Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I do, I got teary eyed throughout that whole scene, it was so good.

  • edited August 2015


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its right at the start, remember? ;3

  • Makes me even more sad...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its right at the start, remember? ;3


    HIS LAST WORD'S: CATCH-A-RIDE!!!!!!!!!!! ;-----;

    I do, I got teary eyed throughout that whole scene, it was so good.

  • Wah-key Hah-key

    ur welcome

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Please give me a step by step tutorial on how to say Wacky Hacky

  • i'm saying facts.

    Aw, come on! No matter what happens in canon we can still ship them, right? To be honset a few of us kinda know that it isn't going to happen but we still like this ship anyway.

  • Another thing I wonder if any of you know about.

    If you dont tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack, before Gortys launches Rhys theres an option to tell Fiona to have faith and to have a little trust.

    If you trusted Jack she says "it hasn't worked out so good for her so far"

    Anyone knows what happens if you didnt trust Jack and got this?

  • But what do I gotta choose for it man!


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Wah-key Hah-key ur welcome

  • I'm going to head out. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

  • lmao chill :^)

    When the tour goes wrong tell Rhys "Just open the door!" when he's complaining.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But what do I gotta choose for it man! GIVE ME THE OPTIONS!

  • Sweet dreams!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm going to head out. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

  • G' night!

    Sweet Rhyiona dreams! :3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm going to head out. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

  • She says the same thing. I took it as her saying trust hasn't been good to her -- Felix.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Another thing I wonder if any of you know about. If you dont tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack, before Gortys launches Rhys theres an optio

  • I think she said the same to me and I trusted her.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Another thing I wonder if any of you know about. If you dont tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack, before Gortys launches Rhys theres an optio

  • Yah Thanks.

    enter image description here

    Cody_nara posted: »

    It's okay.. We have all been there.. Here's some vodka:

  • HE WAS A HERO IN THE END! ;-------;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    RIP Scooter

  • I want, actually more like need, to see how Moxxi and Ellie (and the other Vault Hunters) react to this.

  • I get where you are coming from, but I don't know if what happens in canon can change anyones minds really.

    Anyway I think we should drop this. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as an asshole, I really don't want to come across like that or get into any arugments over shipping :/

    i'm saying facts.

  • I'm such an ass for hoping that Sasha died in this episode and then thinking there is still hope next episode enter image description here

    Seriously though the interactions between Fiona and Rhys was so little this episode at least Jack called Fiona a sexy con-artist by the end of it ships

  • I'm sorry if I'm coming across as an asshole

    Don't say that :O

    I get where you are coming from, but I don't know if what happens in canon can change anyones minds really. Anyway I think we should drop

  • Review Time :3 (Sort of)

    I did actually lose all the hype after reading some spoilers that with regards to the Rhysha moments and thought that this episode would suck. But I felt quite good after playing the episode. The Rhysha scenes are totally determinant and the plot was hilarious and emotional at the same time, excellent stories as always.

    For Rhyiona, I honestly do not expect much after playing episode 3. I will be happy if they are just having interactions or standing side by side. They do not have much chemistry in the “Tales” part but I do love how they interact in the “Present” part. Well, one can say that they may not have potentials to be a couple but they are obviously old and good friends as they can manage to work things out together after fighting as well as adapt to each other’s personalities. Rhys can tell Fiona’s thinking without listening her to speak and Fiona barely gets angry at Rhys’ arrogance (she probably knew that there is no hope for him to change). Yep, they are not romancing but it is cute and sweet enough for me.

    I knew it! Gortys is definitely a mother-child. She is innocent, cute and smart at the same time. The “Hold Tight” scene completely got me <3<3<3

    Okay, so this is why Yvette acted so calm at the beginning......She is even more ambitious than Rhys and Vasquez. I doubted that if she can be trusted, but I did not expect her to be a great villain all along.

