Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Lol, PM'ing is great on here! XD

    rhonu posted: »

    i didn't know that was possible, thanks!

  • oh hey Hazza! Glad to see you finally started to play Tales ;3 Clearly youll know that Rhyiona is the one and best ship ;3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    (Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finis

  • great as always <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's such an idiot.  She's thought it before, said it before, but each time the words slip out they never feel less true. Even the little

  • Hey dude! Yeah, I started playing it :)

    I'm leaning towards Rhyiona, but my decision will be final once I finish Ep.3!!!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    oh hey Hazza! Glad to see you finally started to play Tales ;3 Clearly youll know that Rhyiona is the one and best ship ;3

  • You know something I noticed? In ep 3 Sasha can tell Rhys that he sounds like Fiona.

    Clearly a connection.

  • edited July 2015

    He's an idiot but so is she.

    So cute. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's such an idiot.  She's thought it before, said it before, but each time the words slip out they never feel less true. Even the little

  • edited July 2015

    Soooo um where did you find this fanart.......you know for research....<-< >->

    rhonu posted: »

    yes................ but with the 3d models.................

  • wait, when??? :o

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You know something I noticed? In ep 3 Sasha can tell Rhys that he sounds like Fiona. Clearly a connection.

  • When you say "maybe you're just a bad judge of character."

    rhonu posted: »

    wait, when???

  • Did you go on google or something, because there is that creepy fetish D:

    rhonu posted: »

    remember when i said i never stumbled upon nsfw while searching for rhyiona..................?? ?? ? ? well................ um...........

  • Clearly meaning that Fiona said that about Rhys to Sasha.

    Rhyiona posted: »

    When you say "maybe you're just a bad judge of character."

  • Did you still only finish ep 1?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey dude! Yeah, I started playing it I'm leaning towards Rhyiona, but my decision will be final once I finish Ep.3!!!

  • Excatly. ;)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Clearly meaning that Fiona said that about Rhys to Sasha.

  • Yeah... I had to go to work after I finished Ep.1, and now I'm too tired for games :/

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Did you still only finish ep 1?

  • Finished the comic , now I just gotta upload 56 pics ;___;

  • Oh damn son... :O

    I'm actually looking forward to this! I've been lingering on TWAU forum for so long that I'm not used to this much activity :P

    Brawl posted: »

    Finished the comic , now I just gotta upload 56 pics ;___;

  • on tumblr! i was on the general 'tales from the borderlands' tag when it showed up.

    even if it's not my cup of tea, i don't think you have to be ashamed if you want to see it <3 i won't post it or PM it because i'm not comfortable with sharing that kind of stuff and it's against the guidelines, but if i found it by accident i'm sure it's easy to find...

    Soooo um where did you find this fanart.......you know for research....<-< >->

  • You gotta do something with some action or Sasha using the powers, Sven(Jack) do something to make Rhys look stupid.. Gortys can be Olaf, and Loader bot can be Marshmallow, or Vaugh trying to take over the kingdom as Hans, lolol

    So I'm trying to write Tales from the Frozen Borderlands, but I've got no ideas what to write about... Any ideas?

  • I know, right? Give us a break, TT.

    Liscariot posted: »

    So many of us Rhyiona shippers and even Troy and Laura are shipping Rhyiona. I think Telltale should be convinced to let them be together by now..

  • Same, actually! This ship called out to me exactly because of the tension!

    Hate/Love relationships will always be my favorite kind.

  • i know, i don't go on google images because weird unrelated stuff comes up ... :((((

    Did you go on google or something, because there is that creepy fetish

  • Oh, please no, we should love to see it!

    Thank you so much. <3

    me: sees Wolf has posted new fanfic, chickens out and decides to postpone his fanfic till tommorow short and sweet ^_^ . luv it!

  • Thanks! :D


  • Thank you so much. I love writing it as somewhat complex. :)

    rhonu posted: »

    i really love the ambivalence of their relationship amazing as always!

  • Thank you! <3

    Kruzii posted: »

    great as always

  • Final I catch up C= hello everybody how's is everybody doing today and also were almost to 300 pages we just need 8 more pages to go I can see it now we can not give up now were almost there and a reminder that Rhyiona is love Rhyiona is life #NEVER FORGET <3

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you.

  • and i love reading it! you could do one from rhys' POV too, i'm sure he's as confused as she is B)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you so much. I love writing it as somewhat complex.

