Well since I'm a terrible person, I won't even ask you to forgive me for this delay xD but in my defense, I had a religious memorial which I… more needed to attended and it just finished. So here's the next part, looking forward for your feedback!
Bob "Bobby" Parkers 22nd September 11:25 PM
What a long day, this is the biggest amount of paper work I have done in years. You know, being in Law Enforcement has its share of advantages, such as not worrying about the bills. But I really can't stand doing all of this damn papers! I'm writing stories constantly about each case, file, and deliver them to the Captain. Everyone in the force has to do this as well, and I have no clue why each one of us has to do the same thing, In the end, all of our reports will match.
Sitting in the office, alone, with the shitty paper in front of me, what a fucking waste this is. I need to finish this though to get some sleep, I know this has a long way before e… [view original content]
Well since I'm a terrible person, I won't even ask you to forgive me for this delay xD but in my defense, I had a religious memorial which I… more needed to attended and it just finished. So here's the next part, looking forward for your feedback!
Bob "Bobby" Parkers 22nd September 11:25 PM
What a long day, this is the biggest amount of paper work I have done in years. You know, being in Law Enforcement has its share of advantages, such as not worrying about the bills. But I really can't stand doing all of this damn papers! I'm writing stories constantly about each case, file, and deliver them to the Captain. Everyone in the force has to do this as well, and I have no clue why each one of us has to do the same thing, In the end, all of our reports will match.
Sitting in the office, alone, with the shitty paper in front of me, what a fucking waste this is. I need to finish this though to get some sleep, I know this has a long way before e… [view original content]
Well since I'm a terrible person, I won't even ask you to forgive me for this delay xD but in my defense, I had a religious memorial which I… more needed to attended and it just finished. So here's the next part, looking forward for your feedback!
Bob "Bobby" Parkers 22nd September 11:25 PM
What a long day, this is the biggest amount of paper work I have done in years. You know, being in Law Enforcement has its share of advantages, such as not worrying about the bills. But I really can't stand doing all of this damn papers! I'm writing stories constantly about each case, file, and deliver them to the Captain. Everyone in the force has to do this as well, and I have no clue why each one of us has to do the same thing, In the end, all of our reports will match.
Sitting in the office, alone, with the shitty paper in front of me, what a fucking waste this is. I need to finish this though to get some sleep, I know this has a long way before e… [view original content]
[Patrol the Red Velvet Lounge]
Thanks for reminding to vote! I procrastinate on reading stories too often and they usually get buried in my feed if I'm not careful.
Bobby and Sebestian will patrol the Red Velvet Lounge for the remainder of the night
I must say though, it was a very close vote between the lounge and the high school. I thought there was going to be a tie. Anyway, I'm happy to announce that the next part will close off the first chapter in the story. I will get to working on that and hopefully finish it by the end of tonight. By the way, you guys have influenced the next part
Bobby and Sebestian will patrol the Red Velvet Lounge for the remainder of the night
I must say though, it was a very close vote between … morethe lounge and the high school. I thought there was going to be a tie. Anyway, I'm happy to announce that the next part will close off the first chapter in the story. I will get to working on that and hopefully finish it by the end of tonight. By the way, you guys have influenced the next part
Seriously? Like, a murder takes place and school isn't cancelled? Everyone seems shaken up, the teachers and students even the principle. During the assembly he gave a speech of how lovely Maria Lawrence was and how we will miss her. I looked up to her as a model, how can something like this happen? And what about my brother? I know I'm at fault for not going down there and see him, but I was scared after the news and I called Emily and Jenny over to my place to relax. And when he came back, it's as if nothing has happened! Yeah, I can tell he is hurt by the loss, and he is probably unemployed because of it, but when he just walked in and said it's going to be okay, that just freaked me out!
We are kept inside the classrooms, no fooling around in the playground or at the gym. Emily and Jenny asked the boys to sit along with us for safety, they are just chatting so casually. "Come on man, how can you even gut someone?" Justin asks the crew. "I don't know, I guess you take a knife, stab deeply, and move the knife across the stomach-" Finn tries to answer lightly but Emily interrupts him, "No one wants to hear the answer to that!" She says as she slaps him on the shoulder. "I do!" Finn raises his hand and he gets slapped as well.
I try to change this disgusting talk as best as I can, "Can you guys just stop? Someone died and you're making fun of it." I snap at the guys, they give a regretting remark. Jake however seemed awfully worried. "I just wonder how will this affect the party, I mean I can't just pussy out and call it off." Jake shakes his head, Jenny is a party animal and seemed disappointed by this. "Look Jake, no one even cares, I mean it was a pretty old hag that got killed, that doesn't correlate us. I mean, can the killer even try to kill all of us at once? I don't think so." Jenny finished as she grabbed everyone's attention at the table. Before anyone can say anything, a red haired figure approaches us.
"She is right." The new kid at the school, his name is Noah Foster, says when he gets to our table. Finn seemed upset, "How do you know that, geek?" Well, it's true, Noah is a genius but it's not a bad thing in my book. Everyone turned in the classroom seemed curious to what Noah has to say, mainly because Finn just yelled at the poor kid. "Well, for starters you know the killer is human, this guy isn't some terminator that can just shoot his way through 30 police officers and a police station and get away with it, he is a lone wolf. Waiting for us lambs to go astray from the pack so he can pick us off one by one." Noah tried to make this sound scary, but people just laughed at what he said. I widely disagree with them.
"Why are you people laughing? He is right you know, we can be killed at any time!" I yell out but try to keep a level head. Noah gave me a smile, "Thanks ,Cecil. The key to survival here to simple, you just don't wander off alone. Stick together and be alert wherever you go, and you should be fine." People are now having second thoughts on what Noah just said, and honestly they should believe him. He is giving us tips on how to avoid the killer. "What we need to do is to stay focused and grouped, then nothing can stop us."
As soon as Noah finished, the teacher, Ms. Carrien entered the classroom. She seemed disturbed as she was holding her biology books. Most of the boys smiled as she placed her books on the table, which she had to lean in order to do so, but accidently show her cleavage in the process. Disgusting pigs. The teacher didn't seem to notice this, "Alright class, I do know that we are all worried about our well being after yesterday's murder, but let us just try to get this session done with so we can all go back home, okay? So please open chapter 3 in your text books and take out your-" Ms. Carrien explains but I just zone out a little. I mean, a killer is on the loose! School isn't cancelled or anything, but it's going on like nothing really happened. But allas, I must get this over with like Ms. Carrien said so I can feel the safety and comfort of my own home. I take out my books and pen and pay close attention to what the teacher is saying. The girls seemed in agreement with me as they took their stuff as well. The boys, well not so much.
A whole 2 hours pass before the bell rings, it's time to head home finally. "Alright class, take care and I hope to see you tomorrow." Ms. Carrien packed her bag quickly and she was the first to leave. I packed my stuff with the crew as well and headed outside of the classroom. Jenny and Emily stood next to me at the playground, watching all the seniors walk away from the school. Finn offered to take us all home, but we all refused as we clearly did not trust him. Finn left with Justin in their car, god knows where they are headed. Two middle-aged people came to pick up Jake, probably his parents. Wonder if they are re considering leaving the town or not.
"Well, are you guys heading over to my place tonight?" Emily asks curiously. "After what happened?" Jenny snaps. "What? You heard Noah, we need to stick together you guys!" Emily remarks, I quickly respond so I can just leave already. "Yeah we are seeing what you're trying to do Emily, that is not going to work." Emily smiles as I said this, "Besides, even if I want to, I need to be with my brother. He needs me." I avoid looking into her gorgeous eyes. Emily doesn't have any siblings and she feels lonely with her parents. Jenny however, has 2 younger sisters alongside her family. I hope they all get along, because I was stripped of having a happy family when I was little.
Soon later, we hang at the yard together until Emily and Jenny leave off with their parents, leaving me alone. I'm still waiting for my brother to come and pick me up, I even tried calling him with my crappy phone. He is not picking up, and there is no way am I going to walk in these isolated streets to home. I called up my brother about 4 times and there is no answer from him, where could he be? . I gently cry as I feel alone and scared, forgotten and I'm looked at the wrong way at school. I'm a nice person I swear, not some mean bitch who likes bullying people.
As I try and call him for the fifth time, the phone rings before I dial his number. "Samuel, I swear to god if you are not close to my school you're going to-" I yell at my phone, still tears in my eyes but I get interrupted by a cold voice. "Hello, Cecil." I feel confused as I reply, "Umm who is this?" I reply, something is not right here. " A friend." The cold voice replies. I had no idea who this is, and it better not be a prank. "I'm sorry I don't recognize-" I try to speak out as I wipe the tears off my face, but I get interrupted again. "Why are you crying?" The cold voice said. My heart skipped a beat as I look around, I turn left and right and see no one in sight, "What?" I respond quietly. The voice sounds disappointed, "I hate to see you so sad." My heart skipped another beat as he finished, I take a look at the school building, can he be watching me from there?. "Are you watching me?" I ask the mysterious man. "It's what you want right? To be seen in such a good image with a perfect smile and a perfect life. But I know the truth, Cecil." The cold voice replies in a dark tone, I'm starting to get chills down my spine. "Who the hell is this?" I ask yet another question, the voice seemed dissatisfied, "I'm the one who is going to flip the mask!" As soon as he finishes, he hangs up the phone. This gets me further worried, the cold breeze are still brushing against me. My heart pounds greater and faster than ever before, my legs feel numb and stiff, its feels like I can't move from the fear inside me. I quickly gather the courage, pinch my hand, and make a run for it in the dark, empty streets.
