Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Tbh member x member ships have pretty much died down.

    I'm kinda glad that happened. I think it brought so much trouble to the thread. I guess shipping is good but not if we are shipping everyone many times :/

    Annnnddd now I'm going to do some stuff. See ya later.

    See you later, SmolGui ~-^

    SmolGui posted: »

    Tbh member x member ships have pretty much died down. Annnnddd now I'm going to do some stuff. See ya later.

  • This is probably a little late, I'm great though - you?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning everyone! ^-^ How are you all today?

  • I'm good, although I'm still a little bit sad about the finale of Game of Thrones.

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the episode, even the ending... but the feels ;_;

    Thank you for asking ^-^

    This is probably a little late, I'm great though - you?

  • Ah, yes, I really enjoyed it too! :)

    Who did you save btw? Mira or Tom?

    And np :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm good, although I'm still a little bit sad about the finale of Game of Thrones. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the episode, even the ending... but the feels ;_; Thank you for asking ^-^

  • Mira. I couldn't let her die. I was so attached with her and I've been really enjoying playing as her :(

    But poor Tom... he didn't deserve it ;-;

    But I'm thinking of letting Mira die since she will be Morgryn's slave and baby maker by force if she lives x(

  • Tbh I never even encountered member on member shipping before this thread. I think it's rather funny.

    Maybe it looks prettier if you're not participating :)

    SmolGui posted: »

    Tbh member x member ships have pretty much died down. Annnnddd now I'm going to do some stuff. See ya later.

  • @GrowlingPeanut and I have finished our collab together! Her part is fantastic. :) Expect it later today in 2 parts. Peanut just has to do the formatting for the thread. I hope you all enjoy it when it releases. :)

  • edited November 2015

    It's actually from my one-shot series on AO3 so some people have probably already read it but what the hell

    AU in which Helios never crashed, Jack took control over Rhys and Fiona's now working for Rhys-Jack as a bounty hunter

    Fiona doesn't like being his soft spot. Not that she can really call it that, considering he's just as likely to throw her out an airlock for being "infuriating" as for a slow grin to creep across his features as he watches her, the same action now deemed "intoxicating".
    She wants to claim she was a victim in all this, that she had not seen what was in motion before it was too late. That the end in no way was expected to her.

    In certain aspects that was apt. There was no way in hell she anticipated being requested up to Helios, at HIS personal invitation. Nor the events that unfolded once she arrived there.

    She'd been bribed to a certain degree, the temptation to earn easy money if she did a teensy job for him too great to pass up. And granted, it wasn't like she was hurting anyone that in the end didn't deserve it.

    Then again, he could have been lying when he described the job to her. All swagger and bravado, legs up on the desk as he munched on some chips, the crumbs landing on his pristine black vest.

    He did it mostly to piss off Rhys, Fiona had come to find. If Rhys thought his body was a temple, then the plague known as Handsome Jack was more than willing to desecrate it. If only to cause the other man to scream in horror at the results.

    She could never quite tell what Rhys was getting out of all this, but she supposed she didn't quite know what she was getting either from their little arrangement. Not like you didn't get targets painted on your back for acting in the name of the hated Hyperion CEO.

    She knew she was better off leaving his employ, and yet...what was her other option? Wander the desert with a bounty on her head? At least there was one perk to this job, and that was that the world seemed to fear Jack a lot more than any need for justice in the form of bringing her in for "past crimes". As if no one else she knew had bribed and stolen their way around Pandora.

    Fiona hated it, for the most part. Her dignity and all that sacrificed for a paycheque, and yet...she liked it, to a certain degree. Besides, most of the people actually seemed to deserve the punishment Jack wanted to dole out.

    It had been after a particularly nasty job, her frame covered in skag bile on account of one swallowing the man before she could grab the envelope stashed into his suit pocket, resulting in her cutting the beast clean in half with some pocket knife after shooting it on the head a few times.

    She threw the envelope onto the desk, feeling like she needed a good bath (or ten) as the man before her looked up from his computer screen.

    "Nice job," Rhys commented and she visibly relaxed at the familiar smile of approval.

    Despite technically working for Rhys she didn't see him much. Him in complete control, she meant. He was more of a glorified secretary at this point, taking messages for Jack and at times handling clients with the tact that somehow Jack had never been too keen to learn.

    He typed a few things into the computer before he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

    "Where's he?" She asked and Rhys shrugged before he started typing again. Just another cog in the machinery that was Hyperion. She knew it disappointed him, what being President actually entailed in terms of needing to share the power. She knew he'd have left already if he was sure Jack couldn't follow.

    She suspected there were other reasons too though for the life of her she couldn't tell what they were.

    She was about to ask him what he was working on when something shifted and she sighed. Bye bye Rhys.

    "Oh good, thought I'd have to go down myself at this rate," Rhys-Jack declared as he picked up the envelope between silver fingers. "What happened pumpkin, get stuck in traffic?"

    She bristled but didn't respond. That only tended to encourage him, and the less he said the easier it was for her. Not that it decreased by any real degree.

    He broke the seal, looking at the contents before he flicked the envelope onto the desk.

