nearly forgot this was yours. Seems like an eternity since I last saw you near 10 feet of this thing. I got pretty close to it.”
He frowned. “The only way you’re getting this truck is prying it from my fleshless, undead hands.” He put extra emphasis on ‘undead’. We shared a small laugh, but it didn’t last long. I heard someone arguing behind us, and the two of us turned to see Sebastian talking with some guy with messy black hair. In the midst of their talk, the man shoved Sebastian to the ground.
“Hey! Cut it out!” I yelled at him, but he didn’t stop shouting at Sebastian. James and I ran to the man, who was picking up Sebastian by the collar.
“Why the hell didn’t you help?! Santiago lost a leg because of you! How do you think he feels?!”
Sebastian was struggling to get words out. “I..I didn’t mean..”
“Or do you want to know how it feels to get a limb cut off? I have a sword, you know I do. I could just slice through your bone marrow. Make you feel his pain.”
“Usui! Stop this!” James tried to grab the man, but Usui had backed up, still holding Sebastian.
“Don’t you touch me, it’s his fault.”
1)Talk to Usui
2)Punch Usui
3)Threaten Usui
Late part, but voting ends tomorrow at 5 PM. That's right, three parts in a row for you all Happy voting!
Eddie Redfield
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it my… moreself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of th… [view original content]
Eddie Redfield
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it my… moreself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of th… [view original content]
Eddie Redfield
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it my… moreself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of th… [view original content]
Eddie Redfield
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it my… moreself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of th… [view original content]
Eddie Redfield
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it my… moreself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of th… [view original content]
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way to Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I should talk to him.” She stares at me.
“What do you mean? You’re his dad! It’s your job to take care of him now that..that…” She tears up for a second, but then wipes her eyes with her sleeve.
I sigh once more and rub my brow. “Look, I just think it’s for the best if it wasn’t me who consoled him this time. I’ve been gone too long, God knows how much I’ve hurt him with that.”
Nikki finishes wrapping up her forearm and rubs the bandages with her fingers. “..I’ll talk to him, then. I don’t mind. Dad, I have one question, though.”
“What is it?” I inquire.
“Could we leave Macon soon? It’s not safe here...not after what happened to mom.”
I nod. “We’ll take your mother’s car and travel from the side opposite where everyone else is going. They’ll be less traffic that way.” Nikki mumbles a barely audible ‘mhm’ before leaving the bathroom. I head into the living room and then to the kitchen. In the middle of the room lies a table, I open the drawer on the far left side. I stick my hand inside and pull out a pair of keys, one to the house and one to the car. So you still kept them there, after all this time…
Falcon Punch!
As far as today was concerned, I’ve had it with people like Usui and Quirk. As soon as James made Usui back up, I reeled back and threw my fist as hard as I could into his face. It collides with a loud thwacking sound. He loses his grip on Sebastian and he stumbles for awhile before backing up behind James. Usui spits some blood on the ground and turns to face me. His eyes looked cold and dark, as if they were empty pools of emotion. That glare made my blood go cold.
“So, that’s how you want to play it, huh? Fine then. I can play that way too!”
Before I could react, Usui sidesteps me and knocks me off my feet. I fall to the ground, but he wasn’t done yet. Just as I understand what just happened, he punches me right in the face.
It was dark and quiet. I tried to walk around, but I never made any progress. Suddenly, I could hear screams all around me. I turned, but everything was still dark as far as the eye could see. I picked up my pace, and the screams got louder. Soon enough, I started distinguishing them. They were the screams from the people at the bar that day, the three customers and the bartender. Then I heard a woman screaming...was that Elvira? Shino, perhaps? That wasn’t the only sound I heard, inside of the screams was a very faint panting sound, as if someone was out of breath or running. Then someone started chuckling…
The last thing I heard before everything went silent was the distinct, deafening shot of a gun.
Then darkness.
“Usui! Stop this!” I tried to grab him, but he stepped out of my grasp. His grip on Sebastian must’ve gotten tighter from that move...
Before I could try again, Miles jumped in and punched Usui square in the face. He let go of Sebastian and he walked behind me, out of breath. Usui spat out blood before turning to face Miles. His movements were almost lightning fast, he had Miles on the ground in an instant. He then repaid him for his attack by doing the same to him. Miles took the hit and didn’t get back up.