To Be Continued
Please answer the following questions if you have the time, this is to give me feedback on the overall progress of the story.
What did you generally think and feel about the first chapter?
Do you think the story's pacing is too quick or too slow to your liking?
Have any clues or leads relating to the killer's identity or next victim?
What are your likes and dislikes about the first chapter?
Favorite and Least-Liked Characters?
Any advice or tips about improving the story?
Thank you all for the read! Its been quite a journey here, I would like to thank everyone for their patience to see the finale of the first chapter. I have the second chapter planned out and everything, all that is left is to start working on it! You will never see it coming...
Cecil Gahmi 23rd September 1:31 PM
Seriously? Like, a murder takes place and school isn't cancelled? Everyone seems shaken up, the teache… morers and students even the principle. During the assembly he gave a speech of how lovely Maria Lawrence was and how we will miss her. I looked up to her as a model, how can something like this happen? And what about my brother? I know I'm at fault for not going down there and see him, but I was scared after the news and I called Emily and Jenny over to my place to relax. And when he came back, it's as if nothing has happened! Yeah, I can tell he is hurt by the loss, and he is probably unemployed because of it, but when he just walked in and said it's going to be okay, that just freaked me out!
We are kept inside the classrooms, no fooling around in the playground or at the gym. Emily and Jenny asked the boys to sit along with us for safety, they are just chatting so casually. "Come on man, how can you even… [view original content]
What did you generally think and feel about the first chapter?
I loved it. Your writing was great so far and I liked how you introduced the characters. It's been a great start and I'm looking forward for the future chapters!
Do you think the story's pacing is too quick or too slow to your liking?
Absolutely not. I think the pacing is fine the way it is.
Have any clues or leads relating to the killer's identity or next victim?
So far I have just very vague assumptions, but the killer seems to have access to Samuel's phone. I don't think it's him though, but it could be taken by someone who had access to it while he was interrogated. However, I have no idea who it could be in specific.
What are your likes and dislikes about the first chapter?
I don't really have specific dislikes. I'm always bad at naming things I don't like. But I liked many things, especially your writing in general, which is awesome. Another thing I liked a lot is the way you wrote the characters, where you gave all of them a good characterization.
Favorite and Least-Liked Characters?
I'm not sure about my least favourite character, since I am always bad with this particular question. But my favourites are probably Samuel (Gahmi) and Cecil
Any advice or tips about improving the story?
Continue the way you do so far. This is a great story and I like your writing a lot, so there is no particular field where I'd see any need for improvement.
Cecil Gahmi 23rd September 1:31 PM
Seriously? Like, a murder takes place and school isn't cancelled? Everyone seems shaken up, the teache… morers and students even the principle. During the assembly he gave a speech of how lovely Maria Lawrence was and how we will miss her. I looked up to her as a model, how can something like this happen? And what about my brother? I know I'm at fault for not going down there and see him, but I was scared after the news and I called Emily and Jenny over to my place to relax. And when he came back, it's as if nothing has happened! Yeah, I can tell he is hurt by the loss, and he is probably unemployed because of it, but when he just walked in and said it's going to be okay, that just freaked me out!
We are kept inside the classrooms, no fooling around in the playground or at the gym. Emily and Jenny asked the boys to sit along with us for safety, they are just chatting so casually. "Come on man, how can you even… [view original content]
Cecil Gahmi 23rd September 1:31 PM
Seriously? Like, a murder takes place and school isn't cancelled? Everyone seems shaken up, the teache… morers and students even the principle. During the assembly he gave a speech of how lovely Maria Lawrence was and how we will miss her. I looked up to her as a model, how can something like this happen? And what about my brother? I know I'm at fault for not going down there and see him, but I was scared after the news and I called Emily and Jenny over to my place to relax. And when he came back, it's as if nothing has happened! Yeah, I can tell he is hurt by the loss, and he is probably unemployed because of it, but when he just walked in and said it's going to be okay, that just freaked me out!
We are kept inside the classrooms, no fooling around in the playground or at the gym. Emily and Jenny asked the boys to sit along with us for safety, they are just chatting so casually. "Come on man, how can you even… [view original content]
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if you guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
but I wonder if you guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if … moreyou guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if … moreyou guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
Is very interesting how the forum is a nutshell! keep unfollow your story, THIS IS CRAZY. You should give us what's coming next only if you think is the best course of action.
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if … moreyou guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if … moreyou guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if … moreyou guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
If Sebestian and Anton Investigated Maria's corpse, they would have met a doctor and hence introducing a new character. The new character would say features about the killer, which may or may not be important later on.
If Sebestian and Anton interrogated Dana and her friends, they would have been introduced to her and another character, they would say that they were having a sleepover and would have created a strong alibi for some characters. Sad to see you guys avoided Dana this chapter.
If Samuel Kutcher declined the case and continued to chase the Phantom Thief, it would have impacted the story heavily. This would have put The Phantom Thief in a greater risk of getting caught, thus making him more desperate on seeking allies. When he eventually contacts Lee and his crew, it would have been more clear that he is losing his nerves.
If Cecil declined to go to Jake's party, the entire school would be unimpressed by her, perhaps even ruining her reputation for attending the most parties. Well, depending on the next choices of the next part, you may look at this choice as a bad thing.
If Samuel Kutcher put the Phantom Thief as the Prime Suspect, the entire police station, along with the genius Samuel, would turn their attention to The Phantom Thief, even increasing the chances of him getting arrested and imprisoned. It would force him to seek more allies as well. This would greatly please Captain Felix, because if he catches The Phantom Thief, along with his gang, he would assume he caught the killer as well and he would kill two birds with one stone for the media
If Samuel Kutcher put the Phantom Thief as an Innocent,it would have proven very good for the Phantom Thief, because then he would continue his robberies and eventually won't seek help or alliances from anyone. He would get more cocky and try even massive robberies later on.
If Lee 'The Rat' Shun declined the alliance, it would have been good for him and his gang, but bad for The Phantom Thief. This has a major impact on the story, as they would continue their crimes ordinarily, without the disturbance or interference from The Phantom Thief.
If Samuel Kutcher was threatening towards Samuel Gahmi, he would have still got the information he needed, but he would have done it more professionally. Gahmi, however, wouldn't be as kind as he was towards Kutcher like the last part. Bobby would come into the room and take away Gahmi to MacAffee
If Samuel Kutcher was aggressive towards Samuel Gahmi, he would have gotten physical with Gahmi, resulting into a brawl. Sebastian would have taken Kutcher's side, attacking Gahmi viciously. The fight would have been broken up by Bobby, who would have filed a complaint against both of them, saying that they can't treat suspects like this. Gahmi would have been furious and his opinion about cops would have strengthened further, refusing to help them again. This would also worsen the relationship between Sebastian and Bobby during the patrol
If Bob "Bobby" Parkers and Sebastian Phillips patrolled the high school, this option would lead the killer to get the impression that the place is under surveillance and decides not to call Cecil. This choice would have made the chapter continue a little longer, with Cecil going home safely and an extra part for another character.
If Bob "Bobby" Parkers and Sebastian Phillips patrolled the bank, the killer would have still called Cecil, causing nothing to change except for a part which would have introduced a character in the next chapter.
Here is the preview! The second chapter will start off tomorrow!
Samuel Gahmi
"Cecil, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" I hug Cecil who seemed in a weakened state. She was breathing quite heavily and there was nothing I could do. "Why?! You bastard, why didn't you show and pick me up!" Cecil was screaming loudly, she looked furious as hell
Lee 'The Rat' Shun
We walk into the massive room. So this is The Phantom Thief's base of operations. Papers were lying everywhere, red markers were across the room. Maps and drawings of location were hanged on the walls. This Phantom is a collector. "So, without wasting any time, let's head straight to business."
Bob 'Bobby' Parkers
The Red Velvet Lounge was filled with drunken rich men and women. Today was no exception, people always do the same thing when they are inside this damn place. I try to look around and find something quite suspicious happening at the corner of the room. I signal to Sebastian and head towards there.
Finn Balor
I look to my left and see that Justin isn't exactly focusing on the road. "Come on Finn. You're like my brother, we can both finish what Maria Lawrence started. So, we can help each other, or not. But then its every many for himself.
Samuel Kutcher
Finally, after a long day of researching, I can finally get some rest. I walk up the stairs heavily so I can enter my apartment. However, I find that the door to my apartment has been smashed open, the door knob was missing. I quickly pull out my gun and kick in the door.
Cecil Gahmi
"I know that everyone you trust is lying to you. You're two faced friends, your fraud of a family. It all started with that whore, but it's going to end with you." The cold voice was whispering out, my hands were shivering as he finished. Where is he?!
I clearly remember how yesterday went. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at what she said to me when she called me earlier. She said she needed the comfort of friends and would rather hang with them. Hurtful, but that just sounds like her. Wonder who will drop her off though, will it be one of her jocks or one of her cheerleading bitches, I really don't care to be honest.
I was sitting in my comfortable leather chair, facing the T.V, and the remote was firmly in my hand. I was flicking the channels, hopefully finding any sort of exclusive news. I should be out there, investigating, but MacAffee told me to lay off a little until things cool down. I'll wait a day or two, but that is about it.
