Anyone else who read the books before the TV show thought Tyrion would look super grotesque?


In the books Tyrion is described like a nightmare. In the books after he goes into battle his entire nose gets lobbed off and his face becomes mangled where as in the TV show he just gets a cute scar.

I can see why they changed it to match the Hollywood standards of good looking sex appeal but I thought his appearance in the book gave him more character. He had the looks of a monster that everyone thought he was which he wasn't a monster at all. It gave his story a bit of a hunch back of notre Dame/ Beauty and the beast type complex and made you wonder if he could find actual love.

The good looking TV version of Tyrion I still like but I like the ugly duckling version in the book better.

For those that read the book before the TV show which Tyrion do you like more?


  • It would be way too much work for the makeup/effects department to have to make one of the characters with the most screentime in the show look that grotesque all the time.

    I think I actually prefer TV Tyrion, mostly just on the merit of Peter Dinklage.

  • I actually think that Tyrion's looks is one of those things that GRRM kinda takes over the top in his books. I mean it really would be enough that he is not so handsome, dwarf and killed his mother in birth. The extreme-super-grotesque face is already a little ridiculous.

  • They gave him the scar so that they wouldn't have to spend their budget on CGI-ing his nose out in every frame. They probably would have done if they had the resources to but it's just not worth it when they can do something easier. It's the same reason Rick's hand wasn't cut off in the TV series of the Walking Dead.

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