If you had to save Sasha or Vaughn



  • Sasha. I don't trust Vaughn, said nothing about forgiving him and didn't brofist him.

  • vaughn 100% i freaking hate sasha

  • Depending as who I am playing. I don't like Sasha really, but if I play as Fiona then I will defs save her. and same for Rhys if I play as him then I would save Vaughn :)

  • Sasha . She's cool , and Vaughn has lost my respect after that betrayal of his .(yeah , I know he had his reasons , but in the exactly same situation I didn't betray him coz I though of him as my brobrobro)

    Hopefully it won't come to that point , but if it does , Sasha FTW .

  • edited March 2015

    I do not think you will get the option to choose this time around, I think depending on how you approuched Vasquez and August, that either Sasha or Vaughn will get killed in the beginning of next episode. By the person you didn`t manage to convince.

    But if I had to choose..I would choose saving Sasha over Vaughn. She is obviously in love with my Rhys. xD

  • edited March 2015

    I think it'd be cool if we could go one season without a choose to save person x or person y. It's gotten tiresome. But if I had to choose, it'd be Sasha.

  • vaughn nuff said im out

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