My thoughts get interrupted by loud banging and screams on the door, the noise startled me and caused me to jump up. I look towards the door and find it still banging. I quickly run towards the door, hoping its someone from the crew, but that is unlikely. I burst the door open quickly so I don't get jumped on. Towards me, was a scared looking Cecil, her legs were shivering and her makeup looked all messy. She quickly runs towards me and swings her hand across my face. I stand frozen in shock for a moment, before I say anything, Cecil leans in for a hug, but sobbing quite heavily.
"Cecil, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" I hug Cecil who seemed in a weakened state. She was breathing quite heavily and there was nothing I could do. "Why?! You bastard, why didn't you show and pick me up!" Cecil was screaming loudly, she looked furious as hell. " 'Didn't show'? You called me and said you were coming with your friends!" I try not to raise my voice, but this has been in the heat of the moment. Cecil looked confused, "What the hell? I didn't call you! And how come you never answered your phone?! I called you like crazy." Cecil was still breathing heavily. "Calm down, just catch your breath first, I'll get you a glass of water." I grab her by the shoulders, attempting to calm her down.
As I let go of her, she nods slowly and walks towards the couch and lies down immediately. I head towards the kitchen, everything was tidy and organized thankfully, I open the first cabinet and grab a small glass. A stack of water bottles were piled up together neatly, I grab a bottle from the top, open it, and fill the empty glass. Now that the glass is full, it's time to find out who had Cecil on this edge.
I walk over to Cecil, the full glass is in my hand. I sit next to my worried sister, handing her the glass. "Here, drink up. Now tell me exactly what happened, calmly and slowly." Cecil takes a large gulp, effectively emptying half the glass. She looked a little calmer at least, "This morning, our school sessions were disturbed. We had to spend break times inside classrooms, we had to be in large groups too." Cecil tries to speak but mumbles every now and then. "Then after everything was done, I was waiting for you at the yard, all my friends left one by one. You never showed up, I tried calling you like half a dozen times! Then this sadistic creep calls me and it looks like he is stalking me!" She yelled at the end, "Calm down sis! First, I didn't have my phone on me, I was outside taking a walk to get my mind straight. Second, did you forget? You called me at like 3:40 and said you were coming with your friends." I quickly finish, and by judging how Cecil gave a confused expression, it can only mean that something isn't right here." I didn't even call you! I was with Emily and Jenny during that time, they can confirm I haven't called anyone." Cecil said in an annoyed tone. "That doesn't matter, I believe you. Just come with me." I get up from the chair, and Cecil comes along with me. I lead her to the kitchen, next to the backdoor exit, there was a house alarm, signaling the whole place if a locked door has been forced open. "Okay look here," I turn to Cecil, I push the numbers 9817 and press lock. The device gave a female voice. "ALARM ACTIVATED! SYSTEMS LOCKED." Cecil looked puzzled as the machine spat out. "What's this?" I give her a sigh, "Seriously? We have been living here for like a month and now you notice this?" Cecil gives a I-don't-know face. I sigh harder than before, "This is the house alarm, it alerts the police if someone broke in the house. Usually they call the provided cell phone and asks them for the code and codeword. The code is 9817 and codeword is TGF86. If there is a stalker, this bad boy will tell us if someone messing around our house. Also, there is a baseball bat hidden behind the couch, use it when you need it." Cecil nods as I finish, hope she got all that because I hate repeating myself.
It has been an hour now, Cecil seemed to calm down, she is upstairs in her room. Well our house isn't fascinating. Just 2 bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom with the living room and kitchen downstairs. MacAffee was able to offer it to me for a nice offer, I took it of course. Change is always nice. But what are the chances of the stalker being the same person as the killer? Is the killer targeting high school students now? Why especially Cecil? I can confirm that she is not related to Ms. Lawrence in any sort of way, so why is the killer targeting my sister? Maybe it's someone I know who is trying to get back at me, or someone that knows Cecil. But I had to stay focused, I need to plan what I have to do tomorrow, I'm going to wake up at 7 AM, that should get my morning started. I can hear Cecil talking to the phone from her room, probably telling her friends what just happened to her. Attention whore. But what do I do tomorrow? Do I finally go and check on Dana? Or do I stay with Cecil at home, maybe for protection or laying low like MacAffee said. Either way, I'm starting somewhere.
[Go and check on Dana tomorrow] [Stay home with Cecil tomorrow]
Look out for the next part y'all!
Chapter 2: Trust No One
Samuel Gahmi 23rd September 3:51 PM
I clearly remember how yesterday we… morent. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at wha… [view original content]
Look out for the next part y'all!
Chapter 2: Trust No One
Samuel Gahmi 23rd September 3:51 PM
I clearly remember how yesterday we… morent. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at wha… [view original content]
Look out for the next part y'all!
Chapter 2: Trust No One
Samuel Gahmi 23rd September 3:51 PM
I clearly remember how yesterday we… morent. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at wha… [view original content]
Look out for the next part y'all!
Chapter 2: Trust No One
Samuel Gahmi 23rd September 3:51 PM
I clearly remember how yesterday we… morent. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at wha… [view original content]
Look out for the next part y'all!
Chapter 2: Trust No One
Samuel Gahmi 23rd September 3:51 PM
I clearly remember how yesterday we… morent. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at wha… [view original content]
I'm not closing the voting at the moment, but sad to see some readers leave However, I'm already at work with the next part, its going to be a Finn Balor part, which I'm very excited to finish.
However I have a question to all of the Game of Thrones book readers, I recently acquired Book 2 and 3 ('A Clash of Kings' and 'A Storm of Swords') but not Book 1, I can't find it for the life of me. I'm very thrilled to start reading, but I just want to ask: Am I missing much if I start reading Book 2? Thanks!
However I have a question to all of the Game of Thrones book readers, I recently acquired Book 2 and 3 ('A Clash of Kings' and 'A Storm of Swords') but not Book 1, I can't find it for the life of me. I'm very thrilled to start reading, but I just want to ask: Am I missing much if I start reading Book 2? Thanks!
If you have watched the show, you won't miss that much story-wise, if I'm not mistaken. The first season of the show has been the most faithful to the books, so it shouldn't be too confusing if you start with the second book. However, the first book explains some of the connections between the characters better and in greater detail than the show, it is generally more in depth and it also introduces a few minor characters who get important later in the books (and get introduced at a later point in the show) or who were cut in the show but continue to be recurring secondary characters in the books, even though these are almost always minor characters. A few scenes which are important later in the books (or might get important in the last two books) are completely cut from the first season of she show, but every key scene from the books is in the show as well. However, in my opinion the first book is one of the strongest in the series, while the second book is its weakest for me, so I'd definitely recommend starting from the very beginning to get a deeper connection to the world and the characters.
I'm not closing the voting at the moment, but sad to see some readers leave However, I'm already at work with the next part, its going to b… moree a Finn Balor part, which I'm very excited to finish.
However I have a question to all of the Game of Thrones book readers, I recently acquired Book 2 and 3 ('A Clash of Kings' and 'A Storm of Swords') but not Book 1, I can't find it for the life of me. I'm very thrilled to start reading, but I just want to ask: Am I missing much if I start reading Book 2? Thanks!
However I have a question to all of the Game of Thrones book readers, I recently acquired Book 2 and 3 ('A Clash of Kings' and 'A Storm of S… morewords') but not Book 1, I can't find it for the life of me. I'm very thrilled to start reading, but I just want to ask: Am I missing much if I start reading Book 2? Thanks!
If you have watched the show, you won't miss that much story-wise, if I'm not mistaken. The first season of the show has been the most faithful to the books, so it shouldn't be too confusing if you start with the second book. However, the first book explains some of the connections between the characters better and in greater detail than the show, it is generally more in depth and it also introduces a few minor characters who get important later in the books (and get introduced at a later point in the show) or who were cut in the show but continue to be recurring secondary characters in the books, even though these are almost a… [view original content]
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list goes on. I have a younger brother, named Carl, just 3 years younger than I am. He means the world to me.
And what about Justin? Well, he's some common man who grew to be my best friend. We practically had each other's backs for years. I trust him with my life, but sometimes, I just can't read him. Over the past 2 weeks, he has been acting rather strangely, zoning out every now and then. I can't quite place it, but he is hiding something. And I intend to find out.
"Justin, I know something is up with you," I look towards Justin, he instead continues driving on the path towards the hills. "What are you hiding?" I ask him. Justin gives a fake smile and looks towards me, "Honestly mate, what would I try hiding from you? And why should I even hide anything?" I've seen that look before on Justin's face, the look he gives when he lies. That's the key how you know he is lying, he always gives that fucking smile just before he opens his mouth. "Right, let's see here. You have been acting like a damn bird, wandering in the sky instead with us, and when Maria Lawrence died, it didn't seem to faze you in the slightest." I spit at him, Justin's smile vanished, and a disappointed look flashed all over his face. "Look Finn, we need to talk. And quite frankly, I need your help."
I remain silent, to listen to what Justin has to say. "2 weeks ago, I was able to hack into Maria Lawrence's computer, it wasn't that hard to be honest. There was this.. file." Justin paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Maria Lawrence was having an affair with the mayor of the Woodlands." I get shocked by what he just said. I interrupt him, "Woah, wait hold on a second. Are you sure about this?" Justin gave me a dirty look, "Yes! I have evidence dude! She had a video secretly recorded in one of the mayor's visits to her, they had sex and all of it was caught on camera. I'm not sure what happened after wards, but Ms. Lawrence seemed to have a significant boost in her bank account before she was murdered."