  • thank you wolfy for encouraging me :*

    disclaimer: this fic has pretty dang dark themes

    • a question before you start reading: how the hell did the phrase: spill his guts got invented??


    A big blank grey room was definitely not a location he expected to find himself in. He looked around in confusion, hoping to find any sort of clue. Unpleasant and sterile smell that emanated from the vast, seemingly neverending place filled his nose. His brain immediately started triggering memories of his childhood.

    He was in the living room of his house. He looked around, everything seeming just like it was all those years ago. A huge dark blue sofa in the middle of the room, fancy plasma TV located in front of it. Expensive paintings of so-called famous painters were all over the white walls of his 'home'. Oh, god, that smell. Everything smelled like those overpriced detergents and cleaning solutions. What most people would call the smell of 'purity, innocence and happiness' only reminded him of the sadness, misery and depression he felt every day of his youth. Another memory hit him.

    „For the hundredth damn time, son, you can't go outside and play with those kids!“ he could never forget that deep and fierce voice, his father's one and only. „Why, dad? Everyone is playing football outside, and I'm the only kid who can't!“ The boy yelled, while watching through the window, with his puffy eyes, how a group of kids kicked the white spotted ball in the goal, talking between themselves, and laughing happily. His father sighed, and lowered his big arm on the boy's shoulder, almost crushing his shoulder blade. „You, Rhys..“, his father was always serious when he addressed him by his name:“are destined for greater things. I don't want to see them corrupt your young mind and for you become a nobody like their parents are. You have a bright future ahead of you, Rhys, and I don't want that to change.“ He lifted his hand off of Rhys' shoulder and walked out of the boy's room.

    Yet another memory…. This time, he was 16 years old. And he was in another argument with his father. His 'dad' was clad in a fancy stainless black tuxedo with a ton of gel on his slick hair, which always meant that he was in a hurry, and pissing him off wasn't a smart idea. „Everyone is going to that party, even Vaughn!“ Rhys yelled at his father. His mind was clouded with rage and dissapointment, he expected that his father would soften atleast a bit after his 16th birthday, but as it turns out, it became even worse. „Do not test me, Rhys.“ His father threatened, anger seeping from every word he said. Rhys continued:“Why wouldn't I? It seems that it's the only time you actually listen to me and my problems!“ Silence filled the entire room. This was the last straw. His father lifted his hand, curled it into a fist and punched Rhys right into his nose. Rhys staggered back, holding his bleeding broken nose with his hand. His father lowered his hand, surprising himself by what he has done. He said:“During your life, you will need to stop bitching and moaning about every single thing you don't like, and start dealing with them like a man.“ Rhys sat onto the cold floor, lifting his shaking hands to his eyes. He was on the verge of crying. He took his cellphone out of his pocket and started dialing Vaughn's number with his shaky hands. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait for too long. „Hello?“ Vaughn's voice echoed on the speakers of Rhys' cellphone. „H-hey, V-Vaughn“ God, dammit. I sound so fucking pathetic and vulnerable. „Dude, are you okay? A-are you crying?“

    His flashbacks finally faded, and he was back in the grey room. He tried to recollect his thoughts, but two familiar voices called out for him. He turned around, and saw none other than Yvette and Vaughn calling his name, trying to elicit a reaction from him. He started walking towards them, but it always looked like they were getting away from him. He started running towards them, but the distance between them and Rhys kept growing. „N-no, please, don't go!“ he desperately yelled while running after them.

    Exhaustion quickly stopped his attempts to get to them. He fell to his knees, thinking: W-why is this happening to me. Rhys closed his eyes in an attempt to wake up from this nightmare, but he couldn't. Another pair of voices forced him to get up. He didn't even need to open his eyes to know that these voices belonged to Fiona and Gortys. Even in a crowd of thousands of different voices, I could always find theirs. Soothing, calming and encouraging. They're basically what kept him from losing it in this wretched Pandoran nightmare of a planet. He turned his head around, but the sight in front of him surprised him. Fiona was wearing casual clothes, a white long sleeved shirt with black jeans. But what she held in her hands surprised him the most. She was holding a baby girl, not more that four years old. The girl was wearing a red skirt with two white patches on her left shoulder.I-It can't be? Could that be… Gortys? With all his willpower, he managed to get up and started staggering towards them. P-please, I have to do this! Fiona's and Gortys' voices were still following him, but they weren't turning around. „Mommy, when is daddy gonna come home?“ the little girl asked. Fiona answered in a sad tone:“Soon, baby girl, I promise.“ Rhys quickened his pace and yelled:“I'm here, please answer me!“ Desperation was evident in his voice.