Usui rubbed his sore cheek and resumed his verbal assault. “Unless you want what he got, I suggest you back up, James.” Of course, I refused. “Fine, guess it’s your turn.” I braced myself for a punch, but I heard a voice in the distance.
“Usui! Stop it!” He seemed stunned, and everyone turned to see Shino slowly rolling down to our position. “I think it’s about time you and me had a talk. Alone.”
Usui unclenched his fist and dropped his arms. “Alright. I’ll talk.” The two of them walked into the forest together, and Sebastian started picking Miles up.
“Cmon, let’s get this guy on his feet. Hey, you ok?” He tried communicating to Miles, but he never responded.
“Usui must’ve knocked him out…” I help carry Miles to the truck, and we lay him in the back. I look in the truck for something to help, and spy a small box on the dash. I open it and smile. A small quantity of medical supplies. Just what we need. I take a bandage and some gauze pads, then leave the rest where it was before. Sebastian and I begin patching up Miles when he starts talking.
“James, about what happened back there…” Sebastian rubs his head and sighs.
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll work this out. There was one thing I was mulling over in my mind, however…” I take the gauze and start wiping up the blood on Miles’s face.
“What’s that?” He asks.
“Usui mentioned Santiago lost a leg, didn’t he?”
His eyes lit up. “He did! That..that means he might be alive! Alive, at the very least...”
“There’s one more thing...that makes our total count seven, if Usui and Shino still plan on traveling with us. And if they don’t, that’s five people. My truck can’t carry that many.”
He takes the bandage and places it over the bridge of Miles’s nose, covering a pretty bad bruise. “I think we might be in luck, actually.”
I turn to him. “How so?”
“Ever wonder how Usui managed to get here just as we did? If he walked, we’d still have a headstart on him. That means he must have a vehicle around here somewhere. We could use that.”
“That’s great thinking, Sebastian! Although I still wonder if he’d loan it to us after this.”
Sebastian lowers his head. “Yeah…”
1)”I’ll look for it.”
2)”Let’s go look for it.”
3)”You go look for it.”
4)”We’ll look for it later.”
It’s been awhile since our two groups mingled, the last time was when Greg saw Miles talking to the new guy, Jerry. It’s been maybe an hour after that event, and Jerry suddenly wanted to speak with Quirk. He wanted to know if Miles and his group could be pardoned, and obviously Quirk didn’t take too kindly to the notion. Quirk sent him back to guard duty, telling him he’s lucky he was being lenient. Both Greg and I waited for Quirk’s orders outside of the forest, where Quirk said he had something to do. He came back after awhile, and turned to me.
“Jonathan, we need to have a talk.” He sounded serious as always, and I stood up. Greg did the same.
“And what about me, exactly?”
Quirk pointed at the group that had gathered over by Miles. They were talking and shaking hands like the end of the world was over or something. “You’re my chief of security, so go make sure this evac point stays secure. I trust you to take care of it while we’re gone.”
And with that, the two of them headed into the forest. I kicked over a rock with my rifle. What a drag. And look at me with nothing but time on my hands. I twist my cap back and forth, eager for something, anything to happen. Well, this is boring as all hell. I looked over to the group of people chatting it up on the other side of the base, and then I glance over to Jerry, who is talking with that Sasha chick. I turn my head and stare into the forest.
I wonder...should I?
1)Spy on Quirk
2)Eavesdrop on Jerry
3)Watch Miles’s group
Took extra time to add on to this part, enjoy! Voting ends at 5 PM tomorrow, happy voting!
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way … moreto Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I… [view original content]
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way … moreto Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I… [view original content]
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way … moreto Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I… [view original content]
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way … moreto Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I… [view original content]
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way … moreto Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I… [view original content]
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way … moreto Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I… [view original content]
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Miles?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about to head back, I noticed something moving in the corner of my eye. I placed my hands on the window and tried to peer inside. What I saw gave me both happiness and chills. Santiago was lying in the back of the van, a bloody rag where his leg should’ve been. I raced to the back of the SUV and pulled with all my might. No good, it’s locked here, too… Oddly enough, the handle for the back was dented, as if someone tried to break into it...James was aware of my sudden movements, and questioned what I was doing.
“What do you think-” He was cut off by another voice who seemed to be aware of us, as well.
“Yes, what do you think you’re doing indeed?”