I try to make sense of all of this as quickly as I can, "So you're telling me Maira Lawrence blackmailed the damn mayor into transferring her funds or she will release the video to the press?" I ask Justin, eyes are still focused on the road. "Seems like it, and hell what are the chances that the mayor was actually th one who killed her?" Justin seemed confident as he finished. I'm not so sure on that, I mean if the mayor was planning to kill Ms. Lawrence, why did he transfer the cash? "Wait, how much money did the mayor transfer?" I ask Justin, "About five hundred thousand dollars." He answers, I was a little unimpressed by that. "Ha, if I was her I would ask him more." I slightly chuckle. Justin remained silent for a bit, however he had a huge smile on his face. I don't like where this is going. "What?" I try to break the silence. I look to my left and see that Justin isn't exactly focusing on the road. "Come on Finn. You're like my brother, we can both finish what Maria Lawrence started. So, we can help each other, or not. But then its every many for himself.
"What the fuck does that supposed to mean? Are you saying we should continue to siphon the mayor out of the government's money?" I try to sound as hostile as possible. "Why not? And come on now, we're not doing it just for the money. We can get answers why Maria Lawrence really died." Man, didn't think Justin would make a plan as dumb as this. "But that's not right! That's also the people's money! People pay taxes, these taxes is what keeps this town going!" I could see the farm into the distance. "Finn, come on bro. I need your help with this, no one is going to get hurt. We're trying to get some answers, consider the money we make out of this is the reward for the trouble we're going through. If you're willing to help, I'll show you the video and tell you the plans on how we should work. But if you don't, you better not tell a soul to anyone." Justin finally finishes
I try to think about this before opening my mouth again. What happens if we actually find out that the mayor is really the killer. We can be heroes and we profit from the whole process. But doing this, I would be robbing the people's money away, I'm no monster with evil intentions. And how can the mayor do such a thing? Submitting into Maria like that and doing this to the community that 'he serves'. This is a hard decision, and to be honest, it's risky if we do this. But can't I try to let Justin forget all this? Pretend as it never happened? We can continue as the high school jocks who rule the school, same as every day. Either way, there is going to be a long talk between us.
[Help Justin] [Don't help Justin] [Try to pull him out of this]
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
… more Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list g… [view original content]
I was torn between this option and pulling him out of it. I'm not even completely sure why I decided in favour of this one, but I have a better feeling with it.
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
… more Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list g… [view original content]
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
… more Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list g… [view original content]
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
… more Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list g… [view original content]
This was a genuinely interesting development. I think, if does Finn does go along and helps Justin, we might actually learn what's up. Maybe it was the mayor. But it does feel oddly out in the open. I have a hunch there's much more at play. But for now anything that could help in catching the killer is a plus.
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
… more Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list g… [view original content]
Finn will help Justin with the conspiracy about the mayor Well, I can confirm the other two options would make the relationship between Finn and Justin worse, but this choice doesn't necessarily mean Finn and Justin will be walking into safety, their next chapters about them will be heavy about this conspiracy so expect a lot of their parts in the future. The next part is going to be a Samuel Kutcher one, but in my current status, I'm unable to write anything for a while, so bear with me guys.
Sorry for the hold up! I kind of feel stressed since university is back to haunt me again, but I did manage to finish off the next part. Cheers!
Samuel Kutcher 23rd September 4:27 PM
I was surprised that actually being nice to that Gahmi guy would actually pay off, I concluded from my interrogation that Gahmi works as a small time butler to Ms. Lawrence, his shift only last for 6 hours, then he leaves. He works for a recruiting company for all sorts of services called MacAffee Empire. I never heard of it, which means I have to get to my apartment and start my research, I have been up for more than 24 hours, so I'm dead tired. Sebastian opted to drive me home, since I was in no condition to drive my car. Sebastian's police car isn't too shabby, leather seatings, fresh mint smell, and it looked in a good condition. Wonder how much the government spends on these types of cars.
'So tell me, how was your patrol with that one grumpy guy?' I ask Sebastian as he was driving. He gives out a chuckle, 'Alright I guess, Bobby was being sort of a douche like always but nothing out of the ordinary. Once we were done, we headed back to the station, filed the report and went home. By the way, were there any news from Anton?' Sebastian asked me, taking his eyes off the road for a moment. 'Yeah, as I was trying to write everything down, he came in and told me the doctor can verify the story in just 2 days. Until then, we keep looking for more leads.' I yawn as I finish, can't really blame myself. It has been a long day.
Can't really say there is that much to work on, the only thing I got is to question MacAffee, since he might be regarded as a suspect as well. But of course, Felix the bastard wants to "make the people of the Woodsland safe" with his public press to the media. That's is a load of crap and he knows, protect and serve my ass. Once I get my rest, its go time, No Felix, no law, no damn killer is going to stop me. I will find him no matter the cost. Also, I've left Bigby for a long time. He's probably missing me, missed the big old chump. As Sebastian makes a full stop at the apartment building, I look up at my apartment building, it was 4 floors tall, with a nice atmosphere to it. I've been living there for years, all my work, my files, my resting place, everything, is there.
As I grasp the files firmly in my hands that I collected from the Police Station, I open the car door and close it behind me, I look at Sebastian before entering the reception area. 'Hey, you be careful out there.' I warn Sebastian as he gives off a smile. 'Always, detective. Same goes for you, just call me if you need anything.' He nods positively, 'Count on it.' I nod back to him. As I see his car travelling off in the distance, I finally light a cigarette, before I get my sleep.
I make way to the reception office, it was a fairly standard place, leave something you need or rely on the counter register. In that case, I was acquainted with the man responsible for this building's existence. All I know about him is that his name is Erick Shaw, a friendly man trying to make a living, he isn't forcing or presses down on your neck to pay your rent, he simply asks for the money every now and then when its past due. He was sitting down behind the counter, holding up the latest newspaper. I try to speak up 'Hey Erick.' I look at him in a tired sort of way, he was reading his newspaper, probably paranoid about the murders. 'Hey Samuel, you look like a train wreck pal, are you alright?' Erick put the newspaper aside for a minute and looked up at me. 'I just went into a case, you can probably guess what.' I frown at him as he raised an eyebrow. 'That so? I knew it, I just want to tell you, I know you will catch this son of a bitch.' He smiles as he finishes. 'Don't worry old man, trust that he will be behind bars before you even know it. Anyway, I gotta go catch me some sleep, if anyone is looking for me, send them away.' I nod as I strongly yawn. 'Got it.' As soon as he finished, I manage to find the strength to move towards the stairs, it wasn't a big flight, but in my condition it looked like hell.
Finally, after a long day of researching, I can finally get some rest. I walk up the stairs heavily so I can enter my apartment. However, I find that the door to my apartment has been smashed open, the door knob was missing. I quickly pull out my gun and kick in the door. The first thing I notice, was the huge pile of mess at the desk, there were torn papers everywhere. The neat piles that I worked so hard on was on the floor and in pieces. Every case that I worked on, every criminal profile, every witness, was all gone. Just like that. Bigby couldn't have possibly done that. Furthermore, the apartment was awfully quiet, there were no signs of life at all. 'Bigby?' No response, I still have my gun out, ready to gun down the first man I see. Before I try to investigate any of the other rooms, my cell phone starts ringing.
I pick it up without question, the timing of that phone call is awfully suspicious. And I needed answers and fast. 'Hello, Detective.' A cold, dark voice speaks out from the phone. 'Who is this?' I get straight to the point. 'It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out.' The cold voice chuckles. 'You won't get away with this you bastard.' I spit at the phone. 'I already have. You see the thing here, I don't plan to just continue with my list, I also plan to watch you fail at knowing who I am.' The cold voice gets deeper and deeper with every word. 'Unless of course, you give up on me. Give up to the town and admit that I'm too good for you, and maybe I'll consider sparing your miserable life.' The cold voice continues in his dark tone, his voice full of danger and hostility. 'Give up? Do you take me for a fool? I'll be finding you, and I'm going to expose you as the sick fucker who killed an innocent woman.' I respond as calmly as I can, my heart was pounding fast. The thrill of what's going to happen next is killing me.
'Innocent? You think that whore was an innocent? She was a sorry excuse for a mother, and she harmed this town more than you can ever imagine. Unlike the cops, I deal with things in a.. well, let's just say in a more interesting matter.' The voice responded in a slightly frustrated manner, but managed to laugh towards the end. This guy is just fucked up! 'What do you mean? How did she harm the town?' I ask him, as I feel confused by that idea. Can a celebrity end up hurting the entire town? 'In time you'll learn the truth, as I see you are not willing to leave me alone, I have cooked up some nice, tasty lunch for you made for you in the oven. Enjoy your meal.' The killer laughed as he hanged up on me, I think I know what he meant by these words.
I slowly, carefully walk towards the kitchen door, it was open, my gun was at the ready, I push the door with my left hand. I see a trail of blood, all over the kitchen. It covered the plates, the mugs, the freezer, the cabinets. Everything was chaos. Until I remember what that sick bastard told me. He has something for me in the oven. I know who it was in there, and I didn't manage to find the courage to open up the oven. Slowly, I grab the handle to open the oven. Inside was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in years.
