Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Aha, but if you've been there long enough you eventually find the secret shortcuts which enable you to go through quicker!... And then you forget them the next time you go and end up walking the whole way anyways.

    Really? I honestly thought only swedes liked köttbullar, and that's cause we've been practically forced to eat them from a very early age. I mean, we put lingonsylt (lingonberry jam?) on them! And they don't even ask, so you have to tell them specifically if you don't want any.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ah Ikea, my family ALWAYS goes there. It's funny how you can't get out without going through all of the departments. (those sneaky bastards) But I'm not complaining, I like köttbullar

  • So one of my friends called the telltale forums lame, also he shipped Rhysha.

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    :D I can still survive it :D ....just gonna ignore the mean person in college too!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    We survived it all!


    Tell that mean person to go fuck themselves :P Either way, you're the bigger person <3

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    YEAH! WE SURVIVED IT!!! I can still survive it ....just gonna ignore the mean person in college too!

  • mean person in college

    Why is he mean to you Kimmy? ;-;

    You're so awesome ;-;

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    YEAH! WE SURVIVED IT!!! I can still survive it ....just gonna ignore the mean person in college too!

  • sees that no one is here, posts random sad crap

    Fiona stood in the caravan. It was empty, Sasha had gone for water and wouldn't be back for a while. It was completely empty. There was no one around to toss cards at, no one around to fall asleep at the wheel, there was no one around. She felt that the emptiness in her trusty caravan mirrored the emptiness in her heart. The emptiness that she had first felt that day in the scorching sun, the day it all ended. She had been too late.

    Fiona whispered into the stuffy air:

    "You lying Hyperion piece of shit..."


    Rhys sat behind his desk. He'd just dismissed Vaughn and Yvette, both of whom were ecstatic over their new promotions, courtesy of himself. He wished he could match their joy, he wished he could have their happiness instead of this hole for a heart. He wished he could go back. But most of all, he wished he'd stayed. Stayed and confessed his feelings, which were then so conflicted and now so clear. He muttered something which would have been interpreted by most as gibberish.

    But Rhys knew what he had said.

    "You filthy Pandoran scum..."


    They said it at the same time.

    "... come back to me."

  • Okay good to know there are some shortcuts too :) I think I need some kind of "Ikea survival book" haha!

    I'm a Finn, remember? We are not that different :) And I love lingonberry jam on them! My whole family does.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Aha, but if you've been there long enough you eventually find the secret shortcuts which enable you to go through quicker!... And then you f

  • y u doin dis 2 me ;-;

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    sees that no one is here, posts random sad crap Fiona stood in the caravan. It was empty, Sasha had gone for water and wouldn't be back f

  • Mostly Rhysha to me, but I can see the Rhyiona as well!! XD

    It's a very well written piece, you should be proud of it :)

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    FINALLY!! I finished part 1! These are supposed to focus on the main four heroes and how they feel. With the bits of rhyiona in there. I hop

  • Rule #254: Do not, I repeat, do not wander off the path. You will find yourself in a confusing land of candles, cups and bed sheets that must be navigated with utmost caution. Any item can be a trap set to keep you lingering for days. If you do find yourself lost here, close your eyes and shuffle until you reach an empty space. Don't stop if you hear crashing sounds and angry shouts behind you. Oh, and you'll probably have to pay for anonymous broken items at the cash desk.

    It's true :) I don't. I mean, I love lingonsylt, but I don't feel it goes with meat. But we all have different tastes :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Okay good to know there are some shortcuts too I think I need some kind of "Ikea survival book" haha! I'm a Finn, remember? We are not that different And I love lingonberry jam on them! My whole family does.

  • You did what you had to do.

    So one of my friends called the telltale forums lame, also he shipped Rhysha.

  • Accurate as ever :D

    rhonu posted: »


  • It's that kind of day for me. I just wanna write sad and depressing stuff for no reason :)

    y u doin dis 2 me ;-;

  • Hi! I'm back. Sort of.

    enter image description here

    Guys... I missed you so much oh my god ;A;

    I'm getting emotional again. x) I can't even bring myself to say properly what I'm feeling right now. I just... I was so worried that something might happen again while I was away and I'm so relieved to finally be back and see that everything is fine and the thread is still going. I'd hate it if some of you had to leave, you mean so much to me and I'm being super serious when I say that.

