Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited August 2015

    HELLA WHERE AM I ? enter image description here M8,male,romania m8.

  • edited August 2015

    For me the best DLCs in the franchise would have to be(This is in order from best to least):

    1. The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
    2. Claptastic Voyage
    3. Tiny Tina's assault on dragons keep
    4. Claptrap revolution
    5. The Zombie island of Dr. Ned
    6. Captain Scarlett and Her Pirates booty
    7. Mr. Torgue Campaign
    8. Hammerlock's hunt
    9. Moxxi's underdome riot
    10. Holodome

    I'm so fucking pissed they canceled the other pre-sequel dlc it seems so cool...

    Out of Borderlands 2 and The Presequel it's the best dlc.

  • Yeah i hate that too.

    I acn't rate the first BL dlc because I didn't play it yet but here's my opinion:

    1. Claptastic Voyage
    2. Tiny Tina's assault on Dragon Keep
    3. Captain Scarlett and her Pirate Booty
    4. Mr. Torgue Campaign
    5. Hammerlock's hunt (Never even finished this one because I didn't like tha atmosphere)
    6. Holodome
    7. The Dlc arena in the Presequel.

    Our opinions are almost the same wow!

    For me the best DLCs in the franchise would have to be(This is in order from best to least): * The Secret Armory of General Knoxx * Cl

  • But I'm going to school.


    For me the best DLCs in the franchise would have to be(This is in order from best to least): * The Secret Armory of General Knoxx * Cl

  • edited August 2015

    You should start on Secret Armory it's the best in dlc in the original borderlands with claptrap revolution behind it IMO. I still hate that they canceled that damn dlc, the new enemies looked like the last of us fungus zombies I forgot what they were called again. enter link description here and in the bottom of this page there's extras on it :/ http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Add-on_content.

    Yeah i hate that too. I acn't rate the first BL dlc because I didn't play it yet but here's my opinion: * Claptastic Voyage * Tiny

  • Cya

    But I'm going to school. Bye!

  • You're there m8.enter image description here

    HELLA WHERE AM I ? M8,male,romania m8.

  • Looks cool i wouldn't mind being added either

    HELLA WHERE AM I ? M8,male,romania m8.

  • Sometimes I wonder if you forget that you're talking to a 13 year-old xD

    But I hope that was a sign that you liked it :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    OUCH!!! But make-up sex is the best kind of sex amirit? >:D

  • That'll do :)

    I don't even know to accurately describe how much I love this.

  • Good morning, guys! <3

    Sees that the thread is dead

    Bye, guys! For now! <3

  • Same problem here when i come here its always dead

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, guys! Sees that the thread is dead Bye, guys! For now!

  • It's mostly dead from 9pm-6am EST.

    Same problem here when i come here its always dead

  • Yep that's mine
    Thanks <3

    Kawaiii posted: »

    it's yo birthday? Happy b-day then r rated rhyiona dreams ~-^

  • At this point it's obvious Rhys Fiona won't be a thing.

  • What are you talking about?

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    At this point it's obvious Rhys Fiona won't be a thing.

  • sure :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Can you draw me as Nick please?

  • oh my it's so so hairy xD

    Is it too late to enter?

  • So Cute! <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »


  • Haha, what did she throw at him? XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »


  • Sure~
    Just credit me~

    Vernaya posted: »

    bonus ending Do you mind if i translate it into russian?

  • Okay, so I started thinking... What if Rhys had accepted his role as a janitor and not discovered the vault key deal. And this is what I came up with...

    "Hey, watch where you're going!" Fiona snapped as she looked up at the man who had so rudely knocked her over. He offered her his hand up and she accepted it.

    "Sorry about that." She must of misheard him. There was no way a Hyperion stooge would apologize. "I guess I need to pay more attention. So, are you new here or something?"

    "What makes you say that?"

    He gestured at the window then spoke, "Well, not many people come to the observation deck and considering how you were walking straight into a dead end, I figured you were lost." Observation deck? Looks like she had taken a wrong turn.

    "Well, you got me. I'm totally lost." She tucked her red strand of hair behind her ear and continued, "So, you wouldn't happen to know where Handsome Jack's office is, would you?" He moved closer to the large window and stared out at the Bandit-ridden planet below.

    "It's pretty, isn't it?" He pauses, lost in his own thoughts. "I've heard things, awful things, of what it's actually like down there. I guess anything can look pretty from up here." She moves to stand beside him and looks at her home. Fiona couldn't help but agree that Pandora was pretty from here.

    "Yeah, from up here." Fiona had almost forgotten that she was in the middle of a heist and certainly didn't have time for small talk. "Look um..."


    "Rhys, about the office..." Rhys laughed and then turned to face her.

    "Right, right I totally forgot, sorry. Yeah so it's right..." Just as Rhys was about to explain to her the location of said office, the condescending voice of the comms sounded through the observation deck.

    "Assistant vice janitor Rhys to the Handsome Jack office tour for clean up, because that's your job now." Sighing Rhys went to retrieve his janitorial equipment.

