Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Gortys is purer than any cinnamon roll out there.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Gortys is the best ;__;

  • AnyRhyionaKissForEpisode4!


    Guys, let's start a revolution! WakeUpKissForEpisode4!

  • *rewinds to choose Fiona*
    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • You make me wait in anticipation for your posts very late at night Θ_Θ But I love It!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you, hoping to post another today.

  • Rhys and Vaughn are 2 mostly useless Synod mages in cyrodil who go to skyrim to buy a Nord Puzzle Door key (that thing in the shape of the claw). and cut their boss out of the deal. the deal goes bad and they have to team up with theives guild to track the money.

    on the body of a dead collegue they find a soul Gem. but this soul gem contains the soul of the former emperor of Tamriel, Handsome Jack.

    When Rhys attempts to use it Jack gets into his brain. they track the gold to a bandit camp where Dark brotherhood assassin known as Zer0 helps them get the money back. one of the thieves attempts to run off with it, but a powerful spell put on the bag turns the gold into a pool of molten metal when he tries to open it.

    while searching for items to fence to buy their way out of trouble, the floor gives way and Rhys falls into an undiscovered part of a Dwemer ruin, where they find expensive Dwemer tech, and the key to the Gortys Project.

    Quiff posted: »

    Mind telling what? ;^)

  • edited June 2015


    I'm getting desperate.

    Crips posted: »

    AnyRhyionaKissForEpisode4! pls

  • edited June 2015


    Suzy222 posted: »


  • SHUT UP!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • olet ihana! :3

    Quiff posted: »

    :^) Jag gör det för dig älskling <33

  • Good....Good...

    Crips posted: »

    *rewinds to choose Fiona*

  • LotsofRhyionaForEpisode4


    AnyRhyionaForEpisode4! I'm getting desperate.

  • Poogs, the editing in this video was great!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • I laughed a lot ! Thanks for this Poogs ! It's amazing !

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • That is a very interesting point, my friend.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    Rhys and Vaughn are 2 mostly useless Synod mages in cyrodil who go to skyrim to buy a Nord Puzzle Door key (that thing in the shape of the c

  • DingDingDing

    After him!!!

    Dracu98 posted: »

    you forgot the ding ding ding . shame on YOU for forgettin the ding ding ding (ok, they're distracted. now I'll just run away before I get lynched!)

  • well, THAT would be a plot twist! I can already imagine it, one of them kisses the other, stranger is sitting next to them like "wtf?", the one who got kissed wakes up and asked "I feel strange, what happened?" stranger: "he/she gave you a mor-" BANG! stranger is dead, has a giant hole in head. the one who kissed stands next to him and says "ssssssh, there's no need to tell anyone..."

    Guys, let's start a revolution! WakeUpKissForEpisode4!

  • Oh, this <3 Too much cuteness in one ep <3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    rhys is such a cute dork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtjhHxXMtxk&feature=youtu.be

  • I laughed so hard at this :>

    xfuriouss posted: »

    rhys is such a cute dork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtjhHxXMtxk&feature=youtu.be

  • Oh god not the Dwemer ruins, I HATED those. (first time I went my lvl wasn't that good)

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    Rhys and Vaughn are 2 mostly useless Synod mages in cyrodil who go to skyrim to buy a Nord Puzzle Door key (that thing in the shape of the c

  • Plot Twist.

    It was the stranger.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    well, THAT would be a plot twist! I can already imagine it, one of them kisses the other, stranger is sitting next to them like "wtf?", the

  • A new episode calls for a new icon, well kinda :p still duck.

  • His giggle was soo dorky XD <3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    rhys is such a cute dork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtjhHxXMtxk&feature=youtu.be

  • LotsofRhyionaForEpisode4


    Poogers555 posted: »

    LotsofRhyionaForEpisode4 amirit?

  • Have I told you before that..


    Seriously that was amazing <3

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • I'm laughing way too hard xDDD This is the best

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • More like, who HASNT called me a genius?

    Amirit guys? Guys? Right...?

    Alt text

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Have I told you before that.. YouAreAGenius Seriously that was amazing

  • not kidding i've watched this at least 7 times now LOL

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • haha great! duck is good :3

    Quiff posted: »

    A new episode calls for a new icon, well kinda still duck.

  • Yeah can't see myself as anything else :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    haha great! duck is good

  • F*CK! no! wait! I have an hostage! if you don't stand back, I'll use melisandre to revive joffrey and then kill her and destroy the chances to get you-know-who back (you know the finale of season 5, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for somebody who hasn't seen it yet)!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    DingDingDing After him!!!

  • crying tears of joy

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • edited June 2015

    Imperials descend upon the bandit hideout and they are forced to flee. they accidentally hurt a giant who chases after them but Rhys tricks it into going after the Imperials.

    They get split up and are encountered by the head of the Synod, who was sore at being cut out of the deal, and attempts to kill them with the most powerful spell he can find, but he doesn't have enough majicka to cast it. Jack boosts Rhys' magical ability and he uses this to spook vasquez' horse. the two are then rescued by a Warrior from Hammerfell named loaderbot and they agree to head to Riften to find Fiona and Sasha.

    Fiona and Sasha head back to Riften to see what they can find, only to realise they have a price on their heads in The Rift. two bounty hunters barge their way into their house but a Companion named Athena stops them then chases the two thieves through town, before she corners them. they are saved by Loaderbot.

