Anyone else feel like Asher is under used?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I like Asher alot, even though he seems to be barely in it. Hopefully episode 4 will have some more of him, due to the whole Dragon thing


  • YES


  • SO. MUCH.

    My only complaint, really.

    I like Asher a lot. Hope he gets more scenes in the future.

  • Immensely under used. I think, now that he met Danaerys, his story is going to become much more important, but so far, it's been inconsequential. I almost forget he's there half the time.

  • Yes! So much yes! We need more Asher!


  • Yeah he is, definitely. I think we might see a lot more of him next episode though, since he's probably going to be headed to Westeros in Episode 5.

  • Oh hell yes. Asher and Beskha are my two fav characters so far. We need more of them!

  • It's Essos.....nobody cares about Essos really. (other then Danaerys of course)

    Yeah, Asher is under used and feels more like an attempt to get Essos and Danny in there somehow but I trust it will get better.

  • Asher is a disappointment imo. Where's his legendary anger? Calmed down away from home? He's thread is less interesting. However, with youknowwhohemet it may change.

  • They have not used Asher enough but if you make the right choices he is a major badass.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Asher is a disappointment imo. Where's his legendary anger? Calmed down away from home? He's thread is less interesting. However, with youknowwhohemet it may change.

  • Underused and misused. Now that he's met the storyline black-hole that is Daenarys, we know that he will never reach Westeros again. Unless Illyrio shows up, Illyrio is the one exception.

  • It's true about the black hole though. How and why would Danny give him men to go take back his house in Westeros when she would just have to go beat his family when she gets around to it.... I doubt the cave her dragon is in is worth 100 good swords.

  • Make the right choices and Mira is a badass.

    unseenclass posted: »

    They have not used Asher enough but if you make the right choices he is a major badass.

  • Hes got the same problem ad Dany in that hes on the other side of the planet. Also like others have said, where's his anger? Hes just kind of chipper and cheeky

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