Actual work
I sighed. There’s no way I’d get off the hook with spying on either of them. Guess I outta do my job. I start my leisurely stroll by walking through the camp to make sure things are ok. I catch two glares from Jerry and Sasha as I walk, but I just shrug it off. Elvira waves to me, and I place my hand up in response. Thomas is next to her, and he merely ignores me. Hurt over not voting, I see. Your loss. I glance over to view three graves next to a stump, but then direct my full attention to the other group. Two people I’ve never seen before are talking next to Miles’s truck, and I quickly duck behind a tree. I peer out just in time to see them walk into the forest. “When the cat’s away…” I mutter to myself, as I walk up to the truck. I take notice of a small box on the dashboard, small but no doubt carrying some important cargo. Don’t mind if I do.. I pull on the handle, but the door remains shut. Locked. Figures. I walk around the truck and immediately notice something peculiar. Legs. Legs that belong to none other than Miles. The guy was all patched up and out of it, he’d be in no condition to stop me. I stick my hand into his pockets and pull out the knife he used to kill that ‘walker’ earlier. I smile and quickly shove it into my own pocket. Finders, keepers. You won’t be needing it out there, anyway. Taking pride in my theft, I leave the scene. Returning to the tree I hid prior, I prop up against it and wait for things to play out. Hopefully something interesting will happen soon…
I notice a shadow to my left, then look upwards. The smile returns once more to my face as I realize what’s about to happen.
“Looks like it’ll be interesting, after all.”
I wake up with a pounding headache. I grab my head and look around. I’m currently sitting in the bed of James’s truck, but no one is nearby to greet me. Where did everyone go…
“James? Shino? Sebastian?” I try calling out names, but no one answers. I pause before reluctantly calling out the next one. “...Usui?” Still no answer.
I glance to the sky to judge how much time was left. My heart sinks as I see the last glimmer of sunlight fade from the horizon. The moon was dominant now, and it meant our time was up.
“Time’s up, Miles.” That voice was the last thing I wanted to hear right now. Turning around to confirm my suspicions, it was indeed Quirk who was standing there. To make matters worse, that man from earlier was with him.
“Oh, hello Quirk. Other guy.” I said as distastefully as I could.
The man stumbles before placing his hand infront of me. “Oh, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Greg Colass, maintainer of security.” I roll my eyes before finally shaking his hand. He smiles almost devilishly as soon as he lets go.
Quirk then proceeds to needle me further. “I thought we both agreed you’d get out of my hair at sunset. Get gone.”
“Look, just let me gather my people and we’ll leave, alright?” I jump off of the truck and start for the woods.
“I don’t think you understand. You should already be gone. Or would you prefer we escort you out?”
Maybe he was provoking me on purpose, maybe not. Maybe he was just an asshole. No matter the intent of his persistantness, I needed to rebuttal.
1)Act determined
2)Act aggressive
3)Act sarcastic
The possible last voting segment of this chapter! I hope you vote wisely. Happy voting.
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Mil… morees?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about… [view original content]
Alec will go to the stone building.
Daria will run to the next building.
School: Good, cause you don't have homework.
School: You just have to study for the finals if you want to get good grades.
Let's was supposed to be a part, so we'll get tons over Memorial Break.
I hate finals. They suck. Good luck bruh.
There will be a part tomorrow and nothing will stop me.
Looks at school, which is now empty due to Summer
If you're still accepting character submissions heres mine:
Eddie Redfield
Appearance: Eye color? Hair color? What are they wearing?
Weapon of choice: Flaregun
Backstory:Used to work at a Mall in as a owner of a clothing shop named Men's Choice, wife(Clara Redfield) and kids (Tyler Redfield and Nikki Redfield) left him because he was considered dangerous, fired three days later from Men's Choice because he got caught in the CCTV stealing the register money, depressed started to sell drugs for money in alleys
Deceased: Clara Redfield(Bitten), Nikki Redfield(Bitten)
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story?
Yes i do.
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor?
Yes i do.
(EXTRA INFO: Image 1: Eddie, Image 2: Clara and Image 3: Undead Clara
You are added my good friend.
Due to events that are out of my control, I cannot make parts for a short time. This is why I've stopped posting temporarily. Good news, though! I should have Saturday or Sunday all to myself, so I can work on parts in peace and quiet.
I added some little information on who is already deceased and Eddie's wife
Make a break for it
I peered out from behind a corner and quickly sprinted across the street into the next house over. Taking a look around the room, I could see destroyed furniture and torn wallpaper, just like in the last house. Perhaps it had been raided recently? I did not care. The only thing on my mind was to get as far away from here as possible. There were two doorways, one that may lead to the back of the house and one that veered right. I made my way to the second door. Yeah, like I’m dumb enough to go the other way…
Stone building
“I’m gonna go check out that stone building over there.” I told Jake, who was carrying Clover’s body over to a nearby tree.
