Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I agree with what Athen said. Thats a really good point.

    I have a different approach. I honestly don't hate Jack (hate is a strong word), even though he has done countless things that are unforgiva

  • Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^

    How are you all today? <3

    Looks at the forums.


    enter image description here

    YAS :'D

  • :(

    Morphias posted: »

    pats on shoulder There,there.

  • Best game of thrones ship i've seen.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^ How are you all today? Looks at the forums. AJNSJNASMAKMS OMGOMGOMG YAS :'D

  • Same.... ;_;

    (Pls don't kill me for this) I actually ship it more than Rhyiona xD

    Oh shit... I'm fucked ;-;

    Best game of thrones ship i've seen.

  • edited December 2015


    Just kidding, it's all good, at least you'd never turn over to the dark side known as Rhysha.. shudders

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Same.... ;_; (Pls don't kill me for this) I actually ship it more than Rhyiona xD Oh shit... I'm fucked ;-;

  • Rhyiona will always have a special place in my heart :'D

    And not literally. Ew ;p

    UNACCEPTABLE, EXTERMINATE THIS TRAITOR. Just kidding, it's all good, at least you'd never turn over to the dark side known as Rhysha.. shudders

  • Respect and acknowledge the dark side, but never fall to its temptation. :)

    UNACCEPTABLE, EXTERMINATE THIS TRAITOR. Just kidding, it's all good, at least you'd never turn over to the dark side known as Rhysha.. shudders

  • ya shes called yuno fyi

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wtf isnt this that yandere chick

  • Holy crap, really? The chances of that are astonishingly low

    Wow omg the theatre it's at is by my neighbor hood. Thanks so much for the link!

  • How dare you abuse my insta-like on JonTron posts!

    I am really fucking sad right now. And I don't think any amount of Rhyiona will help enter link description here

  • Also, the shootings are tragic. We need tighter gun laws in the states. It's getting to out of hand. But these guys were like professional, vests and all. Like how do you get that crap without it being somewhat illegal?

    How dare you abuse my insta-like on JonTron posts!

  • The scary thing is, as far as I'm aware, nothing they used in this shooting was illegal. You can get all of this if you want to. Not mention, there are gun conentions where you can purchase almost any firearm with no background check and no wait. I have friend who I'd say is a reasonable gun owner (has a side arm and a rifle he occasionally takes to a firing range for fun, and when he's not using them, they're hidden and locked up, and kept separate from his ammo) and he is uncomfortable about how easy it is to get so much at these conventions.

    Also, the shootings are tragic. We need tighter gun laws in the states. It's getting to out of hand. But these guys were like professional, vests and all. Like how do you get that crap without it being somewhat illegal?

  • Hi sweet Ray. How's it going? <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • i want rhyiona

    Eryka posted: »

    Hi sweet Ray. How's it going?

  • You gave me ideas for Part 2 of YouFur ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i want rhyiona

  • I said I wanted Rhyiona, not that

    Eryka posted: »

    You gave me ideas for Part 2 of YouFur

  • I know you want it.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I said I wanted Rhyiona, not that

  • no.

    Eryka posted: »

    I know you want it.

  • Trust me, some people I know just do not understand sarcasm. I feel sorry for them. Sarcasm is a wonderful defense mechanism for the passive aggressive.

    That's good!

    I hold myself to standards, too, but I'm saying that, on the internet, no one meets you with any kind of pre-formed opinion. They (usually) haven't seen what you look like or how you act, so you're making your first impression on a truly blank slate. Which is kind of nice.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    we'll agree to disagree Ahh yes the Clint Eastwood squint, and who doesn't get sarcasm.....???? No I quite enjoy being a overly happy

  • Me too! You promised us a fanfic :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i want rhyiona

  • You mean to tell me you can buy full on body armor. Like these guys seemed to have had hemets and vest and all that shiz. Seriously, why are we selling this stuff? We should only sell to the publix bolt actions, handguns, or pump actions. Not freakin automatic 12 gauge's and stuff. I dunno, I'm just confused why we sell guns like that.

    The scary thing is, as far as I'm aware, nothing they used in this shooting was illegal. You can get all of this if you want to. Not mention

  • Hey BadWolf

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • I actually ship it more than Rhyiona xD

    The next thing you'll be saying you enjoy Rhack. OH WAIT!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Same.... ;_; (Pls don't kill me for this) I actually ship it more than Rhyiona xD Oh shit... I'm fucked ;-;

  • *yes

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • starts singing its a small world

    Holy crap, really? The chances of that are astonishingly low

  • Aaah! You beat me to it! :))) And left out the best part. But yeah, understandable. I don't even know if that can be considered nsfw but better be on the safe side with the rules.
    Thanks for sharing this. During the week because of work I am doing everything on fast forward. And thank you for the words!! <3 Really. If I could, I wouldn't even stop from drawing these two.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Really? I must of forgot. If you're seeing this your art is fucking beautiful

  • Pff, artist. Right. I wish I could call myself that. I just get ideas stuck in my head and need. to. do. something. about. them.
    Thanks a lot, luv!!!

    Daryace posted: »


  • Who? Lil' ol' me? Guess that's not a secret anymore. Well... in all honesty, my flatmate once told me that my ladyboner for Jack is obvious from space. I regret nothing!

    Mawula posted: »

    She likes Rhyionack as much as we do

  • Rest assured it's coming, just later. :)

    Mawula posted: »

    Me too! You promised us a fanfic :P

  • Hey, buddy.

    Hey BadWolf

  • Baemeon Clarke

    :)))))) Sorry I am late to this party. Bother. Puns are the worst. If I will have this name stuck in my head instead, you're going down.

    Baemeon Clarke? Yeah sorry I'll be leaving from the front door.

  • NO! How could you!! I need to forget that I ever read this.

    Here it is. It's not fluffy. I'm not totally happy with the way it turned out, I think the pacing is a little off, but I'll keep working wit

  • enter image description here

    I'm not your buddy, friend

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey, buddy.

  • -pats back- ...sorry...

    But it was an idea I just had to do something with...

    NO! How could you!! I need to forget that I ever read this.

  • Oh I know how that works. Let it all out. Destroy some hearts in the process - it will be worth it :)) I mean, I adore a nice happy scene like any other person. But angst? Well written and justified angst? gimme! anytime.

    -pats back- ...sorry... But it was an idea I just had to do something with...

  • I'm a super lazy writer who can't even watch videos for research. Please tell me guys, what is the exact quote of Rhys about 'someone else'?

  • I knew you'd understand. Fellow artists usually do. :)

    Oh I know how that works. Let it all out. Destroy some hearts in the process - it will be worth it ) I mean, I adore a nice happy scene like any other person. But angst? Well written and justified angst? gimme! anytime.

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