Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited September 2015

    June 6th ^-^

    Are you saying that I missed it this year?...

    enter image description here

    I will make it up to you... one way or another! Also, the date is gonna be stuck in my head from now on. I promise!

    Why? I mean it's your birthday. .-.

    I guess I just don't like sharing personal info... but you guys are changing that, one by one. ;)

    Kawaiii posted: »

    June 6th ^-^ I wasn't very comfortable Why? I mean it's your birthday. .-.

  • birthdays be like

    enter image description here

    Kawaiii posted: »

    guess who's b-day is tomorrow

  • HAHAHAH that is pretty funny xD

    also it sounds like leaves on the wind C: oh wow where did i go, i need to get some sleep already

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    My friend always calls Sasha Sashahasha xD It's not really a pun but it's still pretty funny. Sashahashahashashash..


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    birthdays be like

  • i didnt

    Kawaiii posted: »


  • I had the shittiest day at work. Felt like calling my Boss and telling her it was a load of shit...

    Anyways, my finger is kinda better now, but it'll take easily a few days to heal fully. Looks like it's sit-ups, leg exercises and swimming at the gym tomorrow for me!

    Now once I've finished catching up on here. I'm gonna not play Mad Max! I'm gonna finish Until Dawn! Even if it takes me till 4am! >:)

    I noticed that the chapters are getting shorter little by little so maybe that's why everyone finished it so quickly. It doesn't help that I know so much about the game now, but I'll still play as though I'm clueless, and I'll make my own choices as if I was in the character's shoes.

    Even so, I'm still not over my rant yesterday about this game... Why has it affected me this way? :/

  • I was not on the thread back then so you couldn't have known ^-^

    Anyway what do you do for your birthday?

    Probably a stupid question, but who cares?

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    June 6th ^-^ Are you saying that I missed it this year?... I will make it up to you... one way or another! Also, the date is

  • smooth crying McLoser

    i feel so bad for him ;___;

  • Bonjour Hazza!

    Sorry to hear about your crappy day, hopefully your finger will heal quickly in no time.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the shittiest day at work. Felt like calling my Boss and telling her it was a load of shit... Anyways, my finger is kinda better no

  • edited September 2015

    oh it doesn't sound like a wind when me and my friend say it xD

    I need some sleep too. :3

    buntingsir posted: »

    HAHAHAH that is pretty funny xD also it sounds like leaves on the wind C: oh wow where did i go, i need to get some sleep already

  • He'll be drowning like luke if fiona wasn't there

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    rhys is so stupid lmao

  • edited September 2015

    I was not on the thread back then so you couldn't have known ^-^

    Guess you're right... if you were here by that time, I probably wouldn't have left the thread for ages either...

    Anyway what do you do for your birthday?

    IIIII haven't got a clue, really... probably gonna do the usual stuff with my family members and then come on here to celebrate with you guys! (depends on how busy I will be on that particular day however...)

    Probably a stupid question, but who cares?

    No such thing as a stupid question. ;)

    Only annoying ones! And the ones you just asked, weren't annoying at all.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    I was not on the thread back then so you couldn't have known ^-^ Anyway what do you do for your birthday? Probably a stupid question, but who cares?

  • I'm laughing just imagining this xD

    We should both go to sleep then! Sweet dreams :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    oh it doesn't sound like a wind when me and my friend say it xD I need some sleep too.

  • edited September 2015

    Why has it affected me this way? :/

    It's a good game :D

    Oh and try to be really careful with your choices! Those characters die really easily when you are close to the end. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the shittiest day at work. Felt like calling my Boss and telling her it was a load of shit... Anyways, my finger is kinda better no

  • You have my ECHOeye scan saved?! :O

    I wuv u so much right now!! <3

  • If I only could record myself saying it Imao! xD

    sweet dreams! <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    I'm laughing just imagining this xD We should both go to sleep then! Sweet dreams

  • Hey, Hazza!... I hope that your work will get better soon!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the shittiest day at work. Felt like calling my Boss and telling her it was a load of shit... Anyways, my finger is kinda better no

  • ayy, lmao.

    that was pretty cold.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    He'll be drowning like luke if fiona wasn't there

  • Hi, pal, hope you'll feel better tomorrow!

