The dark before the dawn. Interactive story
Hello and welcome to another interactive story made by the guerrilla with a laptop, yours truly, Mr. Quality.
This story will take place in the War-torn streets of the United States after an all-out invasion by a terrorist network known only as ‘The Network’. The two armies, the Federal Army of the United States and the Network, constantly clash spewing death and violence into the streets of once peace full America. To make things worse a mercenary group known as 'The Strykers'' join the fighting just for money.
I promise it will be much cooler than it sounds, I suck at summarizing.
So anyways, just submit a character at the link below.
Let me make one thing clear! Submit as many characters as you want!
Alright. That’s that, sorry that was my first time ever using google forms.
Characters so far:
Federal Army:
Adam Johnson (California),
The Network:
Mosaiah Amir (New York), The Anonymous Man (Location unknown), Jack Hunter (Virginia), Zachary Lootkey (California)
Thomas Harlan (California), Lucia Martinez (New York), Santiago Martinez. (New York), Elias Green (California/ Cormack station), Anna Riley (California/ Cormack station), Lester Williams (Virginia)
Resistance fighters:
Samu Kuusi (California), Robert Thomas (Texas), Dillon (Texas)
Carmen Dominguez (California)
thanks! And submit as many as you like! Although it might be awhile before I start this story, I plan on starting it after im done with my other!
Hey, thanks for the characters! Just one thing, this isn't a ZA story and you've made the 'Martinez' family ZA character. Its not a problem just thought I should point it out.
K. XD. I am so dumb :P
Awesome! I'll submit my characters tomorrow!
Its alright, no harm no foul. There fine other than that part.
Awesome! Cant wait! I'm going to sleep.
Alright, for those interested in knowing.
I've decided to name the Mercenary group 'The Stingers'.
That's all the news I have for now.
Here's just a small intro-ish thing to get you started.
Elias Green, Costal California, 3:15
"Hey, look over there!" Someone shouted pointing out the window towards the beach.
"Yeah, its just a dolphin Harley. Nothing new." Elias said jokingly.
"Shut up." Harley said nudging Elias's shoulder.
"Hey, Elias. You know when were stopping? I'm done with this bus already, plus the asshole in the third row ate all of my snacks." Another kid said.
"You told him he could have some Mark." Elias stated.
"Yeah. But not all of them." Mark said turning back around in his seat. The bus turned a corner and the warm California sunshine barraged Elias face. It was very warm out today, a lot different form what it was like when they had left home.
"You know, I kinda like it here." Harley said.
"You've not even been here a day, how can you already like it?" Elias asked.
"I don't know, I just feel connected here." Harley answered.
"Wow, go all spiritual on me why don't you." Elias said.
"It wasn't spiritual, it was... Ah, never mind." Harley said.
"I was just joking. This place is cool, I think its going to be fun here." Elias said.
"Yeah, I almost thought my parents weren't going to let me come." Harley said.
"Me to, I had to come up with the money all on my own. And even then, they didn't want me coming." Elias said.
"My parents forced me to come." Mark said.
"Shut up Mark." Elias said.
"Okay." Mark said, and together they shared a short laugh.
"Alright! Everybody listen up! Were going to stop soon and get food. Remember to stay with you buddy and don't go far, we'll meet back at the bus in a few minutes." A teacher yelled form the front of the bus, as the bus took a left onto a street leading into the city.
"I cant believe they still make us follow the buddy system." Elias said.
"Yeah, its pretty stupid. What, do they think were toddlers?" Harley said.
"Well, high school is just day care for big kids." Mark joked.
"Mark, Shut up." Harley said. And the brakes on the bus screeched to a halt.
"We getting off already?" Elias said as he stood up. He looked over the seat and saw a group of Military Humvees cruise by, a few had already stopped and set up a roadblock.
"What's the military doing out here?" Elias asked.
"That's the National Guard. And I have no clue what their doing." Mark said. One of the Guard walked over to the bus and boarded it. His face looked solid, and his uniform was pristine.
