Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited April 2015

    Of course, Rhys is a proper gentleman, so he does know that it is ill-mannererd to look at a lady's... you know... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He was just being a gentleman!

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    "You sitting on the F5 key?"

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    "Um, what?"

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    "Cause that booty is refreshing."

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  • Of course, he wasn´t trying to sneak a peek, he would never do that.

    Rhys truly is classy.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Of course, Rhys is a proper gentleman, so he does know that it is ill-mannererd to look at a lady's... you know... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • If they don't do it, they'll have 63 angry people at their doorstep.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Are you reading this, Telltale? We all know you check this thread out. Everyone checks this thread out. Do it for us

  • Poor fools indeed. They should not have angered Rhyiona. At least all of us that believe in Rhyiona will be safe and cosy in our fortress.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The doomsday for the non believers is coming. Poor fools...

  • Grab the pitchforks, guys, Telltale will be intimidated. :P

    MichaelBP posted: »

    If they don't do it, they'll have 63 angry people at their doorstep.

  • An impenetrable fortress at that...let the doomsday come, we´ll be surviving the apocalypse with our faith.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Poor fools indeed. They should not have angered Rhyiona. At least all of us that believe in Rhyiona will be safe and cosy in our fortress.

  • Damn it Rhys, you are...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You sitting on the F5 key?" "Um, what?" "Cause that booty is refreshing." "!!!"

  • Don't forget some torches.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Grab the pitchforks, guys, Telltale will be intimidated. :P

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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    MichaelBP posted: »

    Damn it Rhys, you are...

  • Not to mention that we'll have a nice view, from the top of our fortress.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    An impenetrable fortress at that...let the doomsday come, we´ll be surviving the apocalypse with our faith.

  • Man, this is gonna be the real life. Can´t wait for the apocalypse.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Not to mention that we'll have a nice view, from the top of our fortress.

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    Fiona blogging, take 14.

  • There is no one that is classier than Rhys. No one.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Of course, he wasn´t trying to sneak a peek, he would never do that. Rhys truly is classy.

  • Definitely those too.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Don't forget some torches.

  • Insted of the green lanterns we should have the Rhyiona lanterns

  • It's going to be fantastic :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Man, this is gonna be the real life. Can´t wait for the apocalypse.

  • Classy and smooth. The perfect match for Fiona.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    There is no one that is classier than Rhys. No one.


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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Definitely those too. BURN THE WITCH.

  • Burn...

    Until only Rhyiona remains

    Like it was meant to be.

    MichaelBP posted: »


  • Totally!

    Insted of the green lanterns we should have the Rhyiona lanterns

  • And Fiona is confident, pretty and smooth (just like her husband). They truly are a perfect match.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Classy and smooth. The perfect match for Fiona.

  • Seriously, Fiona likes to be charmed but she can "fight" back just as well. What a couple. ;)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    And Fiona is confident, pretty and smooth (just like her husband). They truly are a perfect match.

  • edited April 2015

    Tales from the Atlas Coffee Shop


    Episode 1: A latte to handle

    The Atlas Coffee Shop wasn´t an ordinary place.

    Well, okay maybe in general it was. To most people. The majority of the world.

    But to the group that matters, well, it sure wasn´t. Which is why three of them were sitting down right in the middle of the place being so noisy the head employee August was almost tempted to kick them out.

    "Man, back when I was a teenager? I got all the women."

    The bearded man took a chug out of his beer.

    "What, you were a playboy, Kenny?" the gruff man next to him asked.

    "I played with boats alright."

    "Gross, Kenny, we didn´t need to know that." the third man piped up.

    "Shut up, Jack, you just fucking told us you had a fetish for yourself."

    "I´m hella handsome though."

    Jack crossed his arms triumphantly.

    Bigby slammed his own beer on the table.

    "Whoa," Jack help his hands up, "if you wanted us to shut up you couldda just said so."

    "No," Bigby pointed, "a cockroach. Gross!"

    Kenny rolled his eyes and stepped on the thing, the liquid clinging to his shoe.

    "Aw fuck," he complained, "that´s disgusting."

    "Hey, waiter! Clean this shit up!" Jack gestured to the dead bug with a mocking grin.

    "I´m not a fucking waiter." August mumbled under his breath as he moved to clean the mess, almost crying in disgust. "The customer is always right my ass."

    "Uh, what´s that, honey? You got a problem."

    "N-no, sir." August really hated this Jack guy.

    Suddenly, they heard familiar voices as a group of six walked in. They would have passed by unnoticed if two of them weren´t robots, but it seemed like something normal for the group. Somehow.

    "You guys are late." Bigby lit up a cigarette.

    "Are you really gonna smoke right when I bring the kids?" One of the women in the group asked, taking off her hat and placing it on the table.

    "Hey, they´ll learn to be cool like uncle Bigby."

    "You´ll never be my uncle!" The bigger robot of the two pointed a finger at him, "You made me watch clowns for my birthday!"

    "Aw, come on, Loader Bot, it was fun. I can take you again if you wan-"

    Loader Bot covered his face with his hands and started sobbing, rocking himself back and forth.

    "Enough! Leave my son alone." the same woman replied.

    "You´re a party pooper, Fiona..."

    "No, she´s right." her husband, Rhys, agreed, "I´m the only one who can bother my son with clowns."

    Loader Bot cried harder and Fiona punched him.

    "So," the other woman started, clearing the air, "what were you guys talking about?"

    "Oh," Kenny started, grinning, "just rememberin´ just younger day stuff...we ain´t young like you kids anymore."

    "Yes," Jack twirled his glass in his hand, "Kenny was just tellin us all about his adventures with boats."