“Alright then. I’ll meet up with you after this.” Jake proceeded to take the medical supplies from Clover’s person and threw his right hand up as a sign of good luck. I turned around and took out my revolver. This mission was not going to fail, not after this. I approached the door and opened it. The moment I walked in, I heard the sound of someone running. It’s her. It has to be. It can only be her. I flung the door wide open and ran in the direction of the sounds. There was a door on my left and to my right. The one of the right wasn’t closed, but if she exited I wouldn’t have heard her footsteps. Left it is, then. This room was simply a long hallway and only had one direction to go. She cornered herself. I sped up, not caring about my injured arm hitting the wall. The only door that was open led to some kind of garage. The metal doors were still closed, which means she is somewhere in this room. I turned the lights on and slowly walked down the stairs. A large screeching noise penetrated my ears, and I turned to see the girl desperately trying to pry open the door with her hands, to no avail. I aimed the gun at her.
“Daria Tuma, I presume?”
The girl turns her head to face me. Her eyes showing the fear of cornered prey.
“How do you know my name?” She asks.
“Not many people wear hijabs, Daria. Many people know you in this neighborhood. Knew you, I guess the proper term would be.”
“Fine. What do you want with me?” She rubbed her left arm with a free hand.
“I’m just helping out a fellow survivor in this thing. People are dying left and right, after all.”
I knew he was lying. That’s not why he was here.
“I don’t think that’s the truth…” I said quietly.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
I pointed to his arm. “Not many people wear casts, Alec Devic.” His eyes lit up. “I know..I know where you’re from. And I won’t go back. Not after what happened..”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but you don’t have a choice in the matter. Neither of us do.” He slowly walked towards me, his gun never leaving my direction. I started backing up, but I found my back against the wall.
“S-Stay back! I’m warning you!” I tried to threaten. He kept advancing.
“Don’t delude yourself. If you come quietly I won’t have to knock you out.” He said in his normal voice.
“You wouldn’t!” I scanned the room from top to bottom, looking for SOMETHING that would help me.
“I would. You’re my meal ticket, after all. The condition doesn’t matter, as long as I deliver you back.”
That was the last straw. I make a break for it, trying to run between him and one of the cars. I felt something metallic hit the back of my head, and I hit the floor in a crumpled heap. Just before I lost consciousness, I heard his voice.
“I warned you.”
First part of the two that I'm going to be posting this weekend to celebrate the revival :P
Yay! its back!
Awesome chapter!
Eddie Redfield
I still couldn’t believe what was happening. People getting up and just chomping on each other? Who would? But I saw it myself. I was minding my own business in a dark alley when I heard a noise in the building next to me, a bar I think. When I peered in, this guy was chewing on a woman’s neck. More must’ve gotten in, because people started dropping like flies. I knew what I had to do ever since I saw that gruesome sight. I made a beeline for my house in an attempt to warn my family. Clara might not have trust me anymore, but I owed it to them. What I didn’t expect, however, was the door being torn from its hinges. Dried blood covered the wooden floor, and I wasted no time running into the livingroom.
“Clara! Clara, where are you?!” I screamed. No answer. “Nikki? Tyler!” I flipped over furniture and lamps in a frantic frenzy to find some sort of clue to where they were.
“Dad!” I heard someone scream from the back of the house. I couldn’t make it out, but I ran in the direction of the noise. “Dad! Help me!”
The door to Nikki’s room was locked shut. I backed up about four, maybe five feet and proceeded to fling my body at the door full force. After two hits, I fell with the door and quickly picked myself up. Nikki was being grabbed by another of those things, but I grabbed the creature by its shoulders and threw it to the floor. Nikki pulled her arms to her chest and started crying.
“Nikki, where’s Tyler?” I keep it pinned down as to not endanger the kids.
“He’s hiding in the closet!” She pointed to it, and I saw it slowly open up. Sure enough, Tyler popped out of it with little force.
“Good, good. What about your mother?” Nikki looked at Tyler then to me. She said nothing, only pointed at me.
“What? What’s that supposed to-” Suddenly, I lost my grip and was pushed to the ground. The monster’s eyes met with mine, and then I knew. That bloodied face growled and inched closer to mine.