    If working for him wasn't infuriating in itself the fact he never quite told her what she was nearly dying for had a tendency to set her on edge. She had tried once to ask, the response being less than positive.

    He reached into his desk, pulling out a thick wad of cash before he tossed it at her, grinning when she caught it easily.

    That was the arrangement, everything in cold cash. No Hyperion bank account, nothing to trace her back to him. A rare argument she had won against him, not that it felt like an achievement. If anything, it was almost as if he was humouring her.

    If there’s anything she’s learned taking this position, it’s that you don’t keep Jack waiting, and yet she hesitates as she stands outside the imposing office, her ID card in her palm.

    She could just turn around now, pretend she never received the ECHO call. Sure, he’d be pissed as all hell, but she smiled a little at the thought of the rebellion of the action. A little nod to the fact he didn’t control her entirely. Petty, she would admit, but she was coming to learn sometimes the small victories were treasured the most.

    The doors slide open of their own accord and the first thing that hits her is the stench of liquor on his breath as he practically leans out of the doorway. Her nose wrinkles as he grins at her, all sloppy yet still condescending.

    “The bandit who killllllllls banditos, mi amigos,” he slurs as he leans against the doorway. He seems to miscalculate and plops to the floor, laughing to himself entirely too loudly to be appropriate for the next-to-silent satellite at 2 am. It’s bordering on hysterical and if it was anyone else she would worry about their well-being.

    He looks absolutely manic, and somehow she knows Jack could care less.

    “You wanted to see me?” she asks professionally and he cocks an eyebrow. He steps forward, his arm wrapping around her waist as he yanks her forward.

    Their chests collide and she tries to turn away from the stench that seems to be trapped in his pores. She wonders just how exactly an AI can get himself wasted when he rests his hands on her hips, his lips close to her ear.

    She expects him to say something when all she feels is a sharp pull as her earlobe is pulled into his mouth, and when she shoves him back the grin grows predatory. It’s foreign on Rhys’ features, and it makes the bile rise in her throat.

    For every step forward she takes two steps back, and the grin only gets wider as they continue their little dance around the office.

    One-two-three-four, let me get out the door, one-two-three-four, can we not play anymore? She finds herself reciting in her head and it makes her snort a little. Jack takes this as a welcome invitation and backs her against one of the walls, hands on either side of her frame before they slide down next to her hips, not quite touching them as he looms over her.

    She could kick him in this position, quite easily in fact, move so rapidly that the jab to the neck would send him sprawling on the floor. Her moment of trying to calculate the risks proves to be her undoing as he leans down, lips on her neck as he tugs at the skin there.

    Hands grab too roughly at her hips as he drags her forward, leg wedged between her own as he marks her neck and then for some reason, it goes…softer.

    The grip relaxes, his mouth less insistent and when she bends her head down in surprise his mouth meets hers.

    A sharp jolt runs through her at the contact as he kisses her sweetly, slightly nibbling on her lower lip and it’s the perfect moment to shove him away. Except she doesn’t.

    Because this feels wrong. Not in the typical definition, which this situation would definitely suit. But it doesn’t feel like it’s Jack. It’s less of a fight now, more of an intricate dance where he wants to teach her the steps one-by-one, entirely too patient to be him.

    His hands go to cup her cheeks, the cool metal resting against her skin as he presses gently, pulling away as she tries to catch her breath long enough to ask him what is going on.

    “Rhys?” she breathes hesitantly, and there’s a flicker in his eyes before it shifts, the smile returning as her blood cools rapidly. He attacks her mouth, nails digging into the back of her head, groaning lewdly and she shoves him so roughly he falls to his knees.

    And he looks much, much too pleased with his current position, and she wonders for a moment if someone’s done it to him before, shaking her head at the
    mere thought of it. He was Handsome goddamn Jack, anyone who could get him to his knees…scratch that, anyone who could even get him close to bending down slightly deserved their own float in a parade dedicated to them.

    “Ohhhh I missed this,” he slurs, hands reaching for her hips before he practically curls against her. She’s about to knee him in the face when his hands go to her hips and he rests his forehead on her thigh, almost like a child trying to hide in their mother’s skirt.

    She’s half-expecting him to continue his efforts from there, but he just seems to stop. His grip tightens and she feels a harsh shudder run through him. He continues to shudder and it takes her a moment to realize he’s crying.

    He doesn’t elaborate, the tears streaming down his face, his grip loosing on her thigh within a few minutes before he collapses onto his back, snoring loudly.

    She steps over him and practically bolts out of the office, her breaths coming in short gasps as she tries to make sense of what she has just seen.

    It’s the final push to convince her to try and run, and after a few days when she finds no Loader Bots on her tail she begins to wonder what made him let go so easily. Why Rhys hasn’t tried to contact her, though she knows the danger in that for him.
    It feels like Jack is humouring her again.

    She chooses not to question it, taking the first shuttle off the planet, refusing to look back. Not like she has anything left on Pandora worth staying for anymore.

    She rips out the chip in her arm roughly, tossing it out the window as the shuttle lifts off the ground. She settles back into her seat and smiles a little, before her smile fades as she looks at the person across from her.


