Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • That was literally so well made. Watching 10000 more times

  • edited October 2015

    Also Cortana is the villain now.

    Morning guys. What did I miss other than Cannibalism?

  • edited October 2015

    Im going to replay episodes 1-5. Anyone know how to get the best rhys/fiona experience? Figured id take shot at a fanfic once i finish it. Need a break from my fallout story anyways :)

  • You have good taste, my friend. Good taste...

    enter image description here

    Vote Rhys for Pandora's sexiest man.

    I think he's hot )))


    Zeratuel posted: »

    Im going to replay episodes 1-5. Anyone know how to get the best rhys/fiona experience? Figured id take shot at a fanfic once i finish it. Need a break from my fallout story anyways

  • Avoid Rhysha moments,there that's all I can give you....Good luck!

    Zeratuel posted: »

    Im going to replay episodes 1-5. Anyone know how to get the best rhys/fiona experience? Figured id take shot at a fanfic once i finish it. Need a break from my fallout story anyways

  • enter image description here

    I would read the heck out of them. You don't even know. More Rhyiona? From moments in the game? Yes.

    So peeps are saying I should write a whole fanfic, but why don't I just re-write different telltale scenes to favor Rhyiona? You guys can re

  • I was just scrolling by and--

    Also Cortana is the villain now.

    Are you--

    is this--



    HALO 5??


  • Reese


    I know you meant Rhys but I can't stop thinking of John Reese from Person of Interest since you said Reese.

    Now I imagine Fiona killing John Reese ;-;


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Vampire Fiona feeding off of Reese. Do it.

  • enter image description here


  • The villian of what? Tales from the Borderlands?


    no no no pls.

  • You missed some Rhyiona, a dose of Rhyiona, some fanfiction, bronys, and death.

    Morning guys. What did I miss other than Cannibalism?

  • I'd read them and love them :D

    So peeps are saying I should write a whole fanfic, but why don't I just re-write different telltale scenes to favor Rhyiona? You guys can re

  • Srry I had to.

    I was just scrolling by and-- Also Cortana is the villain now. Are you-- is this-- what-- spoilers?-- HALO 5?? WHAT

  • Glad I missed the Bronies.

    You missed some Rhyiona, a dose of Rhyiona, some fanfiction, bronys, and death.

  • edited October 2015

    If it's spoilers for Halo 5, you probably should spoiler tag that. There are other gamers here who might be going through Halo 5. The game has been out for less then a week.

    Srry I had to.

  • I knew it, something was off about her not being available in my region!...

    ...Oh wait you guys are talking about a game? I should sleep.


    Srry I had to.

  • enter link description here

    Just getting you in the mood for Halloween my friends! ;)

    Happy Halloween

    "Back off!" The little boy yelled in the most ferocious voice he could muster.

    "And what are you gonna do about it?" Vasquez, a teenager who was twice the size of the young boy, asked as he shoved him to the ground.

    Rhys pulled his candy bucket closer to his chest. "This isn't yours! I got it all by myself!"

    Ignoring him, Vasquez tugged at the pumpkin shaped bucket. "Let go you little twerp." He demanded in the squeaky, seemingly puberty-induced, voice of his.

    "Hey!", a voice cut in, "Why don't you pick on someone you're own size?"

    The girl wasn't nearly Vasquez's size, even Rhys was taller than her! Quite a rare occurrence.

    With her long hood covering most of her face, and the angry glare in her eyes, she looked very menacing.

    "Whatever! It's not even worth it!" Vasquez yelled, stalking away.

    The girl walked over to Rhys, offering a hand.

    As Rhys was pulled up from the ground he muttered, "I didn't need your help you know. I had the situation under control."

    "Of course you didn't." She responded with a smirk.

    As Rhys stooped down to pick up his plastic sword the girl began to chuckle.

    "Who are you supposed to be then?" She asked, brushing her long hair out of her face.

    "Um? Who am I? Only the greatest Vault Hunter to ever exist, Zer0." Rhys said, brushing his pants off.

    How could someone not know who Zer0 was?

    The girl snickered. "That's a pretty shitty costume then."

    Rhys gasped, "You-You said a bad word!"

    "So what? You gonna tell my Mom?" She asked sarcastically, flipping her hood off her head.

    "If she were here, yeah!" Rhys said, stamping his foot angrily.

    For such a small girl, she sure knew how to be a pest.

    "Well isn't that too bad, she's never been here!" She yelled, clenching her fist.

    Rhys thought she was going to punch him. He was definitely more scared of her than Vasquez.

    "I'm sorry. I didn't know." Rhys said kicking the dirt nervously.

    "Yeah, well it's like you could've." She said with a roll of her eyes.

    "Where do you live then?" He asked, curious.

    "On the streets. Me and my sis, against the world." The girl declared, a strange glint in her eyes.

    "Where do you get food then?" Rhys asked as he swung his sword around bored like, as if he was barely listening.

    She rolled her eyes again, turning away from him. "I live on the streets. Use your imagination."

    She began to make her way back down the street, seemingly done with the conversation.

    "W-Wait!" Rhys called, chasing after her.

    The girl continued to ignore him, even after he had caught up with her.

    "You never told me your name." He explained at her questioning stare.

    "Why does it matter?" She said, not slowing down.