“Clara?” I managed to squeak out. “Is that..” Before I could fathom what had happened to her, a blade penetrated her skull. She slumped over next to me with one final snarl. Her eyes were devoid of any life, much the opposite of how she had lived. I looked up to see Nikki panting and clutching her arm. Tyler had shut himself inside of the closet once more, and I could hear him sobbing.
“D-Dad..I’m sorry, I had to. Mom said that if another got in I could use it..” Nikki was tearing up.
I got up and placed my hand on her shoulder. “Shh, it’s ok. did the right thing.” I looked at her left arm. It was dripping blood. “What happened?” I asked.
She uncovered it to reveal teeth marks. “I..I think she might’ve bitten me. It really hurts.” Her face was twisted in pain.
“There should be some medical supplies in the bathroom. Do you think you can get there on your own?” She nodded and exited the room. I turned back to the closet Tyler had locked himself into. His mother had just died in front of him, his sister was hurt, and dear old dad had been gone for a long time.
1)Talk to Tyler
2)Check on Nikki
We were almost out of energy. We had been running ever since that run in with the walkers, taking no chance to stop anywhere on the way to the evac point. We had maybe three more miles to go, and if we booked it we’d be there just before sundown. Sebastian and I took turns carrying Daniel, who was exhausted from the trip. Just as we were about to stop, I heard voices in the distance. I took my hand and wiped my brow of sweat, then looked ahead. Two silhouettes were waving their arms in the air and shouting. One was waving both of his arms and jumping, while the other appeared to be sitting down and only waved one arm in a calm fashion. Sebastian and I stared at each other, and began our second wind. With each step we took, the people got louder, and I soon knew whose voice one belonged to. I began chuckling loudly and Sebastian was consoling Daniel about making it. Soon enough, we closed the distance and the five of us were standing face to face. Sebastian set Daniel down and he started examining his surroundings. The woman was smiling, and instead of sitting down as I initially thought, she was in a wheelchair. I turned to face the man standing next to her. He, too, was smiling. I placed my hand in front of him, my palm open. He took his and did the same.
“You did good, Miles.”
“I could say the same to you.”
We had begin introductions immediately after our reunion. James had apparently saved Sebastian and Daniel, who were the other people we saw in front of the building. I was proud to tell him that my rescue mission had gone just as well, and Shino had agreed. I told him about everything that had transpired, from us getting here a large amount of time before him, about the torture we witnessed, Jerry’s near death battle, my theory about the walkers, and our current situation we face with Quirk. Before we could go further into detail, Shino spoke up.
“I hate to interrupt, but what of my brother? He was with you, yes?” Sebastian had hung his head at this question, and Daniel didn’t look too happy, either.
“About that…” James rubbed his head. “While we DID get a vehicle, we lost it in this conflict with another group of walkers. We had told Santiago to stay put, but Daniel told us he left because he found fuel. Usui must’ve found him, and the two should be traveling here soon.”
“They had better get back before sunset, or we’ll have no choice but to leave.” I told him, my head shaking in disappointment.
“Wait, what? Why would we leave, Miles?” Sebastian had suddenly chimed in, turning his attention to me.
“Come on, Daniel. Let’s leave them be for now.” Shino had coaxed Daniel into leaving, and the two of them started walking to the camp.
“We have no choice. Quirk isn’t exactly the nicest guy in the world. Long story short, we had a disagreement and he lost his cool.”
“Why would you disagree with him? Why not-” James placed his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and shook his head. He stopped and sighed. “I’ll just..keep watch of this area.”
James walked over to me and started observing the truck. “You did a good job keeping her clean.” He took a rag from his pocket and began rubbing a blood stain. “For the most part, that is.”
“Oh, I nearly forgot this was yours. Seems like an eternity since I last saw you near 10 feet of this thing. I got pretty close to it.”
He frowned. “The only way you’re getting this truck is prying it from my fleshless, undead hands.” He put extra emphasis on ‘undead’. We shared a small laugh, but it didn’t last long. I heard someone arguing behind us, and the two of us turned to see Sebastian talking with some guy with messy black hair. In the midst of their talk, the man shoved Sebastian to the ground.
“Hey! Cut it out!” I yelled at him, but he didn’t stop shouting at Sebastian. James and I ran to the man, who was picking up Sebastian by the collar.