    He was getting nearer and nearer to them. I'm not gonna be like my father! His legs were helplessly trying to quicken their pace to get to Gortys and Fiona as fast as possible.I-I can do this, he mentally encouraged himself. Luckily for him, he was only inches away from them. He touched Fiona's shoulder, but as soon as he touched her, both Gortys and Fiona dissapeared. Rhys was hit by a realization: They've left me alone.

    Rhys jumped out of his armchair, his vision blurry. He snapped his head back and forth trying to see where he is. Wiping the sleep off his eyes, he stood up and tried to take in the surroundings. Athena was sleeping on the floor in her sleeping bag, while Vaughn and Sasha shared the red couch near the metal coffee table. Breath of relief refreshed his senses when he saw Fiona talking to Gortys, although Gortys was in her robot form. His internal thoughts were interrupted by the hologram of Handsome Jack.

    „So, how was your sleep, cupcake?“ that fucking voice is driving me insane. „What do you want?“ Rhys snarled at him, although Jack didn't flinch. „No need to go aggro on me, sweetie. I only came here for a friendly chat.“, he said teasingly,“C'mon, let's go to the roof, at least there's nobody there to interrupt us.“ Rhys had no choice but to listen to him.

    Rhys was sitting on the cold metal floor when Handsome Jack started talking:“Listen, cupcake, you probably should know by now, but I'm gonna repeat it. You're probably gonna die. You know that, right? You're getting too close with all of them, especially that floozy with a flashbang and that lil' robot.“ I know where he's going with this, Rhys thought to himself. „I am not letting you take over my cybernetics.“, he said boldly. Jack was genuinely surprised:“Whoa, right on point. Look, I know you don't trust me, but the thing about Pandora is; It's not about who's got the biggest gun, It's about teamwork. More than that, it's about compromise. If your old buddy Vasquez had given you your promotion, he wouldn't be dead, would he?“ Rhys said sarcastically:“Says the dead guy.“

    Handsome Jack sat down on his air-chair and started yapping:“Yeah, a'ight. Sure, y'know what? Let's talk about that. Y'know why I died?“ Rhys had a couple of things on his mind, but he decided for the least offensive one:“Probably because you're an as..“, but his victorious words were swiftly cut off as Handsome Jack continued his story:“Cause I didn't work with the people I didn't trust. If I'da just thrown some stock options at the vault hunters instead of bullets, I'd be at the beach right now, doing disturbingly graphic things with the local ladies. And if you can't learn to work with people you wanna punch in the throat, well, you're gonna die. With nothing but your pride, and a big fat hole in your sternum. It su..“, Rhys cut him off:“Well, if i'm gonna die anyway. I'd rather die a good guy.“ Jack just smirked:“And leave your sweetheart and your robotic child alone, I can safely say you didn't think this one through kiddo.“ Rhys shocked face was all he needed. „Plus I can overload the neurons to your brain right now.“ The cyborg man started panicking a bit:“Uh-Uh no, nononononono….“ The hologram bursted into a laughing fit:“Hahahaha, I'm just messin' with ya. I totally can't do that. You know what, or can I? Nah, I can't, no. Just being a dick. You wanna live, that's good, that's good.“ Rhys uncomfortably shuffled in his seat. Jack continued:“I'm detecting some tension here, which is a bummer.“ He saw that Rhys' disinterested facial expression still didn't change. „I actually see a lot of myself in you, kiddo. Tough childhood, rising through the ranks of Hyperion, hunting after vaults, hot looks, amazing hair, and so on and so on. What I'm sayin' is-I always look after my team, you can even ask Athena. So I'm just askin' ya to trust me here.“

    Rhys contemplated the outcomes of his decision. It took him some time, but he finally answered him:“W-well, you're a genocidal maniac, so….no?“ Hologram's expression fell:“Well.. That's a shame. I thought we were becoming pals, after I saved you, but you still don't trust me? Story of my fuckin' life-I try so hard to help and please everyone, but they still shit on me. You would know, right? What's with your father and all…“ Rhys' expression darkened,* so Jack made me experience those nightmares*:“Wait, so you forced all those nightmares on me?“ Jack just smirked and ignored him:“Well, it was nice seein' ya, kiddo. All I can, say is-watch your step, it just might be your last.“, he said in a low and threatening tone. The hologram started flickering and has finally dissapeared, leaving the cyborg man alone on the cold roof of the caravan.

