Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • It looks elegant, like you wrote it with a quill by a fire.

    Haha thank you! Funny you say that, I was in a car while writing this

  • Hahaha I want a quill really badly :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    It looks elegant, like you wrote it with a quill by a fire.

  • No problemo your doing great so far. Wow in a car please teach me the way. So could maybe give me a hint of whats next.....eh eh?

    Haha thank you! Funny you say that, I was in a car while writing this


    Eryka posted: »

    Shia wants me to do it, be a fucking pony.

  • THE NORTH REMEMBERS raises glass

    Morphias posted: »

    Raises glass Iron from Ice!

  • Damn RIGHT,BROTHER! Drinks From Glass

    Kennybadger posted: »

    THE NORTH REMEMBERS raises glass

  • Let's just say Jack comes in shortly and we explore a little bit of one of Jack's previous relationships.

    Morphias posted: »

    No problemo your doing great so far. Wow in a car please teach me the way. So could maybe give me a hint of whats next.....eh eh?

  • Can you be more with us? That would be cool.

    Green613 posted: »

    Oh my god guys can you please cool it with the off topic posts? There's no reason 90% of main posts on the thread should be someone saying t

  • Avoiding all the Rhysha moments to score Rhyiona like

    enter image description here

  • Barnes and Nobles has them if you live near one.

    Hahaha I want a quill really badly

  • Thanks! So, How what have you been up to.....out of curiousity?

    Let's just say Jack comes in shortly and we explore a little bit of one of Jack's previous relationships.

  • I would say more like this

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Avoiding all the Rhysha moments to score Rhyiona like

  • I remember that I started TFTBL long after most people did and if Dojo didn't give me a free code and told me to just do it I probably would have kept saying "I'll do it later...", When i started playing I shipped Rhyiona pretty fast but at first when I was saying who I shipped: I thought Rhys's name was Jack so I was like "I ship Jack and Fiona so hard" and ppl were like "...". Then when I started playing Episode 2 after finishing 1 I was like "OH, HIS NAME IS RHYS, I FEEL STUPID NOW" and I later came and chatted on here a little even though I don't that much now.

    How much has you guys changed when you first joined Rhyiona? I remember I was a guy who was fairly neutral about the whole shipping stuff

  • edited December 2015

    Ok....i made that sound uhh really weird.....sorry. :\

    Let's just say Jack comes in shortly and we explore a little bit of one of Jack's previous relationships.

  • What do you mean?

    Eryka posted: »

    Can you be more with us? That would be cool.

  • Haha I think I understand what you're saying. I've been thinking up different ideas for scene rewrites in the game and I've also gotten into photoshop art!

    Morphias posted: »

    Ok....i made that sound uhh really weird.....sorry.

  • That is beautiful. I'd never even connected how similar those two moments are.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I was kinda hoping Rhys would say he would actually pull her up this time, if you trusted Fiona in ep 3

  • It's magical, isn't it?

    Also, that dialogue...him saying "I" and then correcting himself... omg I've never noticed this before lawd

  • Can I ask what part specifically? Just out of curiosity. And research, I guess...

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Well mission accomplished. ^_^ Also, even being forewarned about it didn't help much. I was tearing up a third of the way through.

  • XD Yea i shouldnt have added the out of curiousity thing lol. Oh nice have any great ideas for scene rewrites or great pieces of art? Which I'm sure you do. :)

    Haha I think I understand what you're saying. I've been thinking up different ideas for scene rewrites in the game and I've also gotten into photoshop art!

  • Honestly, I'm not sure if this thread changed me or it's the fact my outlooks have changed since I joined.

    I mean, I was already into the shipper stuff before I joined (I shipped Careese in the Person of Interest fandom) but this community was different from any I was into before. It's much more friendly here and everyone just seems so chill.

    As a person? I've changed drastically. I used to view myself differently then I do now. I used to be depressed, a lot of bad shit was going down in my life and now that it's over I find myself in the role of a leader and someone people around me look up to it seems instead of being the sidekick. I used to be more grumpy and angry with certain people and now I find myself being much more open and fun.