I knew it, Bigby was stuffed into the oven. Not just that, his body was burnt into a crisp. Some of his limbs were severely cut off, and his head was severely decapitated and nowhere to be seen. That motherfucker stormed my house, destroyed my life's work and killed my dog! Who can do such a thing? More importantly, how did he know about me so fast? Does this guy have connections with the police precinct? Seems like he knows a lot about the town. Disgusted by the sight and smell of Bigby's corpse, I slowly back away from the oven, my hand is resting on the counter, I have a strong urge to vomit, but I knew I had to resist this. I need to make a phone call, and be careful from here on out. I stretch out to my pocket to grab my phone, before I get the chance to open it, I realize that the killer has access to an 'ID blocker', meaning that there is no way to identify his phone number, the only way what to get his phone number is to trace where the signal is coming from is by keeping the phone call going above a minute and a half. I have lost all sense of sleep, tiredness and nausea. As I try to dial Felix's phone number, the sound of something heavy crashes through the kitchen window.
Bigby's head burst into the window, landing hard on the floor. His tongue was out, and his eyes were still wide open. I took a few steps back to realize what is just in front of me. Upon taking my eyes away from his head, I look at where his head impacted, the shattered window. Oddly enough, there was a strange looking figure standing to the opposite side of my apartment, it was dark so I couldn't see it properly. But whoever threw Bigby's head, was standing right there. I can't confirm what he was wearing, but it looked like a lot of black. The figure took a step backward, trying to vanish from my sight. I try to consider what to do next, I can't just outright shoot at him, that would cause a lot of panic, panic which the killer can use to blend in and escape. If this is the killer in front of me, a simple leap from the fire escape stairs to the opposite apartment might give me a chance to catch this figure. But that is very risky, as in right now I'm in no condition to run. Or I could, try exiting the building, calling Sebastian and Felix to send forces to cover this place. But that probably would take a long time, and by then the killer would be long gone. But what if I just, call Felix right now and stay at the apartment, the first two choices would leave my apartment unprotected, making it possible for any sort of evidence to be destroyed. I have to make this choice in a matter of seconds, or this fucker is going to disappear.
[Chase the figure] [Exit building and call for backup] [Stay at apartment and call Felix]
[Patrol the High School]
[Patrol the Red Velvet Lounge] good to see your back on track
[Patrol the Red Velvet Lounge]
Thanks for reminding to vote! I procrastinate on reading stories too often and they usually get buried in my feed if I'm not careful.
No worries. I got scared that a lot of people got unfollowed from the forum or they just completely forgot about it.
Bobby and Sebestian will patrol the Red Velvet Lounge for the remainder of the night
I must say though, it was a very close vote between the lounge and the high school. I thought there was going to be a tie. Anyway, I'm happy to announce that the next part will close off the first chapter in the story. I will get to working on that and hopefully finish it by the end of tonight. By the way, you guys have influenced the next part
Cool, can't wait!
We'll. That could go either way...
Cecil Gahmi 23rd September 1:31 PM
Seriously? Like, a murder takes place and school isn't cancelled? Everyone seems shaken up, the teachers and students even the principle. During the assembly he gave a speech of how lovely Maria Lawrence was and how we will miss her. I looked up to her as a model, how can something like this happen? And what about my brother? I know I'm at fault for not going down there and see him, but I was scared after the news and I called Emily and Jenny over to my place to relax. And when he came back, it's as if nothing has happened! Yeah, I can tell he is hurt by the loss, and he is probably unemployed because of it, but when he just walked in and said it's going to be okay, that just freaked me out!
We are kept inside the classrooms, no fooling around in the playground or at the gym. Emily and Jenny asked the boys to sit along with us for safety, they are just chatting so casually. "Come on man, how can you even gut someone?" Justin asks the crew. "I don't know, I guess you take a knife, stab deeply, and move the knife across the stomach-" Finn tries to answer lightly but Emily interrupts him, "No one wants to hear the answer to that!" She says as she slaps him on the shoulder. "I do!" Finn raises his hand and he gets slapped as well.
I try to change this disgusting talk as best as I can, "Can you guys just stop? Someone died and you're making fun of it." I snap at the guys, they give a regretting remark. Jake however seemed awfully worried. "I just wonder how will this affect the party, I mean I can't just pussy out and call it off." Jake shakes his head, Jenny is a party animal and seemed disappointed by this. "Look Jake, no one even cares, I mean it was a pretty old hag that got killed, that doesn't correlate us. I mean, can the killer even try to kill all of us at once? I don't think so." Jenny finished as she grabbed everyone's attention at the table. Before anyone can say anything, a red haired figure approaches us.
"She is right." The new kid at the school, his name is Noah Foster, says when he gets to our table. Finn seemed upset, "How do you know that, geek?" Well, it's true, Noah is a genius but it's not a bad thing in my book. Everyone turned in the classroom seemed curious to what Noah has to say, mainly because Finn just yelled at the poor kid. "Well, for starters you know the killer is human, this guy isn't some terminator that can just shoot his way through 30 police officers and a police station and get away with it, he is a lone wolf. Waiting for us lambs to go astray from the pack so he can pick us off one by one." Noah tried to make this sound scary, but people just laughed at what he said. I widely disagree with them.
"Why are you people laughing? He is right you know, we can be killed at any time!" I yell out but try to keep a level head. Noah gave me a smile, "Thanks ,Cecil. The key to survival here to simple, you just don't wander off alone. Stick together and be alert wherever you go, and you should be fine." People are now having second thoughts on what Noah just said, and honestly they should believe him. He is giving us tips on how to avoid the killer. "What we need to do is to stay focused and grouped, then nothing can stop us."
As soon as Noah finished, the teacher, Ms. Carrien entered the classroom. She seemed disturbed as she was holding her biology books. Most of the boys smiled as she placed her books on the table, which she had to lean in order to do so, but accidently show her cleavage in the process. Disgusting pigs. The teacher didn't seem to notice this, "Alright class, I do know that we are all worried about our well being after yesterday's murder, but let us just try to get this session done with so we can all go back home, okay? So please open chapter 3 in your text books and take out your-" Ms. Carrien explains but I just zone out a little. I mean, a killer is on the loose! School isn't cancelled or anything, but it's going on like nothing really happened. But allas, I must get this over with like Ms. Carrien said so I can feel the safety and comfort of my own home. I take out my books and pen and pay close attention to what the teacher is saying. The girls seemed in agreement with me as they took their stuff as well. The boys, well not so much.
A whole 2 hours pass before the bell rings, it's time to head home finally. "Alright class, take care and I hope to see you tomorrow." Ms. Carrien packed her bag quickly and she was the first to leave. I packed my stuff with the crew as well and headed outside of the classroom. Jenny and Emily stood next to me at the playground, watching all the seniors walk away from the school. Finn offered to take us all home, but we all refused as we clearly did not trust him. Finn left with Justin in their car, god knows where they are headed. Two middle-aged people came to pick up Jake, probably his parents. Wonder if they are re considering leaving the town or not.
"Well, are you guys heading over to my place tonight?" Emily asks curiously. "After what happened?" Jenny snaps. "What? You heard Noah, we need to stick together you guys!" Emily remarks, I quickly respond so I can just leave already. "Yeah we are seeing what you're trying to do Emily, that is not going to work." Emily smiles as I said this, "Besides, even if I want to, I need to be with my brother. He needs me." I avoid looking into her gorgeous eyes. Emily doesn't have any siblings and she feels lonely with her parents. Jenny however, has 2 younger sisters alongside her family. I hope they all get along, because I was stripped of having a happy family when I was little.
Soon later, we hang at the yard together until Emily and Jenny leave off with their parents, leaving me alone. I'm still waiting for my brother to come and pick me up, I even tried calling him with my crappy phone. He is not picking up, and there is no way am I going to walk in these isolated streets to home. I called up my brother about 4 times and there is no answer from him, where could he be? . I gently cry as I feel alone and scared, forgotten and I'm looked at the wrong way at school. I'm a nice person I swear, not some mean bitch who likes bullying people.
As I try and call him for the fifth time, the phone rings before I dial his number. "Samuel, I swear to god if you are not close to my school you're going to-" I yell at my phone, still tears in my eyes but I get interrupted by a cold voice. "Hello, Cecil." I feel confused as I reply, "Umm who is this?" I reply, something is not right here. " A friend." The cold voice replies. I had no idea who this is, and it better not be a prank. "I'm sorry I don't recognize-" I try to speak out as I wipe the tears off my face, but I get interrupted again. "Why are you crying?" The cold voice said. My heart skipped a beat as I look around, I turn left and right and see no one in sight, "What?" I respond quietly. The voice sounds disappointed, "I hate to see you so sad." My heart skipped another beat as he finished, I take a look at the school building, can he be watching me from there?. "Are you watching me?" I ask the mysterious man. "It's what you want right? To be seen in such a good image with a perfect smile and a perfect life. But I know the truth, Cecil." The cold voice replies in a dark tone, I'm starting to get chills down my spine. "Who the hell is this?" I ask yet another question, the voice seemed dissatisfied, "I'm the one who is going to flip the mask!" As soon as he finishes, he hangs up the phone. This gets me further worried, the cold breeze are still brushing against me. My heart pounds greater and faster than ever before, my legs feel numb and stiff, its feels like I can't move from the fear inside me. I quickly gather the courage, pinch my hand, and make a run for it in the dark, empty streets.
To Be Continued
Please answer the following questions if you have the time, this is to give me feedback on the overall progress of the story.
What did you generally think and feel about the first chapter?
Do you think the story's pacing is too quick or too slow to your liking?
Have any clues or leads relating to the killer's identity or next victim?
What are your likes and dislikes about the first chapter?
Favorite and Least-Liked Characters?
Any advice or tips about improving the story?
