Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Umm i think it's like 20 years late for that m8

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    srsly, if this doesn't convert other ppl to rhyiona, i don't know what will :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    IT'S FINISHED!!! John's smut fic is now up on my FF.net account! XD If you already know my account or you follow me on FF.net anyways

  • On it Bro :)

    armis37 posted: »

    Give me them chapters

  • Thank you for the mention lottii! XD

    Now onto the next fic. The BIG one.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Everyone listen up, I think we should all bless @HazzaTheMan because there was only one rhyiona nsfw fanfic out there. Now thanks to this man, there's is now two! RAISE A GLASS TO HAZZA!

  • HOLA CARIÑO THAT FANFIC WAS AMAZING.. I LOVED IT so much i read it super slowly because i didn't want it to end

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hola mi amor! XD

  • Ayyyyy, I knew you'd like it!!! XD

    srsly, if this doesn't convert other ppl to rhyiona, i don't know what will

  • Thank you for the mention lottii! XD

    No thank you for writing that fanfic.

    Now onto the next fic. The BIG one.

    Can't wait fam

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thank you for the mention lottii! XD Now onto the next fic. The BIG one.

  • Eyyyy nice!! :D

    How you been, Aurora? Doing ok? :)

    Finish TWAU yet so you can make a start on my other stuff? ;)

    rhonu posted: »

    HOLA CARIÑO THAT FANFIC WAS AMAZING.. I LOVED IT so much i read it super slowly because i didn't want it to end

  • No thank you for writing that fanfic.

    Awww man :')

    I actually crossed a project off my list... Now onto the next ones!!!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Thank you for the mention lottii! XD No thank you for writing that fanfic. Now onto the next fic. The BIG one. Can't wait fam

  • YES!! i forgot the password to my older account tho ... but i've got another one B)

    i'm okay, i think... at least today has been a good day! <3 how about you?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Eyyyy nice!! How you been, Aurora? Doing ok? Finish TWAU yet so you can make a start on my other stuff?

  • Tomorrow it's going to be 2 days until Episode 5, guys...

    I can't wait.

  • Cool! :D

    That's great to hear :)

    I'm doing ok, feel better now that I got something productive done today and people are loving it!! <3

    rhonu posted: »

    YES!! i forgot the password to my older account tho ... but i've got another one i'm okay, i think... at least today has been a good day! how about you?

  • edited October 2015

    I actually kind of want to read it even though I don't ship Rhyiona. Idk your ff account so can you pm me a link?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    IT'S FINISHED!!! John's smut fic is now up on my FF.net account! XD If you already know my account or you follow me on FF.net anyways

  • Sure thing!

    No_username posted: »

    I actually kind of want to read it even though I don't ship Rhyiona. Idk your ff account so can you pm me a link?

  • i can't wait to die

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Tomorrow it's going to be 2 days until Episode 5, guys... I can't wait.

  • edited October 2015

    Still, we are trying to not post off-topic posts. So please refrain from doing so as well here.

    Toffe posted: »

    Umm i think it's like 20 years late for that m8

  • heh maybe in your world

    Toffe posted: »

    Umm i think it's like 20 years late for that m8

  • i hope you feel better soon dear :((

    i still have to catch up, i need rhyiona too B)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    My back hurts like a motherfucker jesus christ, I just wanna lay down here and die. Nice amounts of Rhyiona today helped. I missed this.

  • If we get even a tiny Rhyiona moment I think I'll cry on my pillow in pure joy.

  • edited October 2015

    Thank you but it's a really bad infection I have so I doubt I'll get better that soon. Will just have to deal with it for now. More days off for me, I guess. ;(

    You should probably catch up tomorrow, no? Or you'll fall asleep in the middle of it :P

    rhonu posted: »

    i hope you feel better soon dear ( i still have to catch up, i need rhyiona too

  • edited October 2015

    I'll go damn myself if all those theories went to waste...

    enter image description here

    A tiny moment is all I need!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If we get even a tiny Rhyiona moment I think I'll cry on my pillow in pure joy.

  • Rhys: hi

    Fiona: hi


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I'll go damn myself if all those theories went to waste... A tiny moment is all I need!

  • edited October 2015

    ^ if this happened in EP5, that would be like, Rhyiona confirmed man!

    Ah... the joy of over-analyzing. <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys: hi Fiona: hi Us: FUCKING LOOK AT THEM!! YES!! LOVE!!

  • analyzing, huh?

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    ^ if this happened in EP5, that would be like, Rhyiona confirmed man! Ah... the joy of over-analyzing.

  • edited October 2015

    Christ, John!...

    I did not expect that!...

    ...You owe me 69 pence.

    analyzing, huh?

  • edited October 2015

    The smut fic currently has 2 reviews now: 1 from lottii, and 1 from rhonu :D

    I'm gonna go play Life Is Strange Ep.2 now, then go to bed. So goodnight my friends! <3

    And if you have read the fic. Please review it for me, it keeps me going and let's me know what was good and what was bad... :)

  • enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Christ, John!... I did not expect that!... ...You owe me 69 pence.

  • Goodnight Hazza, sweet rhyiona dreams <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The smut fic currently has 2 reviews now: 1 from lottii, and 1 from rhonu I'm gonna go play Life Is Strange Ep.2 now, then go to bed. So

  • Night, Hazza!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The smut fic currently has 2 reviews now: 1 from lottii, and 1 from rhonu I'm gonna go play Life Is Strange Ep.2 now, then go to bed. So

  • i'm so sorry to hear :(((( i had to deal with a similar thing (it was also on my back) last month when i came back from vacation and it sucked. i had get surgery and that's one of the things that kept me away from here... i really hope you feel better soon anyways, or at least that it doesn't hurt very much!! ;-----;

    yeah it's 0:44 am here but ain't no rest for the wicked. B)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you but it's a really bad infection I have so I doubt I'll get better that soon. Will just have to deal with it for now. More days off

  • edited October 2015

    20 years late for that m8

    20 years?!

    enter image description here

    Toffe posted: »

    Umm i think it's like 20 years late for that m8

  • but! Consider this!

    Rhys: how are you

    Fiona: chill and you

    Rhys: same tbh


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    ^ if this happened in EP5, that would be like, Rhyiona confirmed man! Ah... the joy of over-analyzing.

  • edited October 2015


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but! Consider this! Rhys: how are you Fiona: chill and you Rhys: same tbh Us: THIS IS SO FUCKING CONFIRMED, THEIR LOVE IS A LEGEND TO BE TOLD THROUGH THE CENTURIES

  • episode 5 wishlist

    • rhyiona
    • rhys not dying
    • (seriously if rhys dies i'm gonna kill him)
    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If we get even a tiny Rhyiona moment I think I'll cry on my pillow in pure joy.

  • (seriously if rhys dies i'm gonna kill him)

    enter image description here

    i see what you tried to do there...

    rhonu posted: »

    episode 5 wishlist * rhyiona * rhys not dying * (seriously if rhys dies i'm gonna kill him)


    BigBadPaul posted: »


  • Oh god, I hope you're feeling better, that's gotta have sucked. :( I'm very sorry. It hurts but everything passes and so will this!

    Well, at least it's weekend now. :P

    rhonu posted: »

    i'm so sorry to hear ((( i had to deal with a similar thing (it was also on my back) last month when i came back from vacation and it sucked

  • edited October 2015
    BigBadPaul posted: »


    • rhys not dying

    • (seriously if rhys dies i'm gonna kill him)

    what if both rhys and fiona get rekt..

    rhonu posted: »

    episode 5 wishlist * rhyiona * rhys not dying * (seriously if rhys dies i'm gonna kill him)

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