    So yeah, I'd say in the past few months I've changed drastically. My entire personality has shifted for the better. This thread brightened up some of my darkest days and is still there in my brightest of nights.

    How much has you guys changed when you first joined Rhyiona? I remember I was a guy who was fairly neutral about the whole shipping stuff

  • When I leave or come back I still try to post Rhyiona fanart that I find on the interwebs. It helps start a discussion about the art and bring attention to it while not going completely off-topic, at least in my opinion.

    I do think the general lack of Rhyiona in a Rhyiona thread is a problem, Probably mostly caused by the season being over and no idea if a season two is gonna happen and everyone wanting to stick together and chat with the friends they made in this thread while the season was going on. We've got a long road ahead of us until Season Two happens (if it happens) and hopefully we'll stick together like glue.

    Green613 posted: »

    Birthday posts I'll exclude from the rules but I'm more talking about the massive amount of people saying they're leaving or they're back, and not really saying anything else, just that.

  • I use Keyshot.

    It's a simple rendering program, ^3^

  • edited December 2015

    claps That last part was beautiful. Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

    When I leave or come back I still try to post Rhyiona fanart that I find on the interwebs. It helps start a discussion about the art and bri

  • well I'm still trying to figure out how I want to approach the drooling scene, and I'm currently drawing Fiona, (shhhh it's not going so well XD)

    Morphias posted: »

    XD Yea i shouldnt have added the out of curiousity thing lol. Oh nice have any great ideas for scene rewrites or great pieces of art? Which I'm sure you do.

  • (My Interpretation of what he's trying to say, honestly I have no idea too)

    I think what he's trying to say is that he'd like to see you chill out in the thread more and post more then you already do here.

    (I've seen you around quite a bit, I think.)

    Green613 posted: »

    What do you mean?

  • Hire me Telltale

    That is beautiful. I'd never even connected how similar those two moments are.

  • Haha whispers just listen to the just do it song. #bestinspiration. but im sure you will do fine. i mean i can barely draw a person period. XD

    well I'm still trying to figure out how I want to approach the drooling scene, and I'm currently drawing Fiona, (shhhh it's not going so well XD)

  • tbh me too, stick figures are my strong suit

    Morphias posted: »

    Haha whispers just listen to the just do it song. #bestinspiration. but im sure you will do fine. i mean i can barely draw a person period. XD

  • Stick figures are where its at. XD But hey atleast you are a great writer. Thats gotta count for something right? :)

    tbh me too, stick figures are my strong suit

  • Well I try, but I have stepped back a little from the forum and this thread overall lately since real life things have gotten kinda difficult and busy for me :p

    I'd love to relax and chill out more, so I'll try my best to squeeze in a post here and there but no promises :P

    (My Interpretation of what he's trying to say, honestly I have no idea too) I think what he's trying to say is that he'd like to see you

  • edited December 2015

    Finally, that nicknaming story is done, expect it tomorrow. :)

    I had to google embarrassing nicknames for this. You're gonna get it, Rhys.

  • I changed from a cynical "this is a valid reason to ship it, I'm sold" to being obsessed. Yeah.

    How much has you guys changed when you first joined Rhyiona? I remember I was a guy who was fairly neutral about the whole shipping stuff

  • geeeeeeet dunked on!

    armis37 posted: »

    Would you say it... filled you with determination?

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited December 2015

    What's difficult? Anything bad?

    Green613 posted: »

    Well I try, but I have stepped back a little from the forum and this thread overall lately since real life things have gotten kinda difficul

  • Thanks! and totally the amount of great writers on this forum is awesome!

    Morphias posted: »

    Stick figures are where its at. XD But hey atleast you are a great writer. Thats gotta count for something right?

  • Ray <3 hello

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Finally, that nicknaming story is done, expect it tomorrow. I had to google embarrassing nicknames for this. You're gonna get it, Rhys.

  • good thing we have plenty to talk about then, huh?

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Agree. but why would you talk about non-existing things in the first place. Its like talking about...nothing. Literaly nothing.

  • hi

    Eryka posted: »

    Ray hello

  • How's my little Ray going? Fine?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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