    "Adventures?" the woman, Sasha, inquired, raising a brow.

    "The not suited for work kind." Jack winked at her and she felt a bit sick.

    Kenny shrugged.

    "That´s...that´s all?" the fourth member of the recently arrived group asked, adjusting his glasses nervously.

    "That´s all." Kenny confirmed, "Unless you want details."

    He wiggled his eyebrows and Vaughn shook his head as hard as he could.

    "Nope! I definitely don´t want that."

    Suddenly, the baby in Fiona´s arms started crying sounding like a broken toaster.

    "There, there," she cooed, "it´s okay, Gortys."

    Gortys didn´t stop crying.

    "Okay, seriously shut up, kid." Jack crossed his arms.

    "That´s right," Bigby leaned forward on his chair, "you still haven´t told us if little Gortys is a boy or a girl."

    Rhys paled.

    "I...don´t know."

    Bigby raised his eyebrows and looked at Fiona.

    "No idea."

    "What the? You guys don´t know what your baby is?" he facepalmed.

    "Hey, in their defense," Kenny interrupted, "it is a fuckin robot."

    "...Fair enough."

    Sasha was feeling really uncomfortable in the middle of these conversations; she´d noticed the employee, August, had set his eye on her ever since she´d walked in and he just wasn´t giving up despite how many times she sent him death stares.

    "Guys," she cleared her throat, "can we...can we go home?"

    "Why?" Jack sounded annoyed, "You just freaking got here and we were having a nice time."

    "I...Loader Bot, do you want auntie Sasha to read you your favourite story? You know you want me to read you Twilight again!"

    Loader Bot clapped his hands and uttered a loud "yay!" before turning to Fiona.

    "Can we go, mum? Pleeease?"

    Fiona sighed. There was no point in arguing.

    "...Let´s go."

    Jack cursed.


    Wellington town, Pandora street. Home sweet home.

    Vaughn nudged Sasha with his elbow and tried to whisper.

    "What was your idea suggesting these three come here?!"

    He sounded genuinely concerned and she felt a bit guilty; when the three got together, as evidenced by their extended stay in the coffee shop, things tended to get noisy. And dirty. Really fast.

    "Look," she scratched her head, " I was under a little bit of stress. Chill, it´ll be fine. Besides, Jack already lives here."

    Vaughn shook his head.

    Jack punched Kenny in the face and suddenly they were brawling and breaking glasses over which one of them was the hunkiest.

    "Yeah," Vaughn pinched the bridge of his nose, "it´ll be soooo fine."

    Sasha gulped and excused herself to go read to Loader Bot.

    "Gooo dad!" Rhys chanted like a cheerleader.

    Fiona covered little Gortys´ eyes, horrified.

    "Shut the hell up, we need to stop them before they destroy our house."

    "Jack, Jack, you´re the man, if you can´t do it no one can!"

    She punched her husband for ignoring her.

    Gortys started crying again and Vaughn fainted.

    Bigby lit another cigarette looking around him. Fiona hitting Rhys while holding a crying baby robot. Sasha reading a very bad book to a giant overly excited robot. Kenny and Jack fighting over sexiness ("I´m fucking Handsome Jack, you can´t beat me on that." he still heard) and destroying everything the family owned. Vaughn close to death on the floor.

    "Yeah," Bigby shrugged to himself, "just another normal day."

    This marks the first episode!

    Probably a little shorter than all the others will be because it´s simply an intro and doesn´t explain much. But @Poogers555, @bloop and me have been working on this for a bit now and we´re hoping this series goes smoothly. :)

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    Basically Bigby in the whole story

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tales from the Atlas Coffee Shop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WidEcTA_pKM Episode 1: A latte to handle The Atlas Coffee Shop wasn

  • Nothing, he's the only one who is acting calm :P

    bloop posted: »

    What's wrong with Bigby? He's got the best potential out of all of them.

  • Accurate. :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Basically Bigby in the whole story

  • She sure can. Even Rhys was surprised that could "fight" back so well. This is why they are the best couple of this year, and all years.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Seriously, Fiona likes to be charmed but she can "fight" back just as well. What a couple.

  • What's wrong with Bigby? He's got the best potential out of all of them.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Basically Bigby in the whole story

  • The prophecy must be fullfilled. Thyiona must be the last ship standing, while the others all perish.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Burn... Until only Rhyiona remains Like it was meant to be.

  • It´s just how it must be. Divine orders, everyone.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The prophecy must be fullfilled. Thyiona must be the last ship standing, while the others all perish.

  • edited April 2015

    Oh, I read your comment wrong, when I do like comments like that, I just put "Bigby be like: Gif or pic"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nothing, he's the only one who is acting calm :P

  • Surprised but happy that his lady knows how to make him feel like a princess.


    No, that´s correct, like a princess.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    She sure can. Even Rhys was surprised that could "fight" back so well. This is why they are the best couple of this year, and all years.

  • Oh, but you know he´ll have his own quirks soon. :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nothing, he's the only one who is acting calm :P

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    MichaelBP posted: »

    I can't even... this is... ** HailABigBadWolf,Poogs and Bloop

  • Rhys is FIona's precious little princess :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Surprised but happy that his lady knows how to make him feel like a princess. Wait... No, that´s correct, like a princess.

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    I can't even... this is...

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    HailABigBadWolf,Poogs and Bloop

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tales from the Atlas Coffee Shop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WidEcTA_pKM Episode 1: A latte to handle The Atlas Coffee Shop wasn

  • He totally is. Fiona is his knight in shining armour. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Rhys is FIona's precious little princess

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