Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Aw thanks <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I really like this two years and a half were worth the wait

  • That last line, so precious <3

    Good job!

    Fanfiction I wrote at 2 am so... shittyness. I actually feel nervous sharing this :P - He stood there, nervous, he felt his heart sync

  • Lmao, nice gif xD

    Thanks Poogers <3

  • Aww thanks wolf, I'm glad you liked it <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    already it felt like home. Too cute, too cute. ;-; I love this.

  • Thank you <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    That last line, so precious Good job!

  • I stared at this dumbly for minutes before catching on. I feel so dumb. Anyway, saved it... for science, obviously.

    I'm here. I'm not even in that fandom, so...

  • Me: Let's write Rhyiona!

    Brain: Orrrrrrrr, we could go for a two mile walk, then come back and start working on the sequel to your short story!

    Me: Goddammit, you're right...

  • I love this saying. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I stared at this dumbly for minutes before catching on. I feel so dumb. Anyway, saved it... for science, obviously.

  • :D It sucks when your brain disagrees with you, even if it's pretty wise. Enjoy the walk?

    Me: Let's write Rhyiona! Brain: Orrrrrrrr, we could go for a two mile walk, then come back and start working on the sequel to your short story! Me: Goddammit, you're right...

  • I've heard it before but I still sat in complete confusion for a while before going "Ooooooooooooooh!"

    I love this saying.

  • I tried, but my obnoxious friend kept texting me all through it, interrupting the music flow that I was listening to, and I kept telling her "I'm walking, I can't text." and she kept texting me, and then was like "Just text me while you're walking!" like I was the dumb one for NOT THINKING OF THAT. Where I live, you can get a ticket for walking and texting. -_- I eventually ignored her, but she blasted me with about 10 texts after that, and then got pissed because I wouldn't answer her, and now she won't talk to me.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It sucks when your brain disagrees with you, even if it's pretty wise. Enjoy the walk?

  • Yeah, it took me a minute when I first saw it, too.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I've heard it before but I still sat in complete confusion for a while before going "Ooooooooooooooh!"

  • Ah, that sounds annoying. She'll probably cool off eventually, don't worry.

    Walking while texting tickets? That's a first...

    I tried, but my obnoxious friend kept texting me all through it, interrupting the music flow that I was listening to, and I kept telling her

  • It could just be a rumor, but all the neighborhood kids say that you can. I'm not 100% sure, but even if it's not true, it's still obnoxious to be outside and have a phone in your face, and people judge too much.

    Actually, what I do know is that people have actually gotten tickets in my neighborhood for riding a bike without a helmet. Of course, that could just be because the cop who lives in my neighborhood has a kid who cracked his head open after not wearing a helmet. The poor kid wears a helmet for everything now.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ah, that sounds annoying. She'll probably cool off eventually, don't worry. Walking while texting tickets? That's a first...

  • She just texted me. Her exact words:

    "I decided to keep talking to you. So I'm sorry about this morning its just the fact I was cranky"

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ah, that sounds annoying. She'll probably cool off eventually, don't worry. Walking while texting tickets? That's a first...

  • edited July 2015

    so for the first time EVER in my life i tried to write in english. i didn't use a translator or anything, so please tell me if this is correct!

    “Wait. You— You’re leaving?”

    Fiona could hear the disappointment in his voice. It was a childish disappointment, a please don’t go kind of disappointment. But it was better to break his heart now than to promise him something that was probably never going to happen.

    “What, do you want me to stay?”

    She dressed herself quickly, like she didn’t want to think about what she was doing. Or about what she just did, or about what she was about to do. She didn’t want to think about anything. Rhys got out of bed and stumbled upon her, sheets tangled around his ankles.

    “But why? I— I mean, come on, what did I do wrong?”

    There was an awkward silence.

    “Uh, should I...” Rhys mumbled. “Put some... clothes—“

    “Yes, you should put some clothes on.”

    Fiona let out a sigh and Rhys started putting on his socks. Why start with the socks...? Fiona thought. His feet weren’t that ugly, at least not uglier than the socks. She turned around to avoid staring at him, something that apparently made Rhys a bit upset. He didn’t understand what was going on.

    “You know, you just saw me like this like an hour ago, and you didn’t seem disgusted at all”.

    Fiona scoffed. “That was an hour ago.”

    “Yeah, being naked is soooo last hour...”

    She rolled her eyes and almost smiled. Almost. Rhys pulled on his trousers and looked at her across the room. She looked tense, and it worried him. What happened? Where did that sudden urge to leave come from?

    “You’re... going to tell me what’s going on, or...”

    “I’ve been... thinking.”