    They go to Old Haven ,an abandoned town to the north, where they find out it is actually a hidden Dwemmer research facility. inside they find a dozen dead Penitus oculatus, Imperial Elites.Bandits led by Vasquez and August storm the place and Fiona and Rhys are led through different wings of the Facility with their pieces of the core. they activate the machine and they Create Gortys, one of the most advanced Automatons ever created by the Dwemmer. Rhys accidentally knocks something over stiring up some other dwemmer automatons. Surrounded and with their friends captured, Rhys ignores Jack and trusts that Fiona will pull through, and she uses a smoke bomb to cover their escape.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    Rhys and Vaughn are 2 mostly useless Synod mages in cyrodil who go to skyrim to buy a Nord Puzzle Door key (that thing in the shape of the c

  • then he would have to take of his mask. PLOT TWIST! under the mask is..........I was thinking about a good joke for five minutes, but I can't think of anything good...

    Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Plot Twist. It was the stranger.

  • i just laughed my ass off...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • edited June 2015

    I'm going to need time to make the next bit work.

    I can really imagine Athena as a companion tho :)


    Loaderbot would have been better off as a malfunctioning Centurion automaton, but i chose a Redguard because i think they are cool. especially Nazir.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    Imperials descend upon the bandit hideout and they are forced to flee. they accidentally hurt a giant who chases after them but Rhys tricks

  • I know right. first time i played i literally just wandered into machinzelftrywsiafwofqowhfwvwvvcwqifbowqfofr in the early parts of the game. big mistake. i survived mostly by running through with a sword in one hand and my healing spell in the other. got some cool gear tho.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Oh god not the Dwemer ruins, I HATED those. (first time I went my lvl wasn't that good)

  • She pokes at the dim fire with a small stick.

    The tip turns black and it earns a groan from her as if she hadn't expected it. A quick swipe to the left and it was gone, leaving her to sit alone in the dark again.

    Maybe not quite alone but close enough. At least when your captor and friend (she guesses, at least) aren't awake to keep you entertained.

    She fusses with the hat laying on her lap now, letting the light night breeze run through her hair; it feels nice but it's not something she wants to make a habit of. The dust the wind brought during the way was something she could do without. She'd always warn Sasha about it but she never did listen. The thought of her makes her gut twist -- she just hopes she's okay.

    Ruffling of clothes snaps her out of her thoughts and she turns in time to see Rhys's hands twitch before he opens his eyes groggily and tries to focus his vision on her. She greets him with a silent nod before turning back to the fire, welcoming back the heat.


    It sounds like a croak, voice broken from the lack of use, but she can still tell he's calling her.

    "That's me."

    "Yeah, I know," he weakly snaps, sitting straight next to her and rubbing at his eyes, sleep not completely gone, "just... why are you up so early?"

    "I didn't sleep at all."

    Scrapping her nails against the rim of her hat seems like a good distraction when he suddenly chastises her -- it's not something she expects but she's not going to give that away.

    "And why," he crosses his arms in aggravation, "would you do that? You know that guy is gonna make us go through hell again tomorrow, right? You have to rest."

    "Why do you care?"

    "Maybe I shouldn't," he talks through gritted teeth, "but I can't help it. It's been a year. I can't pretend I don't."

    A pang of guilt hits her and she lowers her head to hide her expression; Rhys isn't looking but she still somehow feels watched. It's a strange talent he has -- if you could call it that -- that she really wishes he'd lose.

    "Sorry. I've just been thinking."

    "About what?" He quickly adds. "I don't wanna poke so don't answer if you don't want to."

    "About everything. About Vaughn and Sasha... about him..." she nods in the sleeping man's direction, "it's just a lot to take in."

    "Why can't we just attack him while he's sleeping anyway?"

    "He's sleeping with his gun," she finally places the hat back on her head, "I don't wanna risk getting a whole in my head."

    "Got it."

    The silence is louder than any noise and she briefly wonders why he's bothering to keep her company. She wants to hate him, he's screwed up more times than she can count, but then he has these moments where she has admit he really isn't the jerk she wants to make him out to be and it makes it really hard to loathe him as much as she should.

    "Why are you awake?"

    She can't stand the silence anymore, the overanalysing of what he could be thinking eating away at her. He turns towards her but his eyes are unfocused -- it doesn't make her feel less uneasy, though, and she's the first to break the eye contact.


    "Oh," he shakes his head, "uh, no reason."

    "Quit it," she rolls her eyes and she can feel his own on her, "why are you here? You said it yourself. We need to rest."

    He uncomfortably rubs at his arms, she sees from the corner of her eyes, and she's sure it's not the cold bothering him when the massive fire is still cackling not even a foot away from them.

    "I'm... worried about you."

    A smile threatens to tug at her lips but she holds it in with little effort.


    "You're not angry?" He turns towards her again with a little more confidence and his face looks flustered but she can't tell if the light breeze caused it or if he was simply embarrassed.

    "No," she tentatively offers, "it's nice."

    He grins a little but it's painfully obvious he's trying to hold back from making it wider and she can't let it stay this way. They're not on best terms yet -- but she's open to change, she thinks.

    "You're still irritating." She reminds him.

    "Yeah okay, should've known." He shakes his head but his grin doesn't leave.

    "Thanks," she finally gives in, "I can sleep now. This... this helped."

    "Well, mission accomplished." He gets up after her, dusting his clothes off. "Good night."

    "Good night."

    If she thinks she's gonna have a peaceful night, though, she's wrong and she can tell this half because she knows she'll be rudely awoken in the morning and half because Rhys makes sure to squeeze her gloved hand for a few seconds, mumbling something she can't hear and he probably doesn't want her to, before laying back down, back turned to her.

    But now more than ever, she admits to herself as she lays down, she knows.

    Yes, she's open to change.

    First of the requests - done.

    Forgive any stupid typos please and thanks. ;-;



    Poogers555 posted: »

    Stuff Lori, Things.

  • I think you mean


    Poogers555 posted: »

    LotsofRhyionaForEpisode4 amirit?

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