"You cant go this way. Turn around and go back the way you came." He ordered.
"What's going on?" The teacher asked. The man looked at her with an almost icy stare.
"Just go back the way you came. The guard has it under control." He said as he stepped off the bus. The bus backed up and turned around and began going back down the costal road it was on before.
"Looks like were getting our food somewhere else." Elias said.
"Yeah. What was that about?" Harley asked.
"Probably a zombie virus outbreak. Like in the walking dead! Were all gonna die! Oh no! I think I'm infected! Ahh." Mark said while he pretended tl chew on Harley's arm.
"Alright, enough of that." The teacher said. "The National Guard has whatever it is under control, all we have to do-"
"Oh SHIT!" The driver yelled out loud, Elias heard a loud Boom And for a moment he felt weightless, then he was slammed into the front of his seat, then into the wall. He heard screaming, and the sound of twisting metal and breaking glass. Then his face made contact with the ceiling.
Elias woke up on the ceiling of the bus, cracked glass lay everywhere. He spotted Harley and Mark out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey boss! We got three more on the inside." A man yelled.
"Bring 'em out." Another man said. Elias watched as a few men and women climbed through the wreckage of the bus. One picked up Harley, one dragged Mark out and the other grabbed Elias and began dragging him. Elias tried to say something but couldn't, his body just refused to work.
Once they were outside the bus they were placed against the side of the bus, facing the water.
"What's going on? What's happening? How did I get here? Who are they?" Elias thought as he looked at the people in front of him. They weren't Military, their uniforms were different. One had a shiny revolver in one hand.
"Martin, your up." One of them said and the man with the revolver stepped foreword.
"For the Network!" The man proclaimed as he leveled the revolver to Marks head and pulled the trigger. He walked down the line and did the same to Harley. Now Elias's mind was clearing a little.
"Nooo!" He tried to yell, but it came out as more of a mumble, but it caught the men off guard because they all stopped and looked at Elias for a moment. 'Martin' recovered quickly and raised his revolver, pulling the trigger slowly.
"Contact! Six O'clock!" Someone yelled. Elias heard the sound of gunfire from far away, the man proceeded to pull the trigger, but was hit with a bullet in the neck, his shot missed but not completely. Elias felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder. The men around him stuggled to raise their guns as bullets flew through the air, cutting them down. A red mist settled over Elias as a man was shot directly in the head. The last standing man, began firing randomly then his chest exploded into a red pulp. A group of five men and women ran to the scene. This time they were actual military. Elias looked around, all he saw was red. Red and bodies. Dead people were strung near and far, Teens, kids, adults, elderly. Just dead, laying face down in the sand.
"We got a live one!" One of the guard yelled rushing over to Elias. His vision began darkening and his head started to droop.
"Hey, your going to be alright. Your safe now." The woman said, he voice sounding farther and farther away. Until it just wasn't there anymore.
alright guys! That's just kind of a prologue-ish thing to get you guys hooked. Hope you like it!
If anyone's submitted a character recently, please notify me.
Great Prologue it was very intense! I'm already hooked for this story. I also finally submitted two characters, though I might submit one or two more later.
Thanks Liquid! I looked at them and I like them a lot, buti think i'll put Mosaiah in New York since D.C is the Federal capitol if that's alright.
Elias Green, California, Time Unknown
Elias slowly opened his eyes, a great pain pulsated in his left shoulder and in his head. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the light in the room, but soon enough he saw where he was. He was in a small room, it had light green walls and a window on the far side. Other than that the room was bare, nothing special in here. Suddenly the room's door flew open and a nurse walked in wearing blue scrubs. She was busy looking at a clipboard in her hands.
"Where am I?" Elias croaked, his throat felt like sandpaper. The nurse jumped a little and looked at Elias.
"Commander, He's awake!" She exclaimed, yelling to someone outside the room. A tall muscular man with buzzed silver hair walked into the room, he was wearing a military uniform.