“Why the hell didn’t you help?! Santiago lost a leg because of you! How do you think he feels?!”
Sebastian was struggling to get words out. “I..I didn’t mean..”
“Or do you want to know how it feels to get a limb cut off? I have a sword, you know I do. I could just slice through your bone marrow. Make you feel his pain.”
“Usui! Stop this!” James tried to grab the man, but Usui had backed up, still holding Sebastian.
“Don’t you touch me, it’s his fault.”
1)Talk to Usui
2)Punch Usui
3)Threaten Usui
Late part, but voting ends tomorrow at 5 PM. That's right, three parts in a row for you all
Happy voting!
2)Check on Nikki
2)Punch Usui
2)Check on Nikki
2)Punch Usui
Check on Nikki
Punch Usui
2)Talk to Tyler
2)Punch Usui
Eddie will check on Nikki.
Miles will punch Usui.
Damn it. To late to vote. Great part none the less.
I've been out of the house for the last five hours, I apologize for today's missing part.
I'll have somewhere to be tomorrow, but I'll try to get up early to write.
Check on Nikki
I sigh and turn away from the closet. I didn’t deserve to even talk to Tyler right now. I decided to make my way to Nikki and make sure that bite of hers was taken care of. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Clara’s body. The knife was still in her head. I knelt down and somehow managed to muster the strength to pull it out, then I picked up Nikki’s bed sheets and covered her in them. Tyler doesn’t need to see any more… I place the knife on the dresser next to the door and exit. When I get near the door to the bathroom, I start to her murmuring.
“Damn..this bite sucks. Freaking peroxide…” It was Nikki’s voice. She must be disinfecting it. I grab the edge of the doorway and lean into the room.
“You ok in here, Nikki?”
“Yeah, this peroxide just really stings when you put it on teeth marks. How’s Tyler?” She begins wrapping her wound as she asks.
“I..left him alone for awhile. I don’t think I should talk to him.” She stares at me.
“What do you mean? You’re his dad! It’s your job to take care of him now that..that…” She tears up for a second, but then wipes her eyes with her sleeve.
I sigh once more and rub my brow. “Look, I just think it’s for the best if it wasn’t me who consoled him this time. I’ve been gone too long, God knows how much I’ve hurt him with that.”
Nikki finishes wrapping up her forearm and rubs the bandages with her fingers. “..I’ll talk to him, then. I don’t mind. Dad, I have one question, though.”
“What is it?” I inquire.
“Could we leave Macon soon? It’s not safe here...not after what happened to mom.”
I nod. “We’ll take your mother’s car and travel from the side opposite where everyone else is going. They’ll be less traffic that way.” Nikki mumbles a barely audible ‘mhm’ before leaving the bathroom. I head into the living room and then to the kitchen. In the middle of the room lies a table, I open the drawer on the far left side. I stick my hand inside and pull out a pair of keys, one to the house and one to the car. So you still kept them there, after all this time…
Falcon Punch!
As far as today was concerned, I’ve had it with people like Usui and Quirk. As soon as James made Usui back up, I reeled back and threw my fist as hard as I could into his face. It collides with a loud thwacking sound. He loses his grip on Sebastian and he stumbles for awhile before backing up behind James. Usui spits some blood on the ground and turns to face me. His eyes looked cold and dark, as if they were empty pools of emotion. That glare made my blood go cold.
“So, that’s how you want to play it, huh? Fine then. I can play that way too!”
Before I could react, Usui sidesteps me and knocks me off my feet. I fall to the ground, but he wasn’t done yet. Just as I understand what just happened, he punches me right in the face.
It was dark and quiet. I tried to walk around, but I never made any progress. Suddenly, I could hear screams all around me. I turned, but everything was still dark as far as the eye could see. I picked up my pace, and the screams got louder. Soon enough, I started distinguishing them. They were the screams from the people at the bar that day, the three customers and the bartender. Then I heard a woman screaming...was that Elvira? Shino, perhaps? That wasn’t the only sound I heard, inside of the screams was a very faint panting sound, as if someone was out of breath or running. Then someone started chuckling…
The last thing I heard before everything went silent was the distinct, deafening shot of a gun.
Then darkness.
“Usui! Stop this!” I tried to grab him, but he stepped out of my grasp. His grip on Sebastian must’ve gotten tighter from that move...