    "I have to know it if I'm ever going to talk to you again, silly." Rhys said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

    She stared at him blankly. Had she just made a friend?

    "It's Fiona. But my sis-err, friends call me Fi." She said, stumbling over her words. Quite a rare occurrence.

    "Fi it is then!" Rhys declared, staking himself as her friend.

    Making him her only friend in the whole world, technically.

    "I never asked you, but what's your costume supposed to be?"

    Fiona flipped her hood back up. "You can't tell? I'm Athena!"

    "Well based off the fact that your costume consists of a ragged hoodie and a roughly painted trash can lid, yeah I can see how I wouldn't be able to." He said with a smirk.

    "Oh shut up." She said, tugging her hoodie down farther to conceal her smile.

    "I should probably head back home." Rhys said as he began to slow down their pace.

    "Oh. Okay." Fiona said, surprised at the disappointment in her voice.

    "Before I go, I want you to have this." He said, handing her a piece of candy.

    "I don't want your pity donations-" She began, as if this was a conversation she often held.

    "No! It's not like that! I don't give my candy away to just anyone you know." He said in the high-pitched voice of his. "It's for you to remember me by!"

    Fiona felt her face flush for some strange reason. What was with this boy?

    She suddenly had the strong urge to punch him.

    "Well, goodnight Fi! It was nice meeting you! Happy Halloween!" He yelled behind him as he scampered off into the night, waving his sword around.

    Fiona looked down at the candy he had given her.

    It was a Reese's cup.

    "Yeah," Fiona called after him, "Happy Halloween."


    This was basically a test to see just how corny I could make my fanfics. :P

    Anyways, I saw an earlier post about wanting the Tales characters dressed as Borderlands characters. So, boom! Sorry I can't remember who posted it.

    I wrote this to kind of set everyone in the mood for our current holiday, so Happy Halloween everybody!

    Tell me what you thought of my fic! :D

  • Amazing amazing amazing the Reese's cup was a really nice touch. I love how they both failed to recognize each other's costumes :)

    Okay I've tried to go to bed five times already bye again goodnight...

    enter link description here Just getting you in the mood for Halloween my friends! Happy Halloween "Back off!" The little boy yell

  • edited October 2015

    Awwwww....how sweet! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    I love it!

    enter link description here Just getting you in the mood for Halloween my friends! Happy Halloween "Back off!" The little boy yell

  • Knew it was Athena the sec you mentioned the hoodie.

    enter link description here Just getting you in the mood for Halloween my friends! Happy Halloween "Back off!" The little boy yell

  • Any more of this feelsy stuff and I think I'm going to end up dying. For real.

    They are just so CUTE as kids, I can't handle it.

    enter link description here Just getting you in the mood for Halloween my friends! Happy Halloween "Back off!" The little boy yell

  • Thanks! I tried to stick in as many cute little moments as I could. :3

    Good night!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Amazing amazing amazing the Reese's cup was a really nice touch. I love how they both failed to recognize each other's costumes Okay I've tried to go to bed five times already bye again goodnight...

  • I'm glad you liked it! Have a Happy Halloween! :D

    Farauna posted: »

    Awwwww....how sweet! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I love it!

  • Hehe. Yeah. xP

    Thanks for reading!

    Knew it was Athena the sec you mentioned the hoodie.

  • I know! I just LOVE the kids au! This is actually my first try at it!

    Thanks for reading and reviewing, and I hope you have a great Halloween! <3

    Any more of this feelsy stuff and I think I'm going to end up dying. For real. They are just so CUTE as kids, I can't handle it.

  • Well, it was fantastic!

    You too! :)

    I know! I just LOVE the kids au! This is actually my first try at it! Thanks for reading and reviewing, and I hope you have a great Halloween!

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    sooooo rhyiona vampire AU or nah?? vampire Fiona?? Sick, right?! i'm the shittiest vampire ever, i can't even attack anyone without feeling bad

  • This was pretty cute, Great work! ("◠‿◠)

    enter link description here Just getting you in the mood for Halloween my friends! Happy Halloween "Back off!" The little boy yell

  • just casually posts undertale soundtracks I love this, we have an undertale connection xD

    Farauna posted: »

    You know.... I don't really care if I get kisses, hugs etc., but...... if my parents sometimes tell me "get a boyfriend" or "I want some gra

  • So much Rhyiona love, I can't help but feel like this:

    enter link description here

  • It's when you try to avoid that you realize how forced they are.

    CamMaster posted: »

    Avoid Rhysha moments,there that's all I can give you....Good luck!

  • When was this? I can't remember

    BigBadPaul posted: »


  • When was this?!?! I forgotten things xD

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Conglaturation, Rhys!!! You have proven your strength. Now go and rest our hero. W-we did it, Fi!

  • .. The Flower Moment omygod plz

    So peeps are saying I should write a whole fanfic, but why don't I just re-write different telltale scenes to favor Rhyiona? You guys can re

  • Son : Dad, remember the time I killed a honeybee?
    Rhys : Yes, and I said "no honey for a week"
    Son : And that time I killed a butterfly and you said I couldn't have butter for a week?
    Rhys : That was ages ago. Why?
    Son : Mom (Fiona) just killed a cockroach. Should I break it to her?
    Rhys : ..........................................

  • Thanks Goofy! :D

    Happy Halloween!

    This was pretty cute, Great work! ("◠‿◠)

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