Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • My day is going slowly thus far, typical Sunday for me :P

    I have not officially decided my ship yet, but I linger on this thread more than the Rhysha one XD

    3:17am over here and am still awake don't even feel tired yet so to answer your question okay considering telltale has NOT confirmed RHYIONA YET!!!!!!!! But how about you how is your day going C=

  • It's okay, you can ship both or neither or just lurk\comment on this thread if you like. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My day is going slowly thus far, typical Sunday for me :P I have not officially decided my ship yet, but I linger on this thread more than the Rhysha one XD

  • Take your time but just remeber that you are always welcomed here =D but until then stay awesome. BRO FIST <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My day is going slowly thus far, typical Sunday for me :P I have not officially decided my ship yet, but I linger on this thread more than the Rhysha one XD

  • Trust me, she is very adorable in the game! xD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Haven't even met Gortys yet, but I choose #2

  • and soon enough I'll be going to see Terminator Genisys :D

    I don't watch many movies or follow movies in general, but I hope you have a good time and the movie ends up being good ^_^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm tired cuz I got barely 5 hours sleep before I hit the gym However, I'm alert now, and soon enough I'll be going to see Terminator Genisys

  • you know? this thread, this ship, all the people here are simply..

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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My day is going slowly thus far, typical Sunday for me :P I have not officially decided my ship yet, but I linger on this thread more than the Rhysha one XD

  • So, yeah, guys, what're your headcanons about Rhys' and Fiona's past?

    Was Rhys born on Helios? Who were his parents? What about Rhys' childhood and the start of his friendship with Vaughn and Yvett?

    Where did Fiona's and Sasha's parents go?

    Waiting for your thoughts. <3

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  • yooo I did a thing (no it's not rhyiona, but it is rhys)

    I took the original photo:

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    And added more shading:

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  • Thank you for the offer :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    It's okay, you can ship both or neither or just lurk\comment on this thread if you like.

  • Bro fist back!! XD

    Thnx man!

    Take your time but just remeber that you are always welcomed here =D but until then stay awesome. BRO FIST

  • Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice

    yooo I did a thing (no it's not rhyiona, but it is rhys) I took the original photo: And added more shading:

  • Well I like to think that Rhys had a collection of sock puppets when he was a kid. (Mr.Froggy Wiggles is his favorite! ;D)

    So, yeah, guys, what're your headcanons about Rhys' and Fiona's past? Was Rhys born on Helios? Who were his parents? What about Rhys' chi

  • This looks great! It's weird to see Rhys looking so cool. :)

    yooo I did a thing (no it's not rhyiona, but it is rhys) I took the original photo: And added more shading:

  • Rhys: I can imagine that Rhys parents where buisness people and he took them as his role models. He went to a good college, met Vaughn and Yvette. They made agreemend that they will lead Hyperion one day. OR Rhy's family was real poor and he wanted to archieve something more. Then again the College thing.

    Fiona: I think they lost their Parents in very young years or where abandoned by them. Fiona had to grow up very fast, taking care of Sasha and herself. But I don't think that they had to live on their own very long. maybe a year before they met felix.

    So, yeah, guys, what're your headcanons about Rhys' and Fiona's past? Was Rhys born on Helios? Who were his parents? What about Rhys' chi

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    You are not worth my time good day to you Sir. Rhyiona is love Rhyiona is life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • thank u ;u;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This looks great! It's weird to see Rhys looking so cool.

  • Thaaaaaaaanks

    HazzatheMan posted: »


  • Ah Terminator, such a nostalgic movie series. I would like to see Jurassic World! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm tired cuz I got barely 5 hours sleep before I hit the gym However, I'm alert now, and soon enough I'll be going to see Terminator Genisys

  • Your not the only one asking these questions |=

    1. I think Rhys was born either on Helios or on the moon.
    2. Dad was hyperion businessman or citizen of Pandora and mom either citizen of Pandora, or hyperion scientist maybe.
    3. ?

    So, yeah, guys, what're your headcanons about Rhys' and Fiona's past? Was Rhys born on Helios? Who were his parents? What about Rhys' chi

  • (?) Awesome!!!

    yooo I did a thing (no it's not rhyiona, but it is rhys) I took the original photo: And added more shading:

  • (?) Thank you!!!

    (?) Awesome!!!