Before I could try again, Miles jumped in and punched Usui square in the face. He let go of Sebastian and he walked behind me, out of breath. Usui spat out blood before turning to face Miles. His movements were almost lightning fast, he had Miles on the ground in an instant. He then repaid him for his attack by doing the same to him. Miles took the hit and didn’t get back up.
Usui rubbed his sore cheek and resumed his verbal assault. “Unless you want what he got, I suggest you back up, James.” Of course, I refused. “Fine, guess it’s your turn.” I braced myself for a punch, but I heard a voice in the distance.
“Usui! Stop it!” He seemed stunned, and everyone turned to see Shino slowly rolling down to our position. “I think it’s about time you and me had a talk. Alone.”
Usui unclenched his fist and dropped his arms. “Alright. I’ll talk.” The two of them walked into the forest together, and Sebastian started picking Miles up.
“Cmon, let’s get this guy on his feet. Hey, you ok?” He tried communicating to Miles, but he never responded.
“Usui must’ve knocked him out…” I help carry Miles to the truck, and we lay him in the back. I look in the truck for something to help, and spy a small box on the dash. I open it and smile. A small quantity of medical supplies. Just what we need. I take a bandage and some gauze pads, then leave the rest where it was before. Sebastian and I begin patching up Miles when he starts talking.
“James, about what happened back there…” Sebastian rubs his head and sighs.
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll work this out. There was one thing I was mulling over in my mind, however…” I take the gauze and start wiping up the blood on Miles’s face.
“What’s that?” He asks.
“Usui mentioned Santiago lost a leg, didn’t he?”
His eyes lit up. “He did! That..that means he might be alive! Alive, at the very least...”
“There’s one more thing...that makes our total count seven, if Usui and Shino still plan on traveling with us. And if they don’t, that’s five people. My truck can’t carry that many.”
He takes the bandage and places it over the bridge of Miles’s nose, covering a pretty bad bruise. “I think we might be in luck, actually.”
I turn to him. “How so?”
“Ever wonder how Usui managed to get here just as we did? If he walked, we’d still have a headstart on him. That means he must have a vehicle around here somewhere. We could use that.”
“That’s great thinking, Sebastian! Although I still wonder if he’d loan it to us after this.”
Sebastian lowers his head. “Yeah…”
1)”I’ll look for it.”
2)”Let’s go look for it.”
3)”You go look for it.”
4)”We’ll look for it later.”
It’s been awhile since our two groups mingled, the last time was when Greg saw Miles talking to the new guy, Jerry. It’s been maybe an hour after that event, and Jerry suddenly wanted to speak with Quirk. He wanted to know if Miles and his group could be pardoned, and obviously Quirk didn’t take too kindly to the notion. Quirk sent him back to guard duty, telling him he’s lucky he was being lenient. Both Greg and I waited for Quirk’s orders outside of the forest, where Quirk said he had something to do. He came back after awhile, and turned to me.
“Jonathan, we need to have a talk.” He sounded serious as always, and I stood up. Greg did the same.
“And what about me, exactly?”
Quirk pointed at the group that had gathered over by Miles. They were talking and shaking hands like the end of the world was over or something. “You’re my chief of security, so go make sure this evac point stays secure. I trust you to take care of it while we’re gone.”
And with that, the two of them headed into the forest. I kicked over a rock with my rifle. What a drag. And look at me with nothing but time on my hands. I twist my cap back and forth, eager for something, anything to happen. Well, this is boring as all hell. I looked over to the group of people chatting it up on the other side of the base, and then I glance over to Jerry, who is talking with that Sasha chick. I turn my head and stare into the forest.
I wonder...should I?
1)Spy on Quirk
2)Eavesdrop on Jerry
3)Watch Miles’s group
Took extra time to add on to this part, enjoy! Voting ends at 5 PM tomorrow, happy voting!
) ”I’ll look for it.”
3)Watch Miles’s group3)Watch Miles’s group
1)”I’ll look for it.”
3)Watch Miles’s group
2)”Let’s go look for it.”
Strength in numbers.
1)Spy on Quirk
2)”Let’s go look for it.”
3)Watch Miles’s group
"Let’s go look for it.”
Spy on Quirk
It lives!
Welcome back, Alex!
I am ready to kick some ass, I mean read some more.
James and Sebastian will look for Usui's SUV.
Greg will actually do his job.
Overshot voting juuust a little bit, but you can still expect a part today!
Investigate now
“Let’s go look for it.” I said after thinking it over.
