Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




    I am alive because I just ate loads of icecream. :P

  • Check if you have a pulse, quick!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I might be alive, not sure.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Check if you have a pulse, quick!

  • Do you guys know around what time usually this place is at it's peak? I'll be up at 10 AM tomorrow if I'm able to wake myself up (which is unusual for me :p) so I want to know when most people are on to see the speech ^-^

  • Haha! I was right! I did miss 369!... That doesn't necessarily make me feel better about it.

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  • It only lasted 1full second and then it was gone but it was fun while it lasted R.I.P 369 ;-; next stop 469 let's keep the 69 hype train going :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Haha! I was right! I did miss 369!... That doesn't necessarily make me feel better about it.

  • Hmm I will, thou right now I don't have time, maybe after I finish with universities and such.. got an exam and I have to be in another city

    buntingsir posted: »

    DO IT! Try it if you want, of course, It's really funny and makes you think about all the good stuff that you shared with people here. Makes you appreciate this place a whole lot more too

  • Gret guyz we made it... to 369 .... and ofc I missed it...

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    Why does the universe punish the good??

  • I TOLD EVERYONE TO STOP COMMENTING BUT IT DIDN'T WORK I HAVE FAILED YOU ALL (The people that are still sleeping or doing something else);-;

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Gret guyz we made it... to 369 .... and ofc I missed it... Why does the universe punish the good??

  • edited July 2015

    /тут должно быть что-то угрожающее/ :)

    Houpps posted: »

    Вызов принят XD

  • Yes! And I do NOT intend to miss 469! Hype away!!!

    It only lasted 1full second and then it was gone but it was fun while it lasted R.I.P 369 ;-; next stop 469 let's keep the 69 hype train going

  • Don't worry, have you forgotten what day it is? It's the thread's birthday! We will have our chance to party hard.

    Also, there's always 469...considering how awesome this thread is, we should be there in no time :)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Gret guyz we made it... to 369 .... and ofc I missed it... Why does the universe punish the good??

  • tfw it's too quiet:

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    Quietly sings happy birthday to the thread

  • i'm always here.....

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    tfw it's too quiet: Quietly sings happy birthday to the thread

  • I had my own 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  • Whoa, okay.

    (?) Not creepy at all...

    Seriously though, I'm glad at least one person's here :D

    i'm always here.....

  • I just came back.. :D

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    sings happy birthday thread

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    tfw it's too quiet: Quietly sings happy birthday to the thread

  • Well, well, well. Looks like 69 ain't dead yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Houpps posted: »

    I had my own 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://hkar.ru/Cuz0

  • Hey, Kimmy!

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    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I just came back.. sings happy birthday thread

  • edited July 2015

    Hi, Joey! :D

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hey, Kimmy!

  • Happy birthday thread!!!!!!!!



  • I understand Chewy! I appreciate your effort <3

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    I TOLD EVERYONE TO STOP COMMENTING BUT IT DIDN'T WORK I HAVE FAILED YOU ALL (The people that are still sleeping or doing something else);-; BUT I KNEW IT WASN'T GOING TO WORK :b

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Don't worry, have you forgotten what day it is? It's the thread's birthday! We will have our chance to party hard. Also, there's always 469...considering how awesome this thread is, we should be there in no time

  • edited July 2015

    Sorry, went out for lunch :/ I'm great, how are you?

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    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hi, Joey!

  • This thread is the BEST :D

    Hey telltale you can't touch this!!!!XD


    Happy birthday thread!!!!!!!! TODAY IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!!! CAN I GET HELL YEAH!!!!!

  • It's alright :3

    That's good, uh tired been visiting family friends' houses for a celebration,

    but I'm good.I'm drawing right now :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Sorry, went out for lunch I'm great, how are you?

  • Yeah, sometimes I just have to go places and then I worry that people will think I'm ignoring them... I have a habit of overthinking stuff and worrying a lot.

    Ooh, that must have been fun :D

    What are you drawing?

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    It's alright That's good, uh tired been visiting family friends' houses for a celebration, but I'm good.I'm drawing right now

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    Happy birthday thread!!!!!!!! TODAY IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!!! CAN I GET HELL YEAH!!!!!

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    CAN I GET AMEN!!!!!

  • edited July 2015

    Nah it's alright, well that's kind of me too..

    I actually usually remove stuff because I feel like I add unnecessary things... .-. and it'll really bug me.

    Yeah it is :D

    I'm drawing Rhyiona :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yeah, sometimes I just have to go places and then I worry that people will think I'm ignoring them... I have a habit of overthinking stuff and worrying a lot. Ooh, that must have been fun What are you drawing?

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    This thread is the BEST Hey telltale you can't touch this!!!!XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY THREAD!!!!!

  • I've sometimes written entire comments that I don't post because I feel uncertain of how people will react (even if they're totally harmless!) Recently I've begun to be much more confident because I feel like I can say stuff without everyone hating me :)

    Rhyiona, awesome! Fiona and Sasha would look badass as mermaids, and it's cool to see someone depicting the two sisters, they do have a close bond after all.

    All of your art is so cute, I hope you might post it when it's finished :D

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Nah it's alright, well that's kind of me too.. I actually usually remove stuff because I feel like I add unnecessary things... .-. and it'll really bug me. Yeah it is I'm drawing Rhyiona

  • Happy birthday, thread!



  • The thread right now:

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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Happy birthday, thread!

  • sorry I removed a sentence .=.

    Yeah..same..well except the getting confident...I'm trying to though.

    Yes! :D I just feel like Fiona and Sasha don't get much love?..so yeah.. .-.

    Aww thank you <3 ;-; yeah I'll post it when it's done and stuff..I'm very slow sorry.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I've sometimes written entire comments that I don't post because I feel uncertain of how people will react (even if they're totally harmless

  • I guess :)

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    Man, now I'm hungry again...


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