    Bye now, I'm going to sleep Dx

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the shittiest day at work. Felt like calling my Boss and telling her it was a load of shit... Anyways, my finger is kinda better no

  • That's such a nice birthday!!! :'D

  • Thanks! I love drawing random stuff xD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That. Is. AWESOME! XD

  • Bonjour mon frere!

    Got work tomorrow as well :(

    Bonjour Hazza! Sorry to hear about your crappy day, hopefully your finger will heal quickly in no time.

  • No this was before I played it remember? :(

    Unfortunately I know how to get them killed as well T_T

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Why has it affected me this way? It's a good game Oh and try to be really careful with your choices! Those characters die really easily when you are close to the end.

  • Hey man.

    Unlikely tbh, we have a team of 6 and I always work evening shifts by myself like everyone else does :'(

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Hey, Hazza!... I hope that your work will get better soon!

  • Night, Bunting... will miss ya. ;-;

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hi, pal, hope you'll feel better tomorrow! Bye now, I'm going to sleep Dx

  • Of course! It brings back good memories! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You have my ECHOeye scan saved?! :O I wuv u so much right now!!

  • Hi and bye! XP

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hi, pal, hope you'll feel better tomorrow! Bye now, I'm going to sleep Dx

  • if you were here by that time, I probably wouldn't have left the thread for ages

    enter image description here

    Why did you leave?

    My birthday lasts two days lmao

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I was not on the thread back then so you couldn't have known ^-^ Guess you're right... if you were here by that time, I probably wou

  • night night, Paul! same here ;~~~;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Night, Bunting... will miss ya. ;-;

  • *frère

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Bonjour mon frere! Got work tomorrow as well

  • You gotta believe, man.

    I thought I would be stuck for the next couple of weeks doing a shit load of work too!

    But... here I am. ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey man. Unlikely tbh, we have a team of 6 and I always work evening shifts by myself like everyone else does

  • R rated rhyiona dreams

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hi, pal, hope you'll feel better tomorrow! Bye now, I'm going to sleep Dx

  • Hey!

    I don't like working but hey, what can we do?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the shittiest day at work. Felt like calling my Boss and telling her it was a load of shit... Anyways, my finger is kinda better no

  • Thanks, you too, Kawaiii!

    Kawaiii posted: »

    R rated rhyiona dreams

  • Oh, good punch right there! >:D

    ouch! i just came here and ppl r alredy initiating violence on me... ;_;

  • edited September 2015

    Why did you leave?

    That won't be very easy to explain...

    Let's just say it was a mixture of problems, laziness and busyness. It wasn't anything serious, but it all pilled up on me... At the time I was pretty busy at my work place. I was also changing my network provider, due to problems I had with the previous one (their tech support was completely yuck, too), which meant I didn't have internet for a while either... I also, regrettably, got pretty lazy due to the amount of work I had to do.

    I never said good bye, because I didn't know I would be gone for that long. Now I kinda regret it.

    I regret it because I missed too much good stuff... including you showing up. ;)

    Here's the hope it won't happen again! But... what am I saying? It won't, because of people like you. :)

    Everyone on this thread has shown me lots of compassion... That's something I won't be able to forget.

    My birthday lasts two days lmao

    My birthdays never lasted longer than a day... but you seem like a fun person, unlike me. xd

    If anything, you deserve them. ;p

    p.s: I feel like I'm getting too dramatic. pls stop me xd

    Kawaiii posted: »

    if you were here by that time, I probably wouldn't have left the thread for ages Why did you leave? My birthday lasts two days lmao

  • cousiiine

    Eryka posted: »


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