    “I’m not coming back,” she declares to him, and the man smiles too gently to be Jack.

    “Neither am I,” Rhys replies with a small smile, his voice quiet. It feels strange, interacting with him like this, and he answers her question before she can even ask it. “He made me leave him on Helios. Said he never wanted to see your filthy scum face again for the rest of his life.”

    “He just let you leave?” she asked in surprise and he snorted.

    “He nearly threw me out of an airlock when I hesitated,” he replied honestly, rubbing his eyes. “Didn’t have much choice in the matter.”

    “You’re not worried about leaving him alone on Helios?” she asked and he shrugged.

    “I’m sure he’ll manage. Not sticking around to find out.”

    She smiled a little at that.

    “So Rhys, how does it feel to be officially ex-Hyperion?”

    He snorted.

    “A damn relief,” he replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

    She couldn't help but nod in agreement at that statement.

    Mawula posted: »

    Please do. At least give me the link.

  • That is wonderful news, Kristi!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    @GrowlingPeanut and I have finished our collab together! Her part is fantastic. Expect it later today in 2 parts. Peanut just has to do the formatting for the thread. I hope you all enjoy it when it releases.

  • Can't wait ^-^

    Also, Kristi, sorry for asking that way but did you play the finale of Game of Thrones? I'm really curious how you felt about it and what's your opinion on it :o

    kristi78968 posted: »

    @GrowlingPeanut and I have finished our collab together! Her part is fantastic. Expect it later today in 2 parts. Peanut just has to do the formatting for the thread. I hope you all enjoy it when it releases.

  • Yes, I played the finale. But you must wait till Friday for my thoughts. ;)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Can't wait ^-^ Also, Kristi, sorry for asking that way but did you play the finale of Game of Thrones? I'm really curious how you felt about it and what's your opinion on it

  • Haha, sounds fair :'>

    Can't wait to listen to your thoughts ;)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Yes, I played the finale. But you must wait till Friday for my thoughts.

  • That is a mind-blowing story!!!

    I gotta check your account on ao3. If there is more like this....I'm gonna die happily.

    All my guilty Rhyionack desires have been sated. For some time. You know :)

  • Tired, I stayed up to finish a project then I was stupid enough to watch "1000 ways to die" for the next hour. Now I have get up to go to therapy then after therapy I have to go to school.

    Busy morning....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning everyone! ^-^ How are you all today?

  • Oh... that sucks :(

    Suddenly I actually feel the only lucky one here xd

    I didn't have school today ;p

    Tired, I stayed up to finish a project then I was stupid enough to watch "1000 ways to die" for the next hour. Now I have get up to go to therapy then after therapy I have to go to school. Busy morning....

  • Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh... that sucks Suddenly I actually feel the only lucky one here xd I didn't have school today ;p

  • LMAO.

    Why can't I see anything to your reply? xP

  • That's the point lmfao

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    LMAO. Why can't I see anything to your reply? xP

  • Oh...

    Well... shit :p

    That's the point lmfao

  • edited November 2015

    What the fuck is this tho.

    enter image description here


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh... Well... shit

  • Let's just say that me and Laura had some fun ~-^

    And not in a lewd way ;p

    What the fuck is this tho. EXPLAINNN!!!!!

  • ;>

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Let's just say that me and Laura had some fun ~-^ And not in a lewd way ;p

  • Good morning bruh

    @John_Smith13 I see you're playing Postal 2 rn, you're going to have a hell of a fun time.

  • That reminds me.....yesterday I was playing GTA V then Chop started to "hug" another dog lmao

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hehe... ;3

  • Yeah, I know about that ;)

    BTW did you see a playthrough of the finale of Game of Thrones? :s

    That reminds me.....yesterday I was playing GTA V then Chop started to "hug" another dog lmao

  • edited November 2015

    Nah too busy with school to have any time to myself, that's why I haven't been on the forum much/haven't played Steam games for a couple of days. Well minus csgo.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, I know about that BTW did you see a playthrough of the finale of Game of Thrones?

  • yea my bad thanks

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    The memest mem(m)ber. More like 'The memest meme(m)ber', amirite?

  • wait whAT???????

    The Rhack brought ruin to our fandom. Our proud people became refugees. And yet, they could not shatter our unity. For we are bound by the R

  • pear vs peach?

    Good morning bruh @John_Smith13 I see you're playing Postal 2 rn, you're going to have a hell of a fun time.

  • Peaches

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    pear vs peach?

  • I'll play it -- if Clementine is the PC.

    Green613 posted: »

    Well since Tales and GoT are both over, I'm so INCREDIBLY hyped for TWD to return, it's been so long since we've been in that saddle. i can taste it Kreygasm Anyone else here that's guaranteed going to play it?

  • hi hi

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • hello from the other side

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • enter image description here

    How have ya been today?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • pretty good, thanks and you? j

    MichaelBP posted: »

    How have ya been today?

  • ''Your absence would be preferabe''

  • Kinda bored tbh

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    pretty good, thanks and you? j

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