    Rhys didn’t even put his shirt on and he crawled over the bed to approach her. He cleared his throat as he fought the temptation to just kiss her again, like back when everything was fine. Fiona looked at him like he was both a dream and a nightmare.

    “I think...” Fiona breathed quietly. “I think I care about you.”

  • Best to be safe then. And yeah, it feels like people think worse of you just because of that.

    Oh wow, poor him! At least he's better now, right?

    It could just be a rumor, but all the neighborhood kids say that you can. I'm not 100% sure, but even if it's not true, it's still obnoxious

  • That's great!

    She just texted me. Her exact words: "I decided to keep talking to you. So I'm sorry about this morning its just the fact I was cranky"

  • awwwwwwwww this made my heart melt <3

    Fanfiction I wrote at 2 am so... shittyness. I actually feel nervous sharing this :P - He stood there, nervous, he felt his heart sync

  • Fiona breathed quietly. “I think I care about you.”

    Alt text

    Oooh, tension and struggle, I love it!

    rhonu posted: »

    so for the first time EVER in my life i tried to write in english. i didn't use a translator or anything, so please tell me if this is corre

  • Yeah, he's a lot better now then he was then. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he got scalped.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Best to be safe then. And yeah, it feels like people think worse of you just because of that. Oh wow, poor him! At least he's better now, right?

  • Um, you mean like "cutting off part of someone's scalp with hair attached as a trophy" scalped or some kind of medical scalped that I don't know about? (Because my knowledge of medicine is nonexistent.)

    Yeah, he's a lot better now then he was then. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he got scalped.

  • thank you! the plot is very lazy, it's just to see if i can express myself...

    and yeah, fiona is not very good at talking about her feelings x)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Fiona breathed quietly. “I think I care about you.” Oooh, tension and struggle, I love it!

  • Aww thank you <3

    rhonu posted: »

    awwwwwwwww this made my heart melt

  • Rgvrgbthmhrnrh The last line had me smiling THIS IS SO CUTE! <3

    rhonu posted: »

    so for the first time EVER in my life i tried to write in english. i didn't use a translator or anything, so please tell me if this is corre

  • Medical scalped, like in a freak accident. It happens. Look it up. Both involve the loss of the scalp, but the first usually indicates something sinister done on purpose. For example, Michael Foster from "The Call".

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Um, you mean like "cutting off part of someone's scalp with hair attached as a trophy" scalped or some kind of medical scalped that I don't know about? (Because my knowledge of medicine is nonexistent.)

  • Are you SURE this is your first time writing English? As far as I can tell, your writing in English is great, which is something I can't say for many people who learned it as their first language.

    Wonderful job on the fanfic, please write more! :)

    rhonu posted: »

    so for the first time EVER in my life i tried to write in english. i didn't use a translator or anything, so please tell me if this is corre

  • Why start with the socks


    This was great, thanks for sharing. <3

    rhonu posted: »

    so for the first time EVER in my life i tried to write in english. i didn't use a translator or anything, so please tell me if this is corre

  • This is fantastic :O

    And your English is great as well :D<3

    rhonu posted: »

    so for the first time EVER in my life i tried to write in english. i didn't use a translator or anything, so please tell me if this is corre

  • I am really lazy so I just made this Rhyiona video


  • Oh my god, Vaughn on the background. Best bro ever! xD

    This is great!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am really lazy so I just made this Rhyiona video 4ever

  • thank you so much <3

    Rgvrgbthmhrnrh The last line had me smiling THIS IS SO CUTE!

  • Support matters <3

    Thanks :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh my god, Vaughn on the background. Best bro ever! xD This is great!

  • yes, this is the first time i try, and it's not great but at least it's a start!

    thank you very much for your encouragement, i will keep trying! <3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Are you SURE this is your first time writing English? As far as I can tell, your writing in English is great, which is something I can't say for many people who learned it as their first language. Wonderful job on the fanfic, please write more!

  • it's my first time but it's not that bad, no...? ;;

    thank you! it means a lot to me! <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Why start with the socks LMAO This was great, thanks for sharing.


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am really lazy so I just made this Rhyiona video 4ever

  • thank you, i'm very glad you like it ´v`

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    This is fantastic :O And your English is great as well

  • Now I wish Rhys would confess his love for Fiona this way ;__;

    rhonu posted: »


  • Holy shit Vaughn in the background xD I love this!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am really lazy so I just made this Rhyiona video 4ever

  • ONLY TRUE BROS PROVIDE MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND. Thank you Vaughn for your contribution! XD

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am really lazy so I just made this Rhyiona video 4ever

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