Will we ever see The Hound again?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I know the last time we saw him he got stabbed by Brienne (put Arya but accident Dx) but he could still come back. I hate unknown statuses


  • Not entirely impossible. If you want to know a (book) theory about the Hound's status google "Gravedigger theory" or "Cleganebowl".

    Btw, Arya didn't stab him, she just took his money and left him there to suffer.

  • edited March 2015

    Arya never stabbed him, she took his money and left. And there are some book theories he is alive but I don't think they will bring him back in the show (or even the books for that matter).

  • edited March 2015


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  • In the show/game world, probably not. But i belive that we have seen Sandor Clegane (not the Hound anymore), via the Elder brother at the Quiet Isle in the books. The new arrival at the QI is the 'gravedigger', whom Breinne and company kind of notice while getting a tour of the island. Sandor's horse Stranger is there, and we have from Sandor (earlier to Arya) and the Brothers themselves, that Stranger will not allow anyone else to handle him.

    So, if the gravedigger is not Sandor Clegane.....how did the Brothers get Stranger there on that 'path of faith' you have to walk to get there?

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