Thank you all for the read! Its been quite a journey here, I would like to thank everyone for their patience to see the finale of the first chapter. I have the second chapter planned out and everything, all that is left is to start working on it! You will never see it coming...
What did you generally think and feel about the first chapter? I liked it a lot.
Do you think the story's pacing is too quick or too slow to your liking? I think it was just right.
Have any clues or leads relating to the killer's identity or next victim? Not yet...
What are your likes and dislikes about the first chapter? I don't know, I really just liked it all.
Favorite and Least-Liked Characters? I can't say. I liked them all.
Any advice or tips about improving the story? Stay awesome.
What did you generally think and feel about the first chapter?
I loved it. Your writing was great so far and I liked how you introduced the characters. It's been a great start and I'm looking forward for the future chapters!
Do you think the story's pacing is too quick or too slow to your liking?
Absolutely not. I think the pacing is fine the way it is.
Have any clues or leads relating to the killer's identity or next victim?
So far I have just very vague assumptions, but the killer seems to have access to Samuel's phone. I don't think it's him though, but it could be taken by someone who had access to it while he was interrogated. However, I have no idea who it could be in specific.
What are your likes and dislikes about the first chapter?
I don't really have specific dislikes. I'm always bad at naming things I don't like. But I liked many things, especially your writing in general, which is awesome. Another thing I liked a lot is the way you wrote the characters, where you gave all of them a good characterization.
Favorite and Least-Liked Characters?
I'm not sure about my least favourite character, since I am always bad with this particular question. But my favourites are probably Samuel (Gahmi) and Cecil
Any advice or tips about improving the story?
Continue the way you do so far. This is a great story and I like your writing a lot, so there is no particular field where I'd see any need for improvement.
What did you generally think and feel about the first chapter?
Nice introduction of character even there was some exageration overhall good
Do you think the story's pacing is too quick or too slow to your liking?
Is perfect as is it.
Have any clues or leads relating to the killer's identity or next victim?
Well same as LiquidChicagoTed I suspect is someone that have access to Samuel's phone, my assumption is it may be MacAfee
What are your likes and dislikes about the first chapter?
Nothing there I likes or dislikes in particularly.
Favorite and Least-Liked Characters?
I like all the character so far.
Any advice or tips about improving the story?
You can plan a more detailed plot, make us to be afraid of killer before you plan to kill again, I hope isn't Cecil your next victim.
Thanks for the people who posted their feedback, I appreciate. So here's the deal, chapter 2 is planned out and everything, but I wonder if you guys are curious to see the consequences of the alternative choices. Plus, would you all be interested enough to read a short preview of what's coming next?
Yes and yes!
I'd definitely be very interested in the alternative choices and I love short previews of the things to come
Is very interesting how the forum is a nutshell! keep unfollow your story, THIS IS CRAZY. You should give us what's coming next only if you think is the best course of action.
No harm in posting alternate choices as long as it doesn't spoil possible events!
If Sebestian and Anton Investigated Maria's corpse, they would have met a doctor and hence introducing a new character. The new character would say features about the killer, which may or may not be important later on.
If Sebestian and Anton interrogated Dana and her friends, they would have been introduced to her and another character, they would say that they were having a sleepover and would have created a strong alibi for some characters. Sad to see you guys avoided Dana this chapter.
If Samuel Kutcher declined the case and continued to chase the Phantom Thief, it would have impacted the story heavily. This would have put The Phantom Thief in a greater risk of getting caught, thus making him more desperate on seeking allies. When he eventually contacts Lee and his crew, it would have been more clear that he is losing his nerves.
If Cecil declined to go to Jake's party, the entire school would be unimpressed by her, perhaps even ruining her reputation for attending the most parties. Well, depending on the next choices of the next part, you may look at this choice as a bad thing.
If Samuel Kutcher put the Phantom Thief as the Prime Suspect, the entire police station, along with the genius Samuel, would turn their attention to The Phantom Thief, even increasing the chances of him getting arrested and imprisoned. It would force him to seek more allies as well. This would greatly please Captain Felix, because if he catches The Phantom Thief, along with his gang, he would assume he caught the killer as well and he would kill two birds with one stone for the media
If Samuel Kutcher put the Phantom Thief as an Innocent,it would have proven very good for the Phantom Thief, because then he would continue his robberies and eventually won't seek help or alliances from anyone. He would get more cocky and try even massive robberies later on.
If Lee 'The Rat' Shun declined the alliance, it would have been good for him and his gang, but bad for The Phantom Thief. This has a major impact on the story, as they would continue their crimes ordinarily, without the disturbance or interference from The Phantom Thief.
If Samuel Kutcher was threatening towards Samuel Gahmi, he would have still got the information he needed, but he would have done it more professionally. Gahmi, however, wouldn't be as kind as he was towards Kutcher like the last part. Bobby would come into the room and take away Gahmi to MacAffee
If Samuel Kutcher was aggressive towards Samuel Gahmi, he would have gotten physical with Gahmi, resulting into a brawl. Sebastian would have taken Kutcher's side, attacking Gahmi viciously. The fight would have been broken up by Bobby, who would have filed a complaint against both of them, saying that they can't treat suspects like this. Gahmi would have been furious and his opinion about cops would have strengthened further, refusing to help them again. This would also worsen the relationship between Sebastian and Bobby during the patrol
If Bob "Bobby" Parkers and Sebastian Phillips patrolled the high school, this option would lead the killer to get the impression that the place is under surveillance and decides not to call Cecil. This choice would have made the chapter continue a little longer, with Cecil going home safely and an extra part for another character.
If Bob "Bobby" Parkers and Sebastian Phillips patrolled the bank, the killer would have still called Cecil, causing nothing to change except for a part which would have introduced a character in the next chapter.
Here is the preview! The second chapter will start off tomorrow!
Samuel Gahmi
"Cecil, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" I hug Cecil who seemed in a weakened state. She was breathing quite heavily and there was nothing I could do. "Why?! You bastard, why didn't you show and pick me up!" Cecil was screaming loudly, she looked furious as hell
Lee 'The Rat' Shun
We walk into the massive room. So this is The Phantom Thief's base of operations. Papers were lying everywhere, red markers were across the room. Maps and drawings of location were hanged on the walls. This Phantom is a collector. "So, without wasting any time, let's head straight to business."
Bob 'Bobby' Parkers
The Red Velvet Lounge was filled with drunken rich men and women. Today was no exception, people always do the same thing when they are inside this damn place. I try to look around and find something quite suspicious happening at the corner of the room. I signal to Sebastian and head towards there.
Finn Balor
I look to my left and see that Justin isn't exactly focusing on the road. "Come on Finn. You're like my brother, we can both finish what Maria Lawrence started. So, we can help each other, or not. But then its every many for himself.
Samuel Kutcher
Finally, after a long day of researching, I can finally get some rest. I walk up the stairs heavily so I can enter my apartment. However, I find that the door to my apartment has been smashed open, the door knob was missing. I quickly pull out my gun and kick in the door.
Cecil Gahmi
"I know that everyone you trust is lying to you. You're two faced friends, your fraud of a family. It all started with that whore, but it's going to end with you." The cold voice was whispering out, my hands were shivering as he finished. Where is he?!
Look out for the next part y'all!
Chapter 2: Trust No One
Samuel Gahmi 23rd September 3:51 PM
I clearly remember how yesterday went. How that detective, Samuel Kutcher, was persistent and honest in his words. I felt moved as he genuinely seemed anxious to arrest the fucker who did this. I ended up telling him a few things, like the people who Ms. Lawrence was associated with, including MacAfee. When I entered that car with him, I told him what I said and of course he was pissed. There will be punishment for me, but I don't know what will happen. And there is Cecil, the sister that invited her friends over to our home and have a great time while her brother is almost getting sunk into humiliation. I just can't understand how everything ended up this way. And what about Dana? If I'm correct, she is at her friend's house until the government decides what to do with her and her mother's money.
Speaking of Cecil, I'm surprised at what she said to me when she called me earlier. She said she needed the comfort of friends and would rather hang with them. Hurtful, but that just sounds like her. Wonder who will drop her off though, will it be one of her jocks or one of her cheerleading bitches, I really don't care to be honest.
I was sitting in my comfortable leather chair, facing the T.V, and the remote was firmly in my hand. I was flicking the channels, hopefully finding any sort of exclusive news. I should be out there, investigating, but MacAffee told me to lay off a little until things cool down. I'll wait a day or two, but that is about it.
My thoughts get interrupted by loud banging and screams on the door, the noise startled me and caused me to jump up. I look towards the door and find it still banging. I quickly run towards the door, hoping its someone from the crew, but that is unlikely. I burst the door open quickly so I don't get jumped on. Towards me, was a scared looking Cecil, her legs were shivering and her makeup looked all messy. She quickly runs towards me and swings her hand across my face. I stand frozen in shock for a moment, before I say anything, Cecil leans in for a hug, but sobbing quite heavily.
"Cecil, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" I hug Cecil who seemed in a weakened state. She was breathing quite heavily and there was nothing I could do. "Why?! You bastard, why didn't you show and pick me up!" Cecil was screaming loudly, she looked furious as hell. " 'Didn't show'? You called me and said you were coming with your friends!" I try not to raise my voice, but this has been in the heat of the moment. Cecil looked confused, "What the hell? I didn't call you! And how come you never answered your phone?! I called you like crazy." Cecil was still breathing heavily. "Calm down, just catch your breath first, I'll get you a glass of water." I grab her by the shoulders, attempting to calm her down.