    "Looks like I'm headed the same way, so we can just go together." Fiona followed beside him taking in all the sites as they went. She hated Hyperion, but Helios really was amazing. As the passed by the Hub of Heroism, she could feel the judgmental gazes directed towards the both of them. She realized that it was from Rhys's occupation and her proximity to him. Her eyes turned to face Rhys and she saw the downtrodden look on his face. For the first time in her life, Fiona felt sorry for a Hyperian. When they reached the start of the Handsome Jack VIP tour, Rhys stood still and looked into Fiona's eyes. His mouth opened but was shut without sound. The silence had grown uncomfortable for Fiona and she decided to fill it.

    "So this is it, huh." He nodded and then explained to her that this was just the museum and that Jack's office was further down the hall.

    "Normally you'd have to pay to go in there but because it's my job to clean the damn place, I get in for free. If you wanted I could let you sneak in with me." Fiona nodded and Rhys smirked. "You'll have to be quick though."

    "What, why?" Rhys's face suddenly grew serious. "Umm... Are you alr..."

    "Run!" Confused, Fiona followed behind Rhys. When they reached the office door, Fiona tried asking what the hell they were running from, but Rhys covered her mouth with his hand and pushed her behind a wall. She was silent and he gestured for her to stay that way. Fiona peeked out from her cover and saw Hyperian guards returning to their shifts. Rhys took her hand and guided her through the front, which he had just unlocked. Once both inside, Rhys closed the door behind him and sighed in relief. He bashfully scratched the back of his head, "Okay, so I'd forgotten that those guys would be just getting back from lunch then... Anyway, here it is." Fiona looked around the office until her eyes met the trophy display, then she glanced back at Rhys. She needed to find some way to take the Gortys piece without him noticing. Maybe should could just knock him out or...

    "So what are you actually doing here?" She gulped then forced a smile on her face. "Look, I know you don't actually work for Hyperion okay. I won't get you caught, so can you just tell me." She walked over to the trophy case and picked up one of the items.

    "See this? Well, this is a Gortys piece. It leads to a vault."

    "Doesn't everything?" He looked at the floor then back at her. "Do you think I could come with you?" Before she could answer, Sasha's voice came in through her ear.

    "Fi? What the hell is taking you so long? Are you alright?"

    "I'm fine and I got the piece. Oh and well... We got ourselves another passenger."

    "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Fiona paused and looked at Rhys.

    "It's complicated."

  • Awweee how adorbs~

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I am disappointed in myself because I know I can do better. But here's the drabble

  • Yeah ;-;

    Double Post?

  • ramdagadamramdagadam

  • Well they're adorable love/hate relationship is adorable~

    Now that you guys are at page 900, I'd like to know when/how you guys started shipping Rhyiona, I know 900 ain't a big mark but 1K is. When

  • But if Rhys had accepted role of janitor, that he would never came to Pandora and not met Fiona.

    But still nice work)

    Okay, so I started thinking... What if Rhys had accepted his role as a janitor and not discovered the vault key deal. And this is what I cam

  • edited August 2015

    Wait what?

    Oh wow almost forgot to say thank you.

    Hellmen posted: »

    But if Rhys had accepted role of janitor, that he would never came to Pandora and not met Fiona. But still nice work)

  • Talk about community relationships

    /Like this one hurr durr XD

    Eryka posted: »

    Some cool news about my future presentation : First of all my English teacher is awesome, he's super funny. And now for the news, it's a yes

  • There is no way that Rhys came to Pandora as well Fiona came to Helios if Rhys not discovered the vault key deal.

    Wait what? Oh wow almost forgot to say thank you.

  • Pepe & Gnome Child are the dankest memes.

  • Least fav ship?

    Does you like horror movies (Because they give me life :3 ) ?

    These are lame ;-;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Alright, I got something that might be fun for you! Let's play a little game shall we? You shall ask me questions, whatever you want. (ju

  • wat

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    Oooooh I see what your saying. I have a theory of why this could actually work. I'm too tired to explain it though.

    Okay actually I'll do it. Okay well if Rhys hadn't gone to make the vault deal, it would have be Vasquez. You can tell that August was expecting it to be him. Now the vault deal was ruined by Rhys dropping the key. However, regardless of that the money is stolen shortly after. Yes Rhys is ultimately the person that tracks the money down, but it wouldn't of necessarily needed to be him. Vasquez could of helped them find it and if not I'm sure Felix would of worked something out.

    Hellmen posted: »

    There is no way that Rhys came to Pandora as well Fiona came to Helios if Rhys not discovered the vault key deal.

  • AshleyXChris another OTP

    /Really, Emily is my spirit animal

    Because we're like both Emily's but I don't have the guts to be that mean haha. But I really feel uncomfortable because her name is Emily AND HER DEATH OH MY GOD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm here!!! And this time I mentally prepared myself for a fuck-ton of new comments. I have 1,984 to read through so wish me luck!!! Now

  • his shoe :3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Haha, what did she throw at him? XD

  • It's a song called ramdagadam


  • Pepe 4 life

    Pepe & Gnome Child are the dankest memes.

  • Dead thread due to school and time zones...

    enter image description here

    I finished school at 3 hours.

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