If you get asked to testify against Tyrion, would you?

Obviously it would be in your best interest to do what the Queen wants and make Tyrion look guilty while you're on the witness stand but I really think it just make my blood boil. I doubt they'd lop your head of there and then if you didn't say anything against him but it would put you in one hell of a precarious position. That along with the Ironwood deal going south could spell humongous trouble for Mira and her house. So, would you incriminate him, side with him, or (with your talent for talking while saying nothing at all) dance around it?


  • If Cersei tells me the Ironwood contract would still be an option if I testify against him, then sure. I know he's going to get sent down anyway.

  • My main playthrough Mira does what she has to do for her House to survive, so yes, if testifying against Tyrion potentially helps the House, I'll do it. I already asked Margaery for her help, forged the letter, and killed Damien, so...

  • Cersei doesn't like me so if Tyrion is in hot water the family comes first. I would have to comply

  • Well, to be honest, one would be a fool not to, at least if he knows what happens in the show.

    Tyrion is sentenced anyway, no need in getting yourself in danger for defying the Queen Regent.


  • Yyyyyyyyep.

  • I'd hate doing it with every bone in my body but you have to be smart if you want to survive in Westeros. And the smart thing would be to testify against Tyrion, especially if you want the Ironwood deal with the Crown to remain.

  • Definetly i would, i mean Tyrion wouldnt want to get Mira in trouble. He would pretty much do the same thing as he did with Podrick.

  • Yes, there is no reason for Mira to defend Tyrion at that point. And it's not like Tyrion wouldn't save his ass by betraying Mira if that would be what it came for.

  • Margaery is also against Tyrion, so yes.

  • As much as I hate doing so, my family comes first. I have nothing to gain by defending Tyrion except potentially putting Mira in a more dangerous and unstable position. Someone already wants to kill her and she will only gain more enemies by defending Tyrion.

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