    @nohuhhuh I'm so sorry that I got you worried, but now I'm back and I'm so happy! ;__;

    P.S. 957 new comment claps. brb I've got some catching up to do x)

  • WTF IS THAT?! :O

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I remember some people in that other thread said that we're obessesed.

    They're in my cellar now.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You did what you had to do.

  • enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    sees that no one is here, posts random sad crap Fiona stood in the caravan. It was empty, Sasha had gone for water and wouldn't be back f

  • Jane you're back this is so awesome!

    Emotional is good! Everything is good, we're okay :)

    Good luck xD

  • Oh wow this was really helpful Joey!! I'll definitely try this strategy. x} very jättebra..

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Rule #254: Do not, I repeat, do not wander off the path. You will find yourself in a confusing land of candles, cups and bed sheets that mus

  • Wow. Don't do anything too rash! Ah, who am I kidding, anything can be done in the name of Rhyiona. Defend the one true ship!

    I remember some people in that other thread said that we're obessesed. They're in my cellar now.

  • Thank you. I should make this a thing.

    Kiitos! <3 (Did I get that right?)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow this was really helpful Joey!! I'll definitely try this strategy. x} very jättebra..

  • justice happened

    So one of my friends called the telltale forums lame, also he shipped Rhysha.

  • You should know now that sappy artwork is good artwork here :D

  • Kinda disappointed that Marvel aren't the distributors...

    Then again when the film is about Deadpool, I don't think Marvel want a movie like that in their timeline :P

    Same with The Punisher movies actually!

    I'm doing great, thanks for asking I'm just super excited for the new deadpool movie.

  • For what :P

    I thought this story was supossed to be sad.

    JumpyJoey posted: »


  • Dafuq is the Appendix for anyways?! :P

    Sorry, I hope for the best :)

    So yah hey sorry for the absence today I was at the hospital for my little sister it seems she might have appendicitis so she'll be staying

  • It's Sunday. Nuff said.

    how are you today, guys?

  • Awwww noooo!!! :'O

    Awww, that's so sad! :'(

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    sees that no one is here, posts random sad crap Fiona stood in the caravan. It was empty, Sasha had gone for water and wouldn't be back f

  • Heeeeyy, you're back! XD

    Missed you <3

    And that fanart is awesome!! :D

  • Idk I just started the other day and we had orientation, and that guy is supposedly to be 'the class clown' -_- with offensive jokes.
    I guess he targeted me because I'm quiet and my awkwardness really shows. UGHHH..but nevermind I'm gonna ignore him now...:D and hopefully it won't be like in HS where I was sent to the discipline teacher a few times lmao hahahahaha

    You're so awesome ;-;

    Aww ;--;..you too

    mean person in college Why is he mean to you Kimmy? ;-; You're so awesome ;-;

  • I guess :\

    For what :P I thought this story was supossed to be sad.

  • @nohuhhuh

    Not sure if you've checked my DeviantArt account, but I posted up that picture of Nick you drew (labeling you as the artist of course) and the response has been so positive!!

    My viewers love your drawing to bits!!! XD

  • I guess I achieved my goal then?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Awwww noooo!!! :'O Awww, that's so sad!

  • JANE!!! <3 ;w;

    enter image description here

    This is so lovely as always ;A;

  • edited August 2015

    I love how they both are still using the same insults as in the beginning of Tales. :)
    This could realistically happen. This would be this "bitter sweet" ending I have been talking about. It's definitely sad but also touching.

    oh those final words!! Hhhnnng! The feels!!

    (okay this is funny, because my AU comic was going to end in a similar way.. :P)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    sees that no one is here, posts random sad crap Fiona stood in the caravan. It was empty, Sasha had gone for water and wouldn't be back f

  • Apparently so! :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I guess I achieved my goal then?

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