what will mc story mode have

i think it will be animated (not cartoon but you can see there shoulders and knees and more) tell me what you think!



  • Just like any other Telltale Game.

  • hmm yeah but probs not violence

    Just like any other Telltale Game.

  • The same amount of violence the Minecraft game has.

    marioace40 posted: »

    hmm yeah but probs not violence

  • Never get between Rick and his stuff and thangs.

    Alt text

  • lol cant wait for tell tales season 3 walking dead (they better catch up beacuse the real one on tv is season 5)

  • minecraft does not have much violence yeah sure people say you go round slaughtering animals and cooking them but that is not the point. minecraft is where you can do anything (exept play on ps4) you can make a mansion or what you like best,it is not going around splatering blood of your enimies,minecraft does not have blood so,who says i slaughtered a pig yesterday on minecraft and blood went flying (ask them if they have a mod) if they do not have a mod give them a big round-house kick on anywhere you like on them

    The same amount of violence the Minecraft game has.

  • edited March 2015

    if they make a sly cooper series i would be like dude wtf

  • No one ever said it was, no one ever said this was going to be.

    marioace40 posted: »

    minecraft does not have much violence yeah sure people say you go round slaughtering animals and cooking them but that is not the point. min

  • really i would rather make it be a first person shooter than blood 360 noscope i kill those bi***s

    No one ever said it was, no one ever said this was going to be.

  • Um...What?

    marioace40 posted: »

    really i would rather make it be a first person shooter than blood 360 noscope i kill those bi***s

  • yu know first person shooter (you know my name black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow )


  • Telltale games aren't FPS.

    marioace40 posted: »

    yu know first person shooter (you know my name black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow )

  • No.

    marioace40 posted: »

    yeah but that would be cool the walking dead season 3 (i would like to see trolling lool)

  • yeah but that would be cool the walking dead season 3 (i would like to see trolling lool)

    Telltale games aren't FPS.

  • This is Telltale...That means point and click and NOT FPS.

    marioace40 posted: »

    you sir go watch some gameplay of sniper elite and you will see how awsome it is (i thought minecraft story mode would would not make sense beacuse you can do anything in minecraft)

  • you sir go watch some gameplay of sniper elite and you will see how awsome it is (i thought minecraft story mode would would not make sense beacuse you can do anything in minecraft)



    This is Telltale...That means point and click and NOT FPS.

  • A good amount.

    marioace40 posted: »


  • a good amount means there will be a goldenpaladin in the grave yard

    A good amount.

  • No, not really.

    marioace40 posted: »

    a good amount means there will be a goldenpaladin in the grave yard

  • then which way would you like to die?

    No, not really.

  • How about not dying.

    I think I'm done with this conversation.

    marioace40 posted: »

    then which way would you like to die?

  • did you just kill yourself goldenpaladin?

    marioace40 posted: »

    then which way would you like to die?

  • then goldenpaladin what do you expect

    marioace40 posted: »

    did you just kill yourself goldenpaladin?

  • do not get between my stuff n thangs other wise no cookies for you (ricks beard is so big in season 5 you can shove a bazooka up there)

    Never get between Rick and his stuff and thangs.

  • Lol, I love this conversation so much.

    marioace40 posted: »

    then goldenpaladin what do you expect

  • I'd almost guarantee it has animal and tree abuse...

  • Alt text

    How about not dying. I think I'm done with this conversation.

  • The telltale walking dead games are based on the walking dead comics...

    marioace40 posted: »

    lol cant wait for tell tales season 3 walking dead (they better catch up beacuse the real one on tv is season 5)

  • The 12 year olds have invaded the forum

    Alt text

  • thank you

    i would make good on eastenders

    Healoz posted: »

    Lol, I love this conversation so much.

  • i never read the comics, it was at season 2 and i could not find the remote so i watched it and i liked it so i started from season 1 episode 1 so yeah

    The telltale walking dead games are based on the walking dead comics...

  • O-o dafuq?
    i have you know i am not 12

    The 12 year olds have invaded the forum

  • u sir iz awsomely correct

    prink34320 posted: »

    I'd almost guarantee it has animal and tree abuse...

  • Comments like these are what drive new fans of the game away from the forums, I know since I've been joining allot of forums lately and came back to this one since it's literally the safest forum for me...

    The 12 year olds have invaded the forum

  • oh ok

    prink34320 posted: »

    Comments like these are what drive new fans of the game away from the forums, I know since I've been joining allot of forums lately and came back to this one since it's literally the safest forum for me...

  • the walking dead tell tale games is coming out soon someone is gonna die i know it :(

  • thums up if you like ps4 more than xbox one

  • or thums up if you like xbox one more than ps4 (i doz not like da xbox one the only good fing iz windos ate) i take like i just had drugs for god sake

    marioace40 posted: »

    thums up if you like ps4 more than xbox one

This discussion has been closed.