  • I loved Jurassic World :) Saw it twice!

    That being said, I saw Mad Max: Fury Road, 3 times at the cinema!!! XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ah Terminator, such a nostalgic movie series. I would like to see Jurassic World!

  • THE ending for that movie (jurassic World)has only one Word to describe it Awesome!!!!! If you watch the First jurassic park movie you will know what i mean. I just love the jurassic park theme song can't get it out of my head ah memories ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ah Terminator, such a nostalgic movie series. I would like to see Jurassic World!

  • Nice job, how did you do this?

    yooo I did a thing (no it's not rhyiona, but it is rhys) I took the original photo: And added more shading:

  • The theme song has that epicness to it that gives you goosebumps you know?

    Kinda like the LOTR trilogy, so much in those movies gives you goosebumps because it works so well! XD

    THE ending for that movie (jurassic World)has only one Word to describe it Awesome!!!!! If you watch the First jurassic park movie you will know what i mean. I just love the jurassic park theme song can't get it out of my head ah memories ;-;

  • IKR!!!! =D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The theme song has that epicness to it that gives you goosebumps you know? Kinda like the LOTR trilogy, so much in those movies gives you goosebumps because it works so well! XD

  • Well I don't know about Rhys, I assume he's always had a normal life. However with Fiona I think her parents either died or abandoned her, leaving her with Sasha who is a toddler or something.

    So, yeah, guys, what're your headcanons about Rhys' and Fiona's past? Was Rhys born on Helios? Who were his parents? What about Rhys' chi

  • " or something."
    lol XD

    Well I don't know about Rhys, I assume he's always had a normal life. However with Fiona I think her parents either died or abandoned her, leaving her with Sasha who is a toddler or something.

  • 2 ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Remember to vote! (I know there are many typos, I see them now ;---;)

  • Aaaaa now I really want to watch this movie! I know it's going to be awesome because there're dinosaurs in it! xD

    THE ending for that movie (jurassic World)has only one Word to describe it Awesome!!!!! If you watch the First jurassic park movie you will know what i mean. I just love the jurassic park theme song can't get it out of my head ah memories ;-;

  • 2... [i'm getting emotional]

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Remember to vote! (I know there are many typos, I see them now ;---;)

  • I'm not gonna be a monster and make a horrible ending. It's going to be bittersweet. :3 (I hope)

    rhonu posted: »

    2... [i'm getting emotional]

  • " I know it's going to be awesome because there're dinosaurios in it." Lol True =D but i prefer the first jurassic park movie then jurassic World its still awesome though hope you get to see it =D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Aaaaa now I really want to watch this movie! I know it's going to be awesome because there're dinosaurs in it! xD

  • I used Paint Tool Sai and added a layer of color. I turned the opacity down and used an eraser for the highlights.

    Nice job, how did you do this?

  • Usually the original is better than the sequel. Some of my friends didn't like the effects in the Jurassic World (those dinosaurs didn't look good enough) but I'm sure it's still an enjoyable experience!

    " I know it's going to be awesome because there're dinosaurios in it." Lol True =D but i prefer the first jurassic park movie then jurassic World its still awesome though hope you get to see it =D

  • edited July 2015

    I decided to upload the pictures in amounts of tens. Probably is the easiest way. I will upload those every now and then, in order to make sure I don't spam the forum. :s

    Anyway, enjoy the first 10 pictures!

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    There is MUCH more coming up in the future. But I won't spoil the best ones right at the beginning of posting them .;)

  • Awesome, and cute, Amazing work Paul. :D BRO FIST<3

  • The dinos looked pretty awesome to me in JW :P

    They have a more realistic look to them. But yes, the first Jurassic park never gets old :D

    I can honestly say that I have watched both Jurassic Park and Jaws many times, and I never get bored of either!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Usually the original is better than the sequel. Some of my friends didn't like the effects in the Jurassic World (those dinosaurs didn't look good enough) but I'm sure it's still an enjoyable experience!

  • edited July 2015



    Made with SFM and Sony Vegas,i have no idea why i made this :D

  • Hey, has anyone watched the trailer for MineCraft Story Mode yet?

    I just did and... hmmm, how do I put this? I'm not saying it will be bad, but given the art style and what I'm seeing, I just don't feel 'connected' to the game :/

    I'll still get it, but I have lower expectations now...

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