Forrester V.S Whitehill

Who do you think would win in a battle, Forresters or Whitehills? Both will have five men. If you can, please give an in depth story on how you think It could go

Forrester Stats

Lord Gregor as leader

Ser Royland as Second in command

1 Forrester Crossbowman

2 Forrester Soldiers

Whitehill Stats

Gryff as leader

Britt as second in command

2 Whitehill Crossbowman

1 Whitehill Calvary

It can be in any situation. In a fair fight, ambush, in the Wolfswood, North Grove or The Twins. Be free to make sub-threads on any other armies e.x. Five Sellswords vs Five Ironborn


  • edited March 2015

    Not sure considering that -

    a) we don't know what kind of warrior/person in general Gryff is

    b) We've never seen either armies at work (unless you count the Red Wedding)

    But as far as Royland VS Britt goes, Royland would definitely win.

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