    I’m really really glad that I could manage to protect Vaughn from any harm and had him escaped from Vallory. Hope he will be alright. I wished he would have a great development, but his story has probably ended already D:

    The Scooter’s scenes are not “bad” for me, but I personally found them too subtle and happening too fast. He is definitely a hero no matter what, and he is surely the nicest person in the whole story…..

    Oh, Sasha. I am not sure what she is thinking. She really does want to leave Pandora forever and buy a new life. And this time she has the best chances on Helios and Yvette seemed to make a deal with her and stuff. I am not sure yet but I will not blame her if she really betrays us. This poor girl has been suffering from too much……

    I cannot be claimed as a fan of the original borderlands series so I knew nothing about butt stallion or stuff, and I totally screwed the tour ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    Random guessing time: If I choose to rule Hyperion, I might play as Rhys in episode 5 and intend to kill Fiona. Vice versa, I might play as Fiona and try to disable Jack and rescue Rhys……that kind of thing.

    I kinda noticed the hostile relationship between Jack and Fiona. If you trusted Jack in episode 2, Fiona will jump to kick a bandit and she penetrates Jack’s hologram……this could be a shadowing.

    Seriously, there are still so many questions unanswered and a 3 hours episode is probably needed to solve all the mysteries xDD

    I might rewind later as I reacted quite fast in my first playthrough and missed an amount of background dialogues……may comment later if I came up new things……

  • edited August 2015

    Here's something I just thought of because regardless of what you choose, Jack gets his override. In truth, if the writers actually do passive developments in relationships and everything is remembered not just what the game points out, AND you made the proper choices with Rhys, wouldn't Fiona (and I guess maybe Sasha too) realize that what is probably going to happen is clearly not what Rhys would do? And that maybe whenever Rhys finally gets Jack out of his head they can forgive him. Cause right now I'm a bit concerned of whats going to happen. Not scared because Fiona will live, Vaughn is "safe", and Yvette can get free lunch in hell for all I care (by the way how did the scanners not realize the corpse was Vasquez?). That only leaves Sasha whose in any real danger. I don't believe she will die but if you told me 2 days ago I was going to be mourning Scooter, I wouldn't have believed that either.

    (called Yvette was pulling all the strings since Ep. 2 and you all thought I was joking.......the none of you all who still remembers)
    enter image description here

  • Good morning, Rhyiona shippers. <3

    enter image description here

  • what is it? I have to know lol

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's boring. :P

  • I listened to those files. Let's just say it did not make my outlook more optimistic. At all.

  • shoot me a PM if you wanna know.

    darlingno posted: »

    what is it? I have to know lol

  • Just watched the IGN review about episode 4 of TFTBL and I have to say...


  • damn, now I wish I wouldn't have spended money on it. fiona surely looks dynamite in a suit

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Not the steampunk. I bought the steampunk one last episode but I bought her the fancy suit like thing this time.

  • I told her it's just the stress, and then they told me that, no matter what problem I have, I could talk with them about it. that scene got me so hard that I would've told them about jack, if I could. but I guess that wouldn't have left a good expression

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Another thing I wonder if any of you know about. If you dont tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack, before Gortys launches Rhys theres an optio

  • I'll have to ask again, where can I get this picture without the text all over it? I need that ;_;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, Rhyiona shippers.

  • Idk. Google, lmao XD

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I'll have to ask again, where can I get this picture without the text all over it? I need that ;_;

  • Good morning anyone can someone pm that audio :)

  • Agreed

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Just watched the IGN review about episode 4 of TFTBL and I have to say... WHAT THE FUCK?!

  • Okay.

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Good morning anyone can someone pm that audio

  • Where is pms I forgot....


  • edited August 2015

    It's in your feed.

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Where is pms I forgot....

  • enter image description here
    Here you go

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I'll have to ask again, where can I get this picture without the text all over it? I need that ;_;

  • received thanks

    It's in your feed.

  • What is this audio file about exactly?


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