Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited May 2015

    The drama in this family never ends :P There needs to be some decent fanfic about this...

    How about it Wolf?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's just a little jealous that Clappy is taking her attention away.

  • edited May 2015

    They're awesome desktop background material.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm glad, I love making these every once in a while

  • I'm glad, I love making these every once in a while :p

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    new desktop

  • You know what.


    Challenge ACCEPTED.

    I'm gonna make this a reality and nobody can stop me.

    Gortys x Claptrap master race.

    The drama in this family never ends :P There needs to be some decent fanfic about this... How about it Wolf?

  • Soon, Scooby. :^)

    Craving it already.

  • Craving it already.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You know what. This? Challenge ACCEPTED. I'm gonna make this a reality and nobody can stop me. Gortys x Claptrap master race.

  • Okay but since I have Rhys, Fiona and Gortys... I feel like I should get Loader Bot, Handsome Jack, Nisha and Claptrap for the Pokemon family I've been building.

    Handsome Jack should be a Hydreigon or something.

  • That just seems like a thing that happens to games, in a series, that basically play the same. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same complainys directed towards Telltale's games. Fanboys and haters are pretty much unbearable, imo.

    Yeah, I wonder what they'll do with it.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hm, well, I've seen people shit on the gameplay for being repetitive... which in a way it is but it's also a point and click so it's pretty

  • Yeah, it's why I try to stay away from commenting on the games much. Like it? Made fun of. Don't like it? Yelled at. Can't win.

    I'll probably watch it but I don't expect something great for some reason...

    MichaelBP posted: »

    That just seems like a thing that happens to games, in a series, that basically play the same. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same complainys

  • edited May 2015

    Totally making Claptrap a Feraligatr.

    It's in the same egg group as Charizard.

    Sorry Rhys and Loader Bot. Fiona, control your family.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Okay but since I have Rhys, Fiona and Gortys... I feel like I should get Loader Bot, Handsome Jack, Nisha and Claptrap for the Pokemon family I've been building. Handsome Jack should be a Hydreigon or something.

  • Yeah, with that have a heavy fan following or a large group of haters, it's always going to be a lose-lose situation.

    Maybe it's better to keep your expectations low? Maybe you'll enjoy it more, that way.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, it's why I try to stay away from commenting on the games much. Like it? Made fun of. Don't like it? Yelled at. Can't win. I'll probably watch it but I don't expect something great for some reason...

  • edited May 2015

    Eh, I'm still gonna buy the last one... screw it.

    That's exactly what I'm doing because I don't know how they can keep four games' content in one single film.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, with that have a heavy fan following or a large group of haters, it's always going to be a lose-lose situation. Maybe it's better to keep your expectations low? Maybe you'll enjoy it more, that way.

  • Alt text

    I missed 2 days. I am ready.

  • Okay, I probably took your comment a little too seriously, but this was the result.

    Alt text

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    Alt text

    I think Fiona is too upset right now to deal with Rhys' antics and it wouldn't have been as romantic..

    Quiff posted: »

    This is splendid! but I think Fiona should be the one holding Rhys.

  • <3<3<3

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff, things

  • I- what-- the- RHYS' FACE.

    I'm in love with this.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Look at this horrible thing I've found in my folder,I forgot about this doodle.

  • So, are you trying to tell me, that this thread accepts.....ANGST?

    Alt text


    This. I like it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I made a thing.

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think Rhys should start to be growing some scruff by ep 3. Because scruffy Rhys needs to be another thing

  • Hey buddy! Welcome to the family, we're glad to have you here!

    Syberian posted: »

    I have been a long time lurker of this thread, with no desire to make an account to join and no initiative to join. Call it my own shyness g

  • 451 moments of Rhyiona deliciousness.

    niconicofei posted: »

    I missed 2 days. I am ready.

  • I have been a long time lurker of this thread, with no desire to make an account to join and no initiative to join. Call it my own shyness getting the better of me. From the suggestion of a friend and the creation of the August/Sasha thread, I decided to make an account and join this forum. My first act was to post in the thread already stated, and my next act, requested by the same friend, is to become part of this one.

    So, hi.

  • edited May 2015

    Fiona almost dropped her bag when she entered the room.

    She looked around her, jaw dropping slighly. The room was dimly lit, just how she liked it, and there was a mix of smells in the air that she could only half identify as food and something else. Taking a better look, she could only assume the culprits were the scented candles staring at her, mocking her, from half way across the room.

    "What is this?"

    She wasn't sure if she'd spoken out loud and she didn't really care. The room was pleasant, too pleasant, and answers were a priority in her mind.


    Rhys came out of his hiding spot, visibly embarrassed, and scratched the back of his head.

    Of course it would be his doing.

    "What's all this?"

    Fiona could tell her was avoiding direct eye contact and finally, it clicked on her mind. She dropped her hands at her sides and he stiffened, not sure what to expect.

