Rodrik is a badass!
Man if you don't puss out and keep getting back up when Gryff is trying to act all big. That was epic. I don't care if he just got all of house Forrester killed (which I kind of doubt since it seemed to inspire his people) it was so worth it.
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Now that I saw this thread I actually regret my decision of staying down. Although, maybe it would be epic in the moment, hopefully staying down will help in the long run V_V
I got up every single time, it was probably the best moment of the entire episode for me, I loved defying that little shit Gryff every time.
Yes, one of the most powerful moments of the season. I enjoyed the look on Griff's face, he was totally frightened.
Haha yeah it awesome! Couldn`t let Gryff get the satisfaction. It kinda reminded me of Tom Cruise from the movie The Last Samurai. xD
I submitted. It's all fine and dandy, and I would've defied him, but didn't want to see my sister suffer.
I'll clean up House from traitor, get lil' bro back, and then bow to Gryff... and gut him like a pig he is, because now he's so sure he won. So fucking sure. Keep thinking this, bitch. It's not over till episode 5.
Episode 6. We get an extra episode for GoT.
*6 :P
See, extra episode for my evil plans. Or do you think Telltale decided that all their games have 5 episode and this has 6 just by chance?
And maybe into season 2, cause if I recall, Telltale did sign a long partnership deal with HBO about continuing the story as the show progresses.
I kept getting up aswell, I knew Gryff was too much of a loser to really do anything
It was freaking awesome....Gryffs VA did a great job of him losing control, the panic in his voice when he said "You should fear me!" Was brilliant :-)
Anyone have a video where Rodrik just keeps getting up? I NEED to see it.
It felt so goddamn good each time I stood back up. Even though, I promised to listen to Gwyn's advice.
A really powerful scene. I had to do it, fuck Gwyn. I can't let Rodrik the Ruined stay for ever
Oh, I have to make that choice now.
I defied him every time, its one of my top 3 moments of the episode, I feel so exhilarated after it, no matter how many times Gryf threw me down I got up, and now my people see that I have an iron will as a leader and won't back down at those scumbag Whitehills, Ser Royland is training the troops better and I've raised morale, things are looking better.
I can't believe the majority of players relented to Gryf, defying him may have consequences but finally an episode ends on a more optimistic note (as optimistic as a GoT episode can get at least).
Yeah, totally stood up to Gryff, damn the consequences!
Did you guys see the look of the people around when Rodrik stood up times and times again? Even Gryff`s soldiers seemed to start question his command.
I just can't help but think of how Eddard Stark always did the honorable thing, until he had already screwed himself over so much that the last little bit of dishonoring himself that he could do couldn't keep his head on his neck. I seem to remember he brought a small army into the throne room with him too.
WELL, hope it all works out better for Rodrik.
Whoever the voice actor for Gryff is was really good, because you could hear him getting increasingly hysterical every time Rodrik got up. I think he might actually be a decent person if not for his father, he doesn't really seem to want to hurt Rodrik (gets off his arm when the Maester tells him to), he just wants to look big. It's not like he's got much opportunity, being the 4th son of a small house.
Yeah, I got that scene, it was so freaking powerful. Even though it'd probably be smart to stay down, the scene was too amazing for me to not stand up to that little shit.
Gryff's voice actor was brilliant too, a combination of his voice and his face had me dying for the first opportunity to punch him.
I stayed down but man did I want to stand up. I thought it would be much better than obeying. I'll need to see what happens when you stand up now.
Yeah. If Rodrik days, i riot. Srsly. Best. character. ever. Please, telltale, i begging you: just let him live. You can't be THAT cruel! You took so many cool characters, just spare this one! This first and last time. Pleeeaase!
Was easily the best part in episode 3. Had to inspire everybody in the house and now they will more than likely fight for Rodrick. And Royland going crazy was fantastic. About time! I think getting up will rally the commonpeople to your side and they will help in the fight.
Uuuugh, I stayed down like a dog and now I regret it.
Oh weeeell.