Sebastian looks up at me for a moment. “What about Miles?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, we’ve done all we can. All that’s left is for him to sleep it off.” I begin making my way over to the forest. “Let’s go.”
I was reluctant at first, but ultimately decided to follow James. If we found that vehicle Usui should have, it’d be helpful in our trip to..wherever we were heading. After all, it certainly seemed like we weren’t staying here. Eventually we stopped to take a breather when I tried to rest my arm on a tree branch. My elbow slid and made a pretty horrifying scraping sound. I turned around and brushed off a bunch of leaves and foliage off of the surface, revealing the very thing we set out to find. James patted me on the back and we began our inspection. We tried opening the doors, but all were locked tight. Just when we were about to head back, I noticed something moving in the corner of my eye. I placed my hands on the window and tried to peer inside. What I saw gave me both happiness and chills. Santiago was lying in the back of the van, a bloody rag where his leg should’ve been. I raced to the back of the SUV and pulled with all my might. No good, it’s locked here, too… Oddly enough, the handle for the back was dented, as if someone tried to break into it...James was aware of my sudden movements, and questioned what I was doing.
“What do you think-” He was cut off by another voice who seemed to be aware of us, as well.
“Yes, what do you think you’re doing indeed?”
Actual work
I sighed. There’s no way I’d get off the hook with spying on either of them. Guess I outta do my job. I start my leisurely stroll by walking through the camp to make sure things are ok. I catch two glares from Jerry and Sasha as I walk, but I just shrug it off. Elvira waves to me, and I place my hand up in response. Thomas is next to her, and he merely ignores me. Hurt over not voting, I see. Your loss. I glance over to view three graves next to a stump, but then direct my full attention to the other group. Two people I’ve never seen before are talking next to Miles’s truck, and I quickly duck behind a tree. I peer out just in time to see them walk into the forest. “When the cat’s away…” I mutter to myself, as I walk up to the truck. I take notice of a small box on the dashboard, small but no doubt carrying some important cargo. Don’t mind if I do.. I pull on the handle, but the door remains shut. Locked. Figures. I walk around the truck and immediately notice something peculiar. Legs. Legs that belong to none other than Miles. The guy was all patched up and out of it, he’d be in no condition to stop me. I stick my hand into his pockets and pull out the knife he used to kill that ‘walker’ earlier. I smile and quickly shove it into my own pocket. Finders, keepers. You won’t be needing it out there, anyway. Taking pride in my theft, I leave the scene. Returning to the tree I hid prior, I prop up against it and wait for things to play out. Hopefully something interesting will happen soon…
I notice a shadow to my left, then look upwards. The smile returns once more to my face as I realize what’s about to happen.
“Looks like it’ll be interesting, after all.”
I wake up with a pounding headache. I grab my head and look around. I’m currently sitting in the bed of James’s truck, but no one is nearby to greet me. Where did everyone go…
“James? Shino? Sebastian?” I try calling out names, but no one answers. I pause before reluctantly calling out the next one. “...Usui?” Still no answer.
I glance to the sky to judge how much time was left. My heart sinks as I see the last glimmer of sunlight fade from the horizon. The moon was dominant now, and it meant our time was up.
“Time’s up, Miles.” That voice was the last thing I wanted to hear right now. Turning around to confirm my suspicions, it was indeed Quirk who was standing there. To make matters worse, that man from earlier was with him.
“Oh, hello Quirk. Other guy.” I said as distastefully as I could.
The man stumbles before placing his hand infront of me. “Oh, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Greg Colass, maintainer of security.” I roll my eyes before finally shaking his hand. He smiles almost devilishly as soon as he lets go.
Quirk then proceeds to needle me further. “I thought we both agreed you’d get out of my hair at sunset. Get gone.”
“Look, just let me gather my people and we’ll leave, alright?” I jump off of the truck and start for the woods.
“I don’t think you understand. You should already be gone. Or would you prefer we escort you out?”
Maybe he was provoking me on purpose, maybe not. Maybe he was just an asshole. No matter the intent of his persistantness, I needed to rebuttal.
1)Act determined
2)Act aggressive
3)Act sarcastic
The possible last voting segment of this chapter! I hope you vote wisely. Happy voting.
3( Act sarcastic
50 percent of the time, it works every time. Great part!
Act determined
Act aggressive
3)Act sarcastic
3)Act sarcastic
3)Act sarcastic
Voting will be extended a day due to time constraints.
Next part will also be tomorrow.