"Thank you, you are dismissed." He said to the nurse, she walked out of the room without any further comments and the man pulled a chair out of the corner of the room and sat down next to Elias's bed. He stared at Elias with icy blue eyes.
"I'm Commander Dixon, I'm sure you have lots of questions but before we get to that I need to know something. I need you to think hard and try to remember, can you do that?" He said.
"Yes." Elias said weakly.
"Alright, you were involved in an execution by an unknown terrorist group. This was not an isolated attack, the entire country is under siege and we don't even know who were fighting. You are the first to have survived an attack by this group, I need to know, did they say anything? Anything. A name, a number, anything?" Commander Dixon asked. Elias's mind raced, this was the first time he actually had time to register what was happening. The scene played over in his mind, the crash, Mark and Harley getting shot... Everyone just gone. Nothing left. Did they say anything? Elias's mind raced a hundred miles an hour, could he have done anything?
"Just concentrate. Any information will help." Dixon pushed further, suddenly something fell into place in Elias's mind.
"The Network... They called themselves the Network." Elias said, he could feel warm tears welling up in his eyes as he thought of Harley and Mark, but he forced them down. He had to keep his nerve.
"Not funny kid, if you don't know what they said just say so. You wont be in any sort of trouble." Dixon said, searching Elias with his eyes.
"I- I'm not lying. They said they were the Network." Elias said, his voice now high and squeaky. The more he talked to this guy the more insecure he felt, this guy was very intimidating.
"Kid... What's your name?" Dixon asked, breaking his current train of thought.
"Elias... Elias Green." Elias said.
"Elias, your probably to young to remember this. The Network is responsible for the 2016 attack on D.C that killed the president and hundreds of others, they are also responsible for mass terror attacks around the world. after a long drawn out blood bath they disappeared. We assumed they fell apart after losing to many people... If they're back... We might not stand a chance." Dixon's blue eyes, wandered off to the window. "Do you know where your parents are?" He asked.
"Still in Canada, I think." Elias said.
"That's good. The Network hasn't taken an interest in Canada yet." Dixon said.
"Dose that mean I can go back?" Elias asked.
"No. The boarder is locked down, no one in no one out. I'm sorry, your stuck here. We'll see to it your treated fairly." Dixon said as he rose from his chair. "If your feeling good enough I can show you around." He said.
[stay here]
[take a look around]
[stay here]
[take a look around] sounds more interesting. Great part!
Ummmm i might join
cool! I'd love for you to join!
[take a look around]
I need to know more, I'm always interested in learning more about the lore and the state of the world and all that
Elias Green, California, Time Around Noon
"I'm fine, show me around. I want to get a sense of my surroundings, you know?" Elias said,
"I can understand that. Get up if you can. Get dressed and meet me in the hallway when your done." Dixon said, exiting the room. For the first time Elias realized he wasn't wearing his cloths, he was instead wearing a hospital gown. He searched the room and found a pile of cloths laying on a table he hadn't noticed until now. Elias pushed himself up, experiencing tremendous pain in his shoulder. His head throbbed as he placed his feet on the cold tile floor. He almost blacked out when he stood up, but was able to recover. He took an uneasy step forward, and eventually reached the table. The cloths were nothing new, a tan T-shirt and a pair of desert camo pants. Probably a lot better than what they could've given him. Elias squeezed himself into the new cloths, only to find they fit surprisingly well. Elias found his shoes lying in the corner and put them on, his shoulder protested but Elias ignored it. After about three minutes Elias opened the door and stepped out into a hallway, he found Commander Dixon at the far end speaking into a radio. Elias approached him and he put the radio away.
