Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Oh wow, she totally is.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Why is Sasha holding August's gun?! Where's the Atlas Chicken!?

  • ...so, who wants to bet Telltale took longer on this episode because they wanted to sneak in shipping references?

    The forum will slay us shippers ;____;

    After a dizzying escape from a very-near-almost-certain-death scenario (involving statuesque buttocks), Rhys and Fiona find themselves looki

  • Yes! Loader Bot finds love? YES PLEASE

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well my hype is mostly based on meeting Gortys and more Handsome Jack moments. The "love is in the air" was a bonus hmm maybe it was referi

  • Welp...I overslept for the screens by a hair.

    Oh well. They still look great.

    Alt text

  • Don't worry, I'll just ban shipping discussion until the series is finished. ;)

    Green613 posted: »

    ...so, who wants to bet Telltale took longer on this episode because they wanted to sneak in shipping references? The forum will slay us shippers ;____;

  • edited June 2015

    AAAAAAAAA I will miss episode 3 release because I will be on a trip and I will come back on June 29 :(

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    Don't worry, I'll just ban shipping discussion until the series is finished.


    Wait...I don't wanna be banned. ._.


    Green613 posted: »


  • Hey leave Green alone! We don't need a ship war right now it may not be a reference to a ship or it may be. PLZ DON'T START A DAMN WAR!

    J_E_K posted: »

    "You are only allowed to fire shots once I have fired shots!" "But you did!" "Only because I knew YOU would post something!" "Bur....." "Shhhhh.....shhhhh.........you lost. Let it go." #FLAWLESSLOGIC

  • Well my hype is mostly based on meeting Gortys and more Handsome Jack moments. The "love is in the air" was a bonus :3 hmm maybe it was refering to Athena, or August, or Loader Bot falls in love with another robot... or how Handsome Jack really loves... himself. Or maybe more shirtless Vaughn, from which we'll definitely get some nose bleeds...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I wouldn't get too excited about any ship. You know know that could have double meaning or something.

  • Alright, Crite.

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    Crips posted: »

    Hay there Godot. Please don't call me Trite.

  • Just buy another copy of the game :P

    I have mine and my sister's files, and a copy of both ready for ep.3 (I chose Jack but she chose Fiona... traitor)

    On closer inspection, I do see the grenade. And I already have 3 save files full. I may have to delete my spur of the moment/ asshole/ leftover choices that aren't '...' file. No!

  • Well I would feel pride knowing our shipping war made an impact on TT

    Don't worry, I'll just ban shipping discussion until the series is finished.

  • Hay there Godot. Please don't call me Trite.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Welp...I overslept for the screens by a hair. Oh well. They still look great.

  • RIP August

    Oh wow, she totally is.

  • edited June 2015

    Noooooo! I feel for you. I'm in the UK and have school, so the ep will probably be released in the middle of the night and I'll have to wait until after school the next day to play it. ;____; Fortunately, I'm free on Wednesdays!

    CupcakeRhys posted: »

    AAAAAAAAA I will miss episode 3 release because I will be on a trip and I will come back on June 29

  • At E3, baby :Р

    SzymeG posted: »

    2016 Kiddo

  • The Steam Summer sale is this and next weekish so Tales might end up getting cut in price if people are still waiting to buy/want to buy a second time to get the skins for the Pre-Sequel.

    I can't wait to actually hang out with my robot buds.

  • edited June 2015

    I thought the sale was starting today? :P

    EDIT: Oops that's what you said, I read it wrong :p

    Dapnee posted: »

    The Steam Summer sale is this and next weekish so Tales might end up getting cut in price if people are still waiting to buy/want to buy a second time to get the skins for the Pre-Sequel. I can't wait to actually hang out with my robot buds.

  • BEST !!111!!!1

    Rhys continues to share brain-space with the disembodied mind of a dead dictator, and love is in the air. Coincidence these are right next together? I think not. Rhack confirmed u guyz!!!!11!!1

  • No, no, no that would be a VERY BAD idea. Just keep the peace...

    Don't worry, I'll just ban shipping discussion until the series is finished.

  • You let me down, Pumpkin...

    I'm not even mad.

    Just... Disappointed.

    I'm sorry, @HandsomeJack forgive me.

  • Thank you kindly ;)

    J_E_K posted: »

    "You are only allowed to fire shots once I have fired shots!" "But you did!" "Only because I knew YOU would post something!" "Bur....." "Shhhhh.....shhhhh.........you lost. Let it go." #FLAWLESSLOGIC

  • "My gun!!" August cried like a baby. Then he dieded. THE END.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    RIP August

  • XDJulieXD posted: »

    No, no, no that would be a VERY BAD idea. Just keep the peace...

  • Just 12 more days

    Alt text

  • I'll make it up to you, I promise.

    You let me down, Pumpkin... I'm not even mad. Just... Disappointed.

  • Ahhh having both games is so nice ;]

    Just 12 more days

  • I wasn't freaking out lol XD I was just careful, there are some crazy shippers out there... the guys in the forums right now are normal, but in every ship there is a dark corner shivers I bet you've seen those too (ಥ_ಥ)

    Click here

  • edited June 2015

    If the next two waits are the same . Ep.5 will be out will be out by November. Abso-f&@king-lutely Fan-F&@king-tastic.

  • Alt text

    That song just reminds me of what Tom Hanks is willing to do for money

  • edited June 2015

    They will said When like

    Work - 2016

    Release - 2017

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    At E3, baby :Р

  • I will be in Italy...:)

    Noooooo! I feel for you. I'm in the UK and have school, so the ep will probably be released in the middle of the night and I'll have to wait until after school the next day to play it. ;____; Fortunately, I'm free on Wednesdays!

  • That song just reminds me of what Tom Hanks is willing to do for money

    Alt text

    My feeling on Telltale right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77PzXCKDyVQ

  • edited June 2015

    That "love is in the air" thing...think TT will give us a chance to choose which...?

  • I am almost positive that Athena ended up being misunderstood and she actually still is a good guy. she'll team up and decimate half of Vallory's boys in like a second. Calling it here!

  • Maybe you will be able to get wifi and your laptop over there :)

    CupcakeRhys posted: »

    I will be in Italy...:)

  • Holy fuck bro. That is an AMAZING pick up. 5 gold stars for you! All we need is Lylith to rock up now!

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Fiona and Athena are confronted by Mordecai and Brick. More Vault Hunters means more danger.

  • Why do i get the feeling that we're meeting Claptrap in this episode.

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