Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I know your game you democratic republican reptilian commies! You're just trying to supress the world and the truth about jeebus. I know this because I heard it from an insane preacher inside a mental institute!

    SmolGui posted: »


  • Tfw I'm playing the finale of Game of Thrones! At last! :D

    Well, see you guys soon... Even though I will still be here xD

  • democratic republican reptilian commies

    Take it down a notch lmaoo-

    I know your game you democratic republican reptilian commies! You're just trying to supress the world and the truth about jeebus. I know this because I heard it from an insane preacher inside a mental institute!

  • See ya later m8

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw I'm playing the finale of Game of Thrones! At last! Well, see you guys soon... Even though I will still be here xD

  • But you already watched the stream.

    I'm always clean and I don't spoil it for myself.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw I'm playing the finale of Game of Thrones! At last! Well, see you guys soon... Even though I will still be here xD

  • You're just trying to fund the colonisation of the moon from our--

    okay, I'll stop

    SmolGui posted: »

    democratic republican reptilian commies Take it down a notch lmaoo-

  • I grew worried for a second.

    Getting high on reptillians/politics/conspiracy/somethin-

    You're just trying to fund the colonisation of the moon from our-- okay, I'll stop

  • I know xP

    But I want to play it for myself, too, you know ;-;

    But you already watched the stream. I'm always clean and I don't spoil it for myself.

  • It's a phase Dad


    You weren't always a child-man from Boston?

    It's a phase dad!

  • Lucky you! Android is still not available.

    Time zones, bla-bla-bla. I'm going to try it tomorrow.

    Good night, guys, have a nice birthday party!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw I'm playing the finale of Game of Thrones! At last! Well, see you guys soon... Even though I will still be here xD

  • Okay, so I saw the episode 6 of GoT, and have only one question.

    enter image description here

    Dear God it was horroble.

  • Good thing I have it on Steam xD

    GoT rated Rhyiona dreams, Mawula ^-^

    Oh and tell me your opinion about episode 6 tomorrow, okay? I would love to hear it :3

    Mawula posted: »

    Lucky you! Android is still not available. Time zones, bla-bla-bla. I'm going to try it tomorrow. Good night, guys, have a nice birthday party!

  • HandsomeChefHandsomeChef Banned
    edited November 2015


    yeah... you're clean as lewd Rhyiona smut.

    But you already watched the stream. I'm always clean and I don't spoil it for myself.

  • Was it really? Atfer all those months of waitng, how many like 5 or 6?

    Okay, so I saw the episode 6 of GoT, and have only one question. Dear God it was horroble.

  • @Kawaiii I had to do this in art enter image description here

  • Nighty night nights!

    Mawula posted: »

    Lucky you! Android is still not available. Time zones, bla-bla-bla. I'm going to try it tomorrow. Good night, guys, have a nice birthday party!

  • I thought it was alright. Had a few irritating parts but in general...

    Okay, so I saw the episode 6 of GoT, and have only one question. Dear God it was horroble.

  • Nononononono, I was a Handsome boy.

    enter image description here

    It's a phase Dad Wait... You weren't always a child-man from Boston?

  • edited November 2015

    Really? I thought it was pretty great. I mean, it has its downs but it was still an amazing finale :p

    And back for me playing the finale for now...

    Okay, so I saw the episode 6 of GoT, and have only one question. Dear God it was horroble.

  • Shut up dad you don't know what is going on in my life.

    clean? yeah... you're clean as lewd Rhyiona smut.

  • TFTB finale is better.

    I haven't even played GOT but I must be right.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Really? I thought it was pretty great. I mean, it has its downs but it was still an amazing finale And back for me playing the finale for now...

  • Ayy do any of you remember this?

    I'm gonna use this so much more nao-

    (This was the best edit of one of my screenshots tbh. Can't remember who did it doe.)

    enter image description here

  • Yeah, the Tales' finale is better. But Thrones' finale was still amazing. ;p

    TFTB finale is better. I haven't even played GOT but I must be right.

  • you're such a nice virgin

    getttt it? (you don't get it 'cause you're a virgin for spoilers hahahashit)

    But you already watched the stream. I'm always clean and I don't spoil it for myself.

  • good night :D

    Mawula posted: »

    Lucky you! Android is still not available. Time zones, bla-bla-bla. I'm going to try it tomorrow. Good night, guys, have a nice birthday party!

  • Amazing predictor 2k15 must read.

    More like predicktor amirite.

    Shit I just burned myself.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, the Tales' finale is better. But Thrones' finale was still amazing. ;p

  • what did you get? an A or a D?

    enter image description here

  • Don't call me a virgin I don't even follow the series.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    you're such a nice virgin getttt it? (you don't get it 'cause you're a virgin for spoilers hahahashit)


    And first of all, why did you even burn yourself? .-.

    Amazing predictor 2k15 must read. More like predicktor amirite. Shit I just burned myself.

  • so you are a virgin for GoT ok

    Don't call me a virgin I don't even follow the series.

  • I thought one of you would make that joke.

    Bitch I'm foolproof.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    LMAO YOU JUST BURNED YOURSELF HAHA! xD And first of all, why did you even burn yourself? .-.

  • I don't know.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    what did you get? an A or a D?

  • YISS.


  • Gotta admit...

    That's a good one, bruh ;^)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    what did you get? an A or a D?

  • true that thanks for fixing your mistake.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    so you are a virgin for GoT ok

  • edited November 2015

    oh, so you were drunk that night.

    Eryka posted: »

    I don't know.

  • thaaaaaanks rly

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Gotta admit... That's a good one, bruh ;^)

  • *high

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    oh, so you were drunk that night.

  • but that means I fixed nothing, dude.

    true that thanks for fixing your mistake.

  • How come I'm now your... Dad ?

    Shut up dad you don't know what is going on in my life.

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