"We got to make a stop by HQ, I'll have someone else take you from there." Dixon said, he placed his hand on the door handle. "Look, there is no way to prepare you for what you're about to see. So, here we go." He said as he threw the door open, a rush of hot air hit Elias in the face and he was blinded by a bright light. As soon as his vision began clearing he stepped outside, at first glace he thought he was in the middle of a busy town. But then he realized he was standing in the middle of a giant refugee camp. Different sized tents and buildings that looked like they were built out of aluminum siding and prayer dotted the landscape, Elias stood on top a hill overlooking the entire camp. People were rushing around, people were yelling, crying, wandering around looking lifeless. What had happened?
"Welcome to Cormack station. This place used to be the site of a train station, until we took it over. This is only one of the hundreds of refuge camps out there. Alright, HQ's this way." Dixon said as he began walking through the maze of buildings. Elias took in every detail, people worked hard at constructing more buildings or moving large crates. Military personnel roamed around, keeping a sharp eye out for any sort of threat. Dixon stopped at one of the better looking buildings and threw the door open. It instantly dropped ten degrees as soon as he stepped inside. A man kept saying something into a headset in the back of the room. Two armed men guarded the door.
"He's with me." Dixon said, motioning to Elias.
"Yes sir, go right ahead." One of them said.
"Pat, relay a message to D.C. We've found out who the enemy is. Were fighting the Network. This isn't a joke, Their back." Dixon said.
"Yes sir." Pat said then began speaking into the headset. "Cormack to D.C. Do you copy?" A few moments passed. "Cormack to D.C. Do you copy?" He repeated. "Sir, I think the long range coms network is down." Pat said.
"Letterman, take the kid. I have work to do." Dixon said, talking about Elias like he was just luggage being handed to the next person.
"Alright, lets get going then. I'm Private Letterman, and you are?" Letterman asked.
"I'm Elias." Elias stated.
"Nice to meet you. I guess I'll be showing you around Cormack. Follow me." Letterman said. Letterman and Elias both exited the building and began wandering around, Letterman pointed out key buildings like the stock house, the infirmary, and the well house. "Its not much, but we did what we could." He said. They took a few more steps then Letterman froze in place.
"What is it?" Elias asked.
"Shh. shshh.'' Letterman hushed Elias. At first all Elias heard was the blowing of the wind, then he heard a faint whine of a jet engine, it kept getting louder. "We don't have any planes out right now." Letterman said, and just then a fighter jet flew overhead soaring very low to the ground. Boom A massive explosion rocked the ground around Elias, he lost his footing and fell to the ground.
"Why the hell aren't our guys shooting that thing?" Letterman yelled as if Elias knew the answer. "Fuck, follow me, we got to get the fuck out of there." Letterman continued, the roar of the engine was getting louder again... They were making another pass. Out the corner of his eye Elias saw an Anti-aircraft gun manned by two people, except one of them was missing half his head and the other was slumped over the gun. Without warning Letterman ran over to the gun and threw the body off of it. He then began struggling to load the massive gun. He would never succeed without help, but Elias could already see the jet closing in again. But it wasn't aiming for the AA gun, maybe he could load it and shoot the plane down before it changed its mind and attacked them.
[load AA gun and fight]
[run away]
[run away] RAN ELIAS RAN
Awesome Chapter!!
Can I submit 2 characters?
I did , so i think you can :P
yeah, submit as many as you want!
[run away]
Again, great chapter!
Submitted my first character.
Oh fuck, I completely forgot the existence of this thread
I'll submit a character now.
I looked at it, I can see him working into the story very well!
I've opened a new group called the Resistance. The Resistance are supporters of the federal army, although usually not liked by the very people the help. Kind of like a Vigilante sort of thing.
Where´s Carmen?
I fixed it... Sorry.
Don´t worry :P
Carmen Domiguez, Los Angeles, 3:30 pm the previous day
"Come on! Lets go already!" Carmen yelled at no one in particular, she'd been stuck in traffic for heaven knows how long.
"Carmen, calm down. Gosh. Its not like we have anywhere to be anyways." Bill said.
"Remind me why I agreed to carpool with you." Carmen said.
"Well, for one thing I'm paying for gas..." Bill answered sarcastically.