    Rhys was pleasantly surprised, everyone was still sleeping, except that Athena and Fiona switched shifts. He noticed Fiona was trying to adjust on the armchair he was previously sleeping in. He went over to her. She looked genuinely surprised:“Rhys, I-I thought you were sleeping.“ His lips formed a small smile:“I tried, had nightmares, woke up, went to the roof to get some fresh air, and now I'm here.“

    She put on a reassuring smile:“Wanna talk about it?“ He did not expect her to say that. He looked into her green eyes, to see if she was joking, but he only found genuine care and concern. She lowered her tired body next to his on the wooden floor of the kitchen and encouraged him to start talking.

    Her perfume was intoxicating to him, and he practically had no chance but to start the conversation. Whoa, she really is a good con artist, Rhys thought to himself. He spilled his guts to her about the whole situtation.

    She listened to his story intently, never interrupting him. He loved that about her. Talking to her gave him warm and fuzzy feelings in his chest which he never had before. She truly made him feel special and loved, the feeling he never had during his earlier life. Even during their bickering, they never go overboard and insult or hurt each other in any way.

    I'm in love with her, the realization flashed in his mind.

    They hadn't noticed their intertwined hands, but they didn't care either. Rhys suddenly noticed that she has moved very close to him, her face inches from his. He suddenly felt very bold, like nothing was in his way. He leaned in, their lips brushing.

    He felt joy, happiness he longed for during all those years. A wave of newfound energy surged through his tired body, fatigue dissapearing completely. The moments he spent with her were truly magical, unforgettable, and he cherished them as much as he could.

    But, as the old saying goes:'All good things must come to an end.' „Uhm, h-hey, guys?“ God dammit Vaughn. Fiona and Rhys broke away, deep red blush creeping on their faces. Vaughn stood there awkwardly:“Guys, we found an abandoned outpost. We should probably scavenge it for some supplies.“ Rhys desperately tried to put together a coherent sentence, but all he could say were a series of incomprehensible stutters. Fortunately for him, Fiona saved him for a hundredth time since they met:“Sure, Vaughn. You guys wait for us, we'll be there quickly.“ The mathematician left the caravan, leaving the couple alone in the vehicle.

    „We should probably get going.“ Rhys finally managed to pull himself together. „Yeah, let's go.“ she answered quickly.

    The couple left the vehicle, and, like some sort of instinct, grabbed each other's hand and held onto them tightly, as if they would lose each other if they let go.

  • I love the way Fiona looks at Rhys so much in the last picture <3

  • just beautiful.

    Alt text

    thank you wolfy for encouraging me disclaimer: this fic has pretty dang dark themes * a question before you start reading: how the

  • THIS IS REALLLLLLY GOOd... i always complain about the lack of backstory on rhys, so it's interesting to see someone fill the blanks with something <3 and that last part with fiona is very cute and beautifully written!

    thank you wolfy for encouraging me disclaimer: this fic has pretty dang dark themes * a question before you start reading: how the

  • Alt text

    excuse me?

  • Thank you so much. :D

    Rhyiona posted: »

    He's an idiot but so is she. So cute.

  • Wooooow :O

    That's new...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    excuse me?

  • I will definitely do that! I actually started with Fiona because she's easier to write for me but I was considering a second POV. <3

    rhonu posted: »

    and i love reading it! you could do one from rhys' POV too, i'm sure he's as confused as she is

  • That was the stuff I was talking about, my eyes still burn. I hope your eyes get better from whatever it was you wittnessed :((((

    (I'm too afraid to ask what it was)

    rhonu posted: »

    i know, i don't go on google images because weird unrelated stuff comes up ... (((

  • I am too fast for this forum. B)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wooooow :O That's new...

  • edited July 2015

    lol Just joking but seriously I don't really know why is there so much of that stuff around but then again it is the internet....

    rhonu posted: »

    on tumblr! i was on the general 'tales from the borderlands' tag when it showed up. even if it's not my cup of tea, i don't think you hav

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