    "It's just-"

    "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

    He almost choked on his own saliva and she'd felt tempted to help him for a second before deciding he'd live without her assistance. Pulling out a chair, she sat down, stared up at him and motioned with her hand for him to keep going.

    "Don't- don't put it like that!"

    She bit the inside of her lip to stop herself from laughing at him. He'd been making it fairly obvious lately if, she really thought about it, but she'd never have expected him to have the guts to actually do something about it. It was so endearing that it almost dissipated her will to taunt him.


    "Oh?" she tapped her fingers on the table. "Then what would you call this?"

    He took the seat in front of her, still refusing to look at her and mumbled something she couldn't catch before hiding his face in his hands, mortified.

    "What was that?"

    "You heard me!" his voice was muffled and she forcefully moved one of his hands away from his head.

    "No, I didn't. You can't mumble something and expect people to get it."

    "I was... I was just trying to be romantic..."

    He sounded like he was gonna cry and she wasn't sure if she should be laughing, pitying or comforting him. Maybe all three but it probably wasn't physically possible. Lamely, she attempted to squeeze his hand instead before considering what to say. Before she had the chance, Rhys finally faced her and he frowned. Suddenly, his left eye was brighter and-

    "Are you scanning me?!"

    She must've squeezed his hand a tad too hard because he yelped and yanked it away, wincing and rubbing at it before pouting.

    "You weren't saying anything. I just wanted to know what mood you're in."

    "And you ruin the moment by scanning me? Can you be normal for once and just ask what I want?"

    He nervously picked at his sleeves.

    "I'm not very good at this stuff, okay? I'm seriously trying here."

    She scrunched her nose and shook her head before getting up and pulling him with her. Jabbing a finger on his chest, she opted for adopting her most demanding tone.

    "If you want this then just be normal and ask. Do something about it. Don't just make something special and then chicken out."

    "Okay..." he breathed in sharply, "then do you- wait, that means you liked my surprise!"

    Sharp nails pulled at his ear.

    "Not the point!"

    "Ow, okay, cut it out! Okay... can we... go out sometime? Some other time? I mean, this doesn't count as going out since we all sleep in here but also-"


    "-but I mean something fancier- wait, yes?"


    "T-that's good." he tried to keep himself in check and refrain from celebrating or sighing in relief knowing that she'd never let him live it down. "I promise next time-"

    She rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose before grabbing his tie and pulling him down. He felt his face burn at the short distance between them and instantly shut his mouth and swallowed loudly.

    "You talk way too much." she raised an eyebrow. "But I think I've found the solution."

    She pulled him further down to meet her.

    She did.


    I did not forget about the requests, this was already done. Just a heads up!

    Something goofier because I've written too many serious ones lately.

  • From the suggestion of a friend

    Is the friend with us already? :?

    Either way, welcome :p

    Syberian posted: »

    I have been a long time lurker of this thread, with no desire to make an account to join and no initiative to join. Call it my own shyness g

  • YAS.

    Welcome to the community! (And I personally thank your friend for convincing you of joining!!!)

    Syberian posted: »

    I have been a long time lurker of this thread, with no desire to make an account to join and no initiative to join. Call it my own shyness g

  • Yes, she is.

    But I think the revealing of whom wouldn't be fun. She can announce who she is if she wants; I'm certainly not going to.

    Green613 posted: »

    From the suggestion of a friend Is the friend with us already? :? Either way, welcome

  • Also, should probably point out I can only update the group lists tomorrow.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona almost dropped her bag when she entered the room. She looked around her, jaw dropping slighly. The room was dimly lit, just how she

  • Ahh I see, well we're glad to have you.

    And thanks to whoever it was that helped convince you ^-^

    Syberian posted: »

    Yes, she is. But I think the revealing of whom wouldn't be fun. She can announce who she is if she wants; I'm certainly not going to.

  • I think my favorite moments can be considered closely associated with ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    451 moments of Rhyiona deliciousness.

  • So 90% of it? :P

    niconicofei posted: »

    I think my favorite moments can be considered closely associated with ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

  • Oh my god.

    This is so good.

  • Shippers being shipped? Love it, the new meta.

    Great art by the way ^-^

  • Welcome,buddy!

    Syberian posted: »

    I have been a long time lurker of this thread, with no desire to make an account to join and no initiative to join. Call it my own shyness g

  • Can't blame ya, it's glorious. <3

    niconicofei posted: »

    Basically. :T

  • Alt text

    Basically. :T

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So 90% of it? :P

  • "Are you scanning me?" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona almost dropped her bag when she entered the room. She looked around her, jaw dropping slighly. The room was dimly lit, just how she

  • edited May 2015

    ...Feeling a Tom Hanks face....

    Next post might be too much for Tom Hanks

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Now he can scan her any time he wants... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Now he can scan her any time he wants... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "Are you scanning me?" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Rhys will scan her in any way possible... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Through and through. :^)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    ...Feeling a Tom Hanks face.... Next post might be too much for Tom Hanks

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