"Yeah, money talks." Carmen said returning her attention to the mess of cars in front of her. "Was there a crash or something?" Carmen asked.
"I don't know. Let me check the radio." Bill said turning the radio on, at first static filled the car then a voice crackled through the speakers.
"Citizens of the United States... Your time has come, you end draws near. We are here to liberate you from the problems of the modern world... And I believe the problem begins with you... At 6:... We.. prepa..." The radio cut back to static.
"What the fuck was that?" Bill asked.
"I don't know. Probably some kind of radio prank." Carmen answered, a little unsure. Suddenly a loud chopping sound filled the air three large shadows formed on the highway. Suddenly three low-flying Cobra helicopters speed into Carmen's vision and stopped in a hover a little lass than a mile away.
"What the fuck are they doing?" Bill asked, an edge in his voice. Suddenly the radio crackled to life again
"Red three to Red one... In position, over."
"Red One, copy. Permission to engage granted. Treat all personnel as hostile." The voice said, suddenly the lead helicopter let loose a flurry of missiles that exploded in a great fireball down the highway. The other helicopters followed suit.
"Fuck! We have to get out of here!" Bill yelled throwing the door open and begging to run.
"Hey! Wait up!" Carmen yelled as she struggled with the seatbelt. She made the mistake of looking back up at the road, it was now a burning wasteland. exploded cars and burning bodies littered the road way. And to make matters worse, the helicopter was rotating towards her. She quickly unlatched the seatbelt and threw the door open, not bothering to close it. She took off running in the direction she saw Bill run, which happen to be in the direction of the helicopters. As she ran she heard a loud Whoosh And a loud boom, plus some shattering glass. She turned around and her heart sank as she saw her once lovely Chevy Impala now twisted and mangled, smoldering in flames. Carmen continued to run, not looking back again. Suddenly she felt a hand on her leg and she fell. She looked back to see what had made her fall and she was horrified to see a legless man with a piece of metal sticking out of his chest.
"He..lp... T-them.." He said, as his grip loosened and his head dropped. Them? Carmen looked inside the van the man was laying next to and found two young children trapped inside, the door was jammed. Without thinking Carman smashed the window with her elbow, a lightning rod of pain soared through her arm but she ignored it. She reached in through the shattered window and tried to pull the unconscious girl out, but she was caught on something.
"Move! Let me help!" Someone yelled and Carmen felt herself being thrown to the ground. She saw a man with a knife reach into the car and cut something, then pull the young girl out. "Its to late for the other one! Lets go!" He yelled as he took off running towards a nearby exit ramp. Carmen had the misfortune of seeing Why It was to late for the other one. A young boy sat buckled in his seat, his green eyes fixed straight forward looking at an unknown object, His blonde hair was plastered to his head, a stream of red dripped from his mouth. His green T-shirt was ripped and torn, a large piece of metal stuck out right where his heart should be... What the fuck it happening? Suddenly Carmen felt a hand grabbing her and pulling her. The man had come back, he was carrying the girl over his shoulder and dragging Carmen along with him as he made a run for safety.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." He said, was this guy being honest? Carmen ran with the man until they were off the highway and now running through a downtown district, she could still hear the rotors of the helicopters slicing through the air, but they weren't following her. She looked up the road and saw a group of armed people approaching in the opposite direction. They were all casually dressed, but heavily armed. They all had different types of gun, but they were all aimed at the crowd of fleeing citizens.
"For the Network!" One of them yelled, then they all opened fire and began mowing down the fleeing crowd. Carmen felt herself being pulled down an alleyway, bullets whizzed past her head. Screams filled the air. This man was puling her down an alleyway, hopefully to avoid getting shot. But as he turned the corner, he froze in place. There was a clinking sound.
"Grenade! Run!" He yelled as he took off running, but Carmen was frozen in place. She saw a small object rolling down the alley towards her. A bright flash and a loud Boom Were the last things she remembered.
End of chapter!
Awesome Chapter!!!!