Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Good points!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I accepted no one as my responsibility. He was so happy to be on the straight and narrow. This is HIS fault, and no one else's. I didn't wan

  • I'm sorry you had to go through a similar event.

    This guy had a rough childhood, his Dad was in a gang and he was quite hard on him and his Brother. So my colleague was in a gang, and prison, with the tattoo's and horror stories to prove it, and he dealt drugs to get out of gang life. He was kept in rehab for a long time. He was so happy to be out and doing his own thing in a normal way.

    But he started to hate the job cuz it wasn't challenging enough for him, and he just started declining. I THINK he's Bipolar tbh. He had a massive up and now he's at rock bottom. Or maybe that is how an addict's mind works?

    One of my best friends right now has a friend from back in middle school who has turned into pretty much garbage. Like I don't believe that

  • edited September 2015

    It's not hard directly for me, it's more difficult to see my friend getting so mad at this guy who he was best friends with when he was younger. What blows my mind is that all 3 of us came from very good communities and relatively stable families.

    This guy, you're talking about, he seems to really been a dealt a bad hand from the start (which is awful). Unfortunately there's only so much anyone can do to help him even professionally. What you said about declining, we all suffer from time to time (I do quite often but that's my problem) and it can be so discouraging to face and over come, I can't even imagine what it would be for this guy. I mean if he does have a mental condition, he should see someone and everyone can and should help if he wants it. But it still comes down, is he really wanting to change.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm sorry you had to go through a similar event. This guy had a rough childhood, his Dad was in a gang and he was quite hard on him and h

  • edited September 2015


    Éste es más mejor

    Love it

    Hey let's lighten the mood enter link description here

  • Didn't realize Katocity ate all the other tributes

    ye Éste es más mejor Love it

  • omfg

    Didn't realize Katocity ate all the other tributes

  • edited September 2015
  • Good night! I can't believe we we're talking about Yttrium fetish

  • edited September 2015

    Shhhhhhh don't tease me about it I'm shy!

    also night

    Eryka posted: »

    Good night! I can't believe we we're talking about Yttrium fetish

  • 39 enter image description here

    Shhhhhhh don't tease me about it I'm shy! also night

  • Best element of the periodic table of elements : enter image description here

  • 69696969696969696969 best number ever!

    Eryka posted: »

    Best element of the periodic table of elements :

  • Your comment is so Thulium

    69696969696969696969 best number ever!

  • More BaekerxBaeley pairings in Videogames

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Trevor Noah is killing it!!!!!!!!!!!

  • İ Cant see that image -,-

    More BaekerxBaeley pairings in Videogames

  • edited September 2015

    It's Kai Leng and Eva Corra from Mass Effect (Troy and Laura's characters)

    Second time someone wasn't able to see my post, huh

    İ Cant see that image -,-

  • too long didn't read (have to get ready in ten minutes), but I think I figured out what you need:

    enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened: I work with a guy who has been in rehab

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here
    And I'm back!

  • He could kill anyone with his cuteness! :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Axolotl Handsome Jack is too cute!!!

  • HOT.


    Can I just marry that picture??????

    Good thing I'm never like that

  • Hello! How's your day?

  • Hey, everyone. I'm back from school. Most boring school day ever ;-;

    How are you all today? ^-^ <3

  • We found him outside the shop this morning, not quite sober but better than he was last night. He's been banned from the whole store as well, so the Police came and dropped him off somewhere...

    He has 2 choices:

    1.) He can take a train back to his hometown and stay with his Mum and Sister as they still care for him a lot. There is less for him here then there is there sadly...

    2.) He can stay here and get clean by himself, he's had too many chances already so no rehab will take him in. My Boss will see him once a week with clothes and food (she can't just let him go, I think she still loves him) and I guess go from there. If he gets clean then I don't know what's next.

    Sadly, I'll never view him the same way again. I nearly cried about it this morning

    It's not hard directly for me, it's more difficult to see my friend getting so mad at this guy who he was best friends with when he was youn

  • Thnx.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    too long didn't read (have to get ready in ten minutes), but I think I figured out what you need:

  • I'm good! Why was it boring?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, everyone. I'm back from school. Most boring school day ever ;-; How are you all today? ^-^

  • edited September 2015

    Today, the whole schedule was filled with boring lessons. And trust me, I almost fell asleep in the class and I never sleep in the class x3

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm good! Why was it boring?

  • Was it boring-difficult or boring-easy?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Today, the whole schedule was filled with boring lessons. And trust me, I almost fell asleep in the class and I never sleep in the class x3

  • More like both.

    Eryka posted: »

    Was it boring-difficult or boring-easy?

  • Boring-difficult-easy?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    More like both.

  • You can say it like that, yes.

    Eryka posted: »


  • Yay school is finally over i feel so happy anyway how yu all doing?

  • Bad, I'm going to school

    Yay school is finally over i feel so happy anyway how yu all doing?

  • Woah wtf what happened to all the pages in the thread?

  • [removed]

    No_username posted: »

    Woah wtf what happened to all the pages in the thread?

  • Nice... 2fast4you... but I'm still 2slow4everybodyelse. :D

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