As I let go of her, she nods slowly and walks towards the couch and lies down immediately. I head towards the kitchen, everything was tidy and organized thankfully, I open the first cabinet and grab a small glass. A stack of water bottles were piled up together neatly, I grab a bottle from the top, open it, and fill the empty glass. Now that the glass is full, it's time to find out who had Cecil on this edge.
I walk over to Cecil, the full glass is in my hand. I sit next to my worried sister, handing her the glass. "Here, drink up. Now tell me exactly what happened, calmly and slowly." Cecil takes a large gulp, effectively emptying half the glass. She looked a little calmer at least, "This morning, our school sessions were disturbed. We had to spend break times inside classrooms, we had to be in large groups too." Cecil tries to speak but mumbles every now and then. "Then after everything was done, I was waiting for you at the yard, all my friends left one by one. You never showed up, I tried calling you like half a dozen times! Then this sadistic creep calls me and it looks like he is stalking me!" She yelled at the end, "Calm down sis! First, I didn't have my phone on me, I was outside taking a walk to get my mind straight. Second, did you forget? You called me at like 3:40 and said you were coming with your friends." I quickly finish, and by judging how Cecil gave a confused expression, it can only mean that something isn't right here." I didn't even call you! I was with Emily and Jenny during that time, they can confirm I haven't called anyone." Cecil said in an annoyed tone. "That doesn't matter, I believe you. Just come with me." I get up from the chair, and Cecil comes along with me. I lead her to the kitchen, next to the backdoor exit, there was a house alarm, signaling the whole place if a locked door has been forced open. "Okay look here," I turn to Cecil, I push the numbers 9817 and press lock. The device gave a female voice. "ALARM ACTIVATED! SYSTEMS LOCKED." Cecil looked puzzled as the machine spat out. "What's this?" I give her a sigh, "Seriously? We have been living here for like a month and now you notice this?" Cecil gives a I-don't-know face. I sigh harder than before, "This is the house alarm, it alerts the police if someone broke in the house. Usually they call the provided cell phone and asks them for the code and codeword. The code is 9817 and codeword is TGF86. If there is a stalker, this bad boy will tell us if someone messing around our house. Also, there is a baseball bat hidden behind the couch, use it when you need it." Cecil nods as I finish, hope she got all that because I hate repeating myself.
It has been an hour now, Cecil seemed to calm down, she is upstairs in her room. Well our house isn't fascinating. Just 2 bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom with the living room and kitchen downstairs. MacAffee was able to offer it to me for a nice offer, I took it of course. Change is always nice. But what are the chances of the stalker being the same person as the killer? Is the killer targeting high school students now? Why especially Cecil? I can confirm that she is not related to Ms. Lawrence in any sort of way, so why is the killer targeting my sister? Maybe it's someone I know who is trying to get back at me, or someone that knows Cecil. But I had to stay focused, I need to plan what I have to do tomorrow, I'm going to wake up at 7 AM, that should get my morning started. I can hear Cecil talking to the phone from her room, probably telling her friends what just happened to her. Attention whore. But what do I do tomorrow? Do I finally go and check on Dana? Or do I stay with Cecil at home, maybe for protection or laying low like MacAffee said. Either way, I'm starting somewhere.
[Go and check on Dana tomorrow] [Stay home with Cecil tomorrow]
[Stay home with Cecil tomorrow]
Great Part!!
[Go and check on Dana tomorrow]
[Stay home with Cecil tomorrow] damn that was intense!
[Stay home with Cecil tomorrow]
I have the feeling the killer could try to kill Cecil, so it could be a good thing to keep an eye on her.
Yeah Liquid, you keep holding on to that feeling, no matter what >:D
This is just the begining too
[Stay home with Cecil tomorrow]
I'm not closing the voting at the moment, but sad to see some readers leave
However, I'm already at work with the next part, its going to be a Finn Balor part, which I'm very excited to finish.
However I have a question to all of the Game of Thrones book readers, I recently acquired Book 2 and 3 ('A Clash of Kings' and 'A Storm of Swords') but not Book 1, I can't find it for the life of me. I'm very thrilled to start reading, but I just want to ask: Am I missing much if I start reading Book 2? Thanks!
If you have watched the show, you won't miss that much story-wise, if I'm not mistaken. The first season of the show has been the most faithful to the books, so it shouldn't be too confusing if you start with the second book. However, the first book explains some of the connections between the characters better and in greater detail than the show, it is generally more in depth and it also introduces a few minor characters who get important later in the books (and get introduced at a later point in the show) or who were cut in the show but continue to be recurring secondary characters in the books, even though these are almost always minor characters. A few scenes which are important later in the books (or might get important in the last two books) are completely cut from the first season of she show, but every key scene from the books is in the show as well. However, in my opinion the first book is one of the strongest in the series, while the second book is its weakest for me, so I'd definitely recommend starting from the very beginning to get a deeper connection to the world and the characters.
If I ever find it, I'll get to reading it right away. Thanks for the help.
Hi all! Sorry (again) for the delay, I was quite busy with reading (Thanks again Liquid!) and socially burdened. But here's the next part!
Finn Balor 23rd September 4:04 PM
Man, what damn week. Everyone seems destroyed by the murder of Maria Lawrence. I can't blame them, I share their pain as well, but not to this extent. Maybe it's because I know the truth. I'm sitting next to Justin, who was driving off and heading towards my farm, or should I say my family's farm. We inherited the lands long ago, when my great grandfather bought it and made a business out of it by harvesting and selling crops and materials. People seem to think I'm some kind of supernatural freak, with my huge build and strong biceps. I can't blame them, I have been working at the farm for 10 years, after that much work in that period of time, it can do a lot for a man. I help tend the plants and vegetables, pile the hay, graze and breed the animals and the list goes on. I have a younger brother, named Carl, just 3 years younger than I am. He means the world to me.
And what about Justin? Well, he's some common man who grew to be my best friend. We practically had each other's backs for years. I trust him with my life, but sometimes, I just can't read him. Over the past 2 weeks, he has been acting rather strangely, zoning out every now and then. I can't quite place it, but he is hiding something. And I intend to find out.
"Justin, I know something is up with you," I look towards Justin, he instead continues driving on the path towards the hills. "What are you hiding?" I ask him. Justin gives a fake smile and looks towards me, "Honestly mate, what would I try hiding from you? And why should I even hide anything?" I've seen that look before on Justin's face, the look he gives when he lies. That's the key how you know he is lying, he always gives that fucking smile just before he opens his mouth. "Right, let's see here. You have been acting like a damn bird, wandering in the sky instead with us, and when Maria Lawrence died, it didn't seem to faze you in the slightest." I spit at him, Justin's smile vanished, and a disappointed look flashed all over his face. "Look Finn, we need to talk. And quite frankly, I need your help."
I remain silent, to listen to what Justin has to say. "2 weeks ago, I was able to hack into Maria Lawrence's computer, it wasn't that hard to be honest. There was this.. file." Justin paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Maria Lawrence was having an affair with the mayor of the Woodlands." I get shocked by what he just said. I interrupt him, "Woah, wait hold on a second. Are you sure about this?" Justin gave me a dirty look, "Yes! I have evidence dude! She had a video secretly recorded in one of the mayor's visits to her, they had sex and all of it was caught on camera. I'm not sure what happened after wards, but Ms. Lawrence seemed to have a significant boost in her bank account before she was murdered."
I try to make sense of all of this as quickly as I can, "So you're telling me Maira Lawrence blackmailed the damn mayor into transferring her funds or she will release the video to the press?" I ask Justin, eyes are still focused on the road. "Seems like it, and hell what are the chances that the mayor was actually th one who killed her?" Justin seemed confident as he finished. I'm not so sure on that, I mean if the mayor was planning to kill Ms. Lawrence, why did he transfer the cash? "Wait, how much money did the mayor transfer?" I ask Justin, "About five hundred thousand dollars." He answers, I was a little unimpressed by that. "Ha, if I was her I would ask him more." I slightly chuckle. Justin remained silent for a bit, however he had a huge smile on his face. I don't like where this is going. "What?" I try to break the silence. I look to my left and see that Justin isn't exactly focusing on the road. "Come on Finn. You're like my brother, we can both finish what Maria Lawrence started. So, we can help each other, or not. But then its every many for himself.
"What the fuck does that supposed to mean? Are you saying we should continue to siphon the mayor out of the government's money?" I try to sound as hostile as possible. "Why not? And come on now, we're not doing it just for the money. We can get answers why Maria Lawrence really died." Man, didn't think Justin would make a plan as dumb as this. "But that's not right! That's also the people's money! People pay taxes, these taxes is what keeps this town going!" I could see the farm into the distance. "Finn, come on bro. I need your help with this, no one is going to get hurt. We're trying to get some answers, consider the money we make out of this is the reward for the trouble we're going through. If you're willing to help, I'll show you the video and tell you the plans on how we should work. But if you don't, you better not tell a soul to anyone." Justin finally finishes
I try to think about this before opening my mouth again. What happens if we actually find out that the mayor is really the killer. We can be heroes and we profit from the whole process. But doing this, I would be robbing the people's money away, I'm no monster with evil intentions. And how can the mayor do such a thing? Submitting into Maria like that and doing this to the community that 'he serves'. This is a hard decision, and to be honest, it's risky if we do this. But can't I try to let Justin forget all this? Pretend as it never happened? We can continue as the high school jocks who rule the school, same as every day. Either way, there is going to be a long talk between us.
