The Last Protagonist Predictions



  • That's kind of what I was thinking as well. I don't see why they would have any reason to stop someone from passing through.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I really cannot see why they would keep anyone from crossing out of the 7 kingdoms. They may have dire warnings and whatnot, or if they were

  • I'm sure Gared being sent to the Wall is a important part of the North Grove storyline.

    I'm sure it is as well, it just really doesn't make much sense to me.

    It all depends I guess. Maybe we will get the choice to go against our Oaths and go search for the North Grove, and if we don't we might end

  • It'll be Asher, and probably Mira too. My two least favorite out of all the playable characters (as of now). How unfortunate.

  • Rodrik will probably die due to injuries or when he's supposed to follow through with the marriage to Lady Elaena (if you got the proposal, if not maybe you die trying). Garred will most likely get to the North Grove and die there, maybe being forced to either tell someone else the secret or to die with it. Ethan's already dead, so not much of a choice there. I have this vibe that Mira isn't going to die. Not sure why. Asher's the most violent out of the lot and knows the most about survival. If anyone's going to help the Forresters get back into safe hands, it'll most likely be him (not that I don't like Rodrik, but he's not looking too good).

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