[Help Justin] [Don't help Justin] [Try to pull him out of this]
[Try to pull him out of this]
Great job!
[Help Justin]
I was torn between this option and pulling him out of it. I'm not even completely sure why I decided in favour of this one, but I have a better feeling with it.
[Try to pull him out of this]
[Help Justin] it keep unfollow damn forum!
So.. Did you guys ever walk in to your girlfriend's house and find her in bed with your best friend? No? Just me? Okay, wonderful.
[Help Justin]
This was a genuinely interesting development. I think, if does Finn does go along and helps Justin, we might actually learn what's up. Maybe it was the mayor. But it does feel oddly out in the open. I have a hunch there's much more at play. But for now anything that could help in catching the killer is a plus.
wow, that just, rough. I, don´t know what to say, except that i am sorry.
And I do hope you don't have to go through it, thank you. I just need a few days before closing the voting.
Finn will help Justin with the conspiracy about the mayor Well, I can confirm the other two options would make the relationship between Finn and Justin worse, but this choice doesn't necessarily mean Finn and Justin will be walking into safety, their next chapters about them will be heavy about this conspiracy so expect a lot of their parts in the future. The next part is going to be a Samuel Kutcher one, but in my current status, I'm unable to write anything for a while, so bear with me guys.
Sorry for the hold up! I kind of feel stressed since university is back to haunt me again, but I did manage to finish off the next part. Cheers!
Samuel Kutcher 23rd September 4:27 PM
I was surprised that actually being nice to that Gahmi guy would actually pay off, I concluded from my interrogation that Gahmi works as a small time butler to Ms. Lawrence, his shift only last for 6 hours, then he leaves. He works for a recruiting company for all sorts of services called MacAffee Empire. I never heard of it, which means I have to get to my apartment and start my research, I have been up for more than 24 hours, so I'm dead tired. Sebastian opted to drive me home, since I was in no condition to drive my car. Sebastian's police car isn't too shabby, leather seatings, fresh mint smell, and it looked in a good condition. Wonder how much the government spends on these types of cars.
'So tell me, how was your patrol with that one grumpy guy?' I ask Sebastian as he was driving. He gives out a chuckle, 'Alright I guess, Bobby was being sort of a douche like always but nothing out of the ordinary. Once we were done, we headed back to the station, filed the report and went home. By the way, were there any news from Anton?' Sebastian asked me, taking his eyes off the road for a moment. 'Yeah, as I was trying to write everything down, he came in and told me the doctor can verify the story in just 2 days. Until then, we keep looking for more leads.' I yawn as I finish, can't really blame myself. It has been a long day.
Can't really say there is that much to work on, the only thing I got is to question MacAffee, since he might be regarded as a suspect as well. But of course, Felix the bastard wants to "make the people of the Woodsland safe" with his public press to the media. That's is a load of crap and he knows, protect and serve my ass. Once I get my rest, its go time, No Felix, no law, no damn killer is going to stop me. I will find him no matter the cost. Also, I've left Bigby for a long time. He's probably missing me, missed the big old chump. As Sebastian makes a full stop at the apartment building, I look up at my apartment building, it was 4 floors tall, with a nice atmosphere to it. I've been living there for years, all my work, my files, my resting place, everything, is there.
As I grasp the files firmly in my hands that I collected from the Police Station, I open the car door and close it behind me, I look at Sebastian before entering the reception area. 'Hey, you be careful out there.' I warn Sebastian as he gives off a smile. 'Always, detective. Same goes for you, just call me if you need anything.' He nods positively, 'Count on it.' I nod back to him. As I see his car travelling off in the distance, I finally light a cigarette, before I get my sleep.
I make way to the reception office, it was a fairly standard place, leave something you need or rely on the counter register. In that case, I was acquainted with the man responsible for this building's existence. All I know about him is that his name is Erick Shaw, a friendly man trying to make a living, he isn't forcing or presses down on your neck to pay your rent, he simply asks for the money every now and then when its past due. He was sitting down behind the counter, holding up the latest newspaper. I try to speak up 'Hey Erick.' I look at him in a tired sort of way, he was reading his newspaper, probably paranoid about the murders. 'Hey Samuel, you look like a train wreck pal, are you alright?' Erick put the newspaper aside for a minute and looked up at me. 'I just went into a case, you can probably guess what.' I frown at him as he raised an eyebrow. 'That so? I knew it, I just want to tell you, I know you will catch this son of a bitch.' He smiles as he finishes. 'Don't worry old man, trust that he will be behind bars before you even know it. Anyway, I gotta go catch me some sleep, if anyone is looking for me, send them away.' I nod as I strongly yawn. 'Got it.' As soon as he finished, I manage to find the strength to move towards the stairs, it wasn't a big flight, but in my condition it looked like hell.
Finally, after a long day of researching, I can finally get some rest. I walk up the stairs heavily so I can enter my apartment. However, I find that the door to my apartment has been smashed open, the door knob was missing. I quickly pull out my gun and kick in the door. The first thing I notice, was the huge pile of mess at the desk, there were torn papers everywhere. The neat piles that I worked so hard on was on the floor and in pieces. Every case that I worked on, every criminal profile, every witness, was all gone. Just like that. Bigby couldn't have possibly done that. Furthermore, the apartment was awfully quiet, there were no signs of life at all. 'Bigby?' No response, I still have my gun out, ready to gun down the first man I see. Before I try to investigate any of the other rooms, my cell phone starts ringing.
I pick it up without question, the timing of that phone call is awfully suspicious. And I needed answers and fast. 'Hello, Detective.' A cold, dark voice speaks out from the phone. 'Who is this?' I get straight to the point. 'It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out.' The cold voice chuckles. 'You won't get away with this you bastard.' I spit at the phone. 'I already have. You see the thing here, I don't plan to just continue with my list, I also plan to watch you fail at knowing who I am.' The cold voice gets deeper and deeper with every word. 'Unless of course, you give up on me. Give up to the town and admit that I'm too good for you, and maybe I'll consider sparing your miserable life.' The cold voice continues in his dark tone, his voice full of danger and hostility. 'Give up? Do you take me for a fool? I'll be finding you, and I'm going to expose you as the sick fucker who killed an innocent woman.' I respond as calmly as I can, my heart was pounding fast. The thrill of what's going to happen next is killing me.
'Innocent? You think that whore was an innocent? She was a sorry excuse for a mother, and she harmed this town more than you can ever imagine. Unlike the cops, I deal with things in a.. well, let's just say in a more interesting matter.' The voice responded in a slightly frustrated manner, but managed to laugh towards the end. This guy is just fucked up! 'What do you mean? How did she harm the town?' I ask him, as I feel confused by that idea. Can a celebrity end up hurting the entire town? 'In time you'll learn the truth, as I see you are not willing to leave me alone, I have cooked up some nice, tasty lunch for you made for you in the oven. Enjoy your meal.' The killer laughed as he hanged up on me, I think I know what he meant by these words.
I slowly, carefully walk towards the kitchen door, it was open, my gun was at the ready, I push the door with my left hand. I see a trail of blood, all over the kitchen. It covered the plates, the mugs, the freezer, the cabinets. Everything was chaos. Until I remember what that sick bastard told me. He has something for me in the oven. I know who it was in there, and I didn't manage to find the courage to open up the oven. Slowly, I grab the handle to open the oven. Inside was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in years.
I knew it, Bigby was stuffed into the oven. Not just that, his body was burnt into a crisp. Some of his limbs were severely cut off, and his head was severely decapitated and nowhere to be seen. That motherfucker stormed my house, destroyed my life's work and killed my dog! Who can do such a thing? More importantly, how did he know about me so fast? Does this guy have connections with the police precinct? Seems like he knows a lot about the town. Disgusted by the sight and smell of Bigby's corpse, I slowly back away from the oven, my hand is resting on the counter, I have a strong urge to vomit, but I knew I had to resist this. I need to make a phone call, and be careful from here on out. I stretch out to my pocket to grab my phone, before I get the chance to open it, I realize that the killer has access to an 'ID blocker', meaning that there is no way to identify his phone number, the only way what to get his phone number is to trace where the signal is coming from is by keeping the phone call going above a minute and a half. I have lost all sense of sleep, tiredness and nausea. As I try to dial Felix's phone number, the sound of something heavy crashes through the kitchen window.
Bigby's head burst into the window, landing hard on the floor. His tongue was out, and his eyes were still wide open. I took a few steps back to realize what is just in front of me. Upon taking my eyes away from his head, I look at where his head impacted, the shattered window. Oddly enough, there was a strange looking figure standing to the opposite side of my apartment, it was dark so I couldn't see it properly. But whoever threw Bigby's head, was standing right there. I can't confirm what he was wearing, but it looked like a lot of black. The figure took a step backward, trying to vanish from my sight. I try to consider what to do next, I can't just outright shoot at him, that would cause a lot of panic, panic which the killer can use to blend in and escape. If this is the killer in front of me, a simple leap from the fire escape stairs to the opposite apartment might give me a chance to catch this figure. But that is very risky, as in right now I'm in no condition to run. Or I could, try exiting the building, calling Sebastian and Felix to send forces to cover this place. But that probably would take a long time, and by then the killer would be long gone. But what if I just, call Felix right now and stay at the apartment, the first two choices would leave my apartment unprotected, making it possible for any sort of evidence to be destroyed. I have to make this choice in a matter of seconds, or this fucker is going to disappear.
[Chase the figure] [Exit building and call for backup] [Stay at apartment and call Felix]