What's the point of burning the decree?
I was confused when I saw the option - I didn't really understand why you wouldn't want it?
Like, part of her story in the episode is all about doing something incredibly risky to obtain the decree - why would she suddenly want it gone?
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It could be used as evidence against Mira, since you know, Tyrion is a criminal now :P
It might be used as evidence that Mira helped to assassinate Joffrey, if one were to accuse her.
Tyrion just killed the King. If you are a known associate of him they will link you to it and kill you to. The crown already wants you dead. ( I did not burn the letter however)
I guess it was to cover up interactions with Tyrion .-.
Right, but you have the decree? So you can just hide it right?
Yeah, I too didn`t quite understand it at first either, but then when I played it a second time I realized. Cause, if you ask Lord Andros in the moment Tyrion gets arrested, he will say keeping it will be dangerous since it links Mira to Tyrion, and it is especially bad since she did go behind the back of Margaery and Cersei to get the ironwood contract.
yeah unless someone finds it.... But I agree I thought it was a dumb idea to burn the letter. Just like it was a dumb idea to keep the knife last episode. How would they know a knife in a bush that did not belong to you was put there by you?
I was confused too. But I kept it, because it's not exactly a secret. Whoever Mogwyn (sp?) was working with has probably been cursing Mira's name up and down every bar in King's Landing after he found out he lost the Ironwood contract. But, depending on how it's written, I might still get use out of it.
I thought about burning it for a second but then I thought of all the millions I am going to make with the Littlefinger wannabe and I kept it. Hopefully there is some Ironwood left.
*Lord Morgryn. Andros was the fat one from episode 2
Lol I was thinking the same thing! I thought of burning it for a split second then I thought of all that money/gold I'd make and just had to keep it.
Obviously the advanced fingerprint and DNA testing in King's Landing!
Seriously though, a bloody knife proves that he is dead instead of missing, and the one guard who saw you right before you met with him would probably be more vengeful/it makes Mira look more guilty.
There was already blood on the fountain where he was killed. They'd have to be idiots to already not connect the two.
It's also evidence against Tom. And he risked his life to get rid of it.
So yeah. I predict Tom will die for House Forester in the next episode, especially if Mira kept the decree.
Tyrion is on trial for murdering the king. His decree to help mira, and the queen's knowledge of their meetings would condemn her and her family more than help. I'm surprised more people didn't burn it in the stats tbh
I accidentally burnt it but afterwards I thought "Well maybe it's a good thing. I don't want to be linked to the short Kingslayer."
Your room was invaded before. People can just go there again and find something.
That other merchant guy is still very much pissed off, so he might do something himself.
I looked at it the same way I looked at the knife decision. Sure, there aren't any DNA or fingerprint scanners, but Mira's room was already broken into and searched once. Who's to stop that suspicious asshole guard, or even a snooty Sera to do it themselves? Better safe than sorry, I'd say.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is the decree not worthless given that it was signed by a "traitor"? If I'm ever in a situation to ask for help from someone else at King's Landing, they'd be have to write up another decree anyways.
The only thing the decree could be used for is to implicate me to Tyrion. And it could all too easily fall into the wrong hands if my room gets ransacked again or even if Sera or someone unwittingly sees it.
EDIT: Although I suppose if one stole the seal then the odds are it could be used to tamper with the decree to make it look like it came from Margaery. But I'm skeptical of how long that would last before someone realized there was something up. Plus personally I didn't steal the seal so it wouldn't have done me any good anyways.
I decided to burn it because Mira could get caught with it now that Tyrion is in the shit.
Was a tough call for me. Of course i don't want do be linked to Tyrion. But on the other Hand the forresters really need money to pay the sellswords Asher is getting like Duncan said in the wood this episode. And Margery tryed to help in the first episode already. I figured it's the only way the Plan is going to work. Well, it probably won't work after all cause Game of Thrones.. you know.
A guard disappears in the night after being seen with a handmaiden. Next morning, they find the guard's knife covered in blood in a bush near the last place he was seen. The guard is nowhere to be found, and the Handmaiden is all well and peach.
You figure it out
I want to use it as leverage. For that guy.. Morgryn-whats-his-name? Or other possible alliances since Gwyn said there was someone in King's Landing trying to turn the tide against Mira.
After listening to the conversation with Morgyrn again I'm regretting not burning it. He mentions it's not good to be linked to Tyrion anymore and if the decree was to "disappear" maybe we could work together. To me it seems like not getting rid of it will lead to some serious trouble.
I was that frustrated by the stupidity of the replies you have gotten that I actually went through the trouble of making an account here just to say so. I am not sure whether these are infants replying to your question with allegorical claims of "Oh, it totes incriminates X." or not, but I am absolutely in congruence with you - there is absolutely no narratological reason to burn the Ironwood Decree. I have re-watched the entire play through a half dozen times in frustration trying to see these 'evidence against X' claims but they are all absurd and ill conceived.
It is a ROYAL DECREE. Signed by the Crown. Yes, Tyrion's hand held the seal at the time, but because Tyrion was arrested doesn't make everything the Crown agreed to prior to that date null and void nor somehow mystically implicate people in some as yet unfounded conspiracy or the entire empire would collapse in a reversal of commands left, right, and center and half the realm would have to be beheaded for guild by association.
It's not often Telltale drop the ball with their storyline; perhaps something was removed at the last minute or perhaps they forgot to add content in a rush to market, but you are definitely 100% on the mark. There is no reason to burn the Ironwood Decree, and the fact it is an option is an absurdity.
But what if we just hold onto it until Cersei is no longer in power, and then use it? I know it's a while away yet, but?
We Need that cash, to pay for the Army Asher is meant to bring back. Sellswords don't fight for free after all. And i don't see any other money making schemes making themselves apparent.
I don't get why so many people think the letter is such a big deal. You're already a known associate of Tyrions and Cersei has it in for you. If she wanted to frame you for anything she would hardly need to search your room for evidence, it would just 'turn up' along with a couple of witnesses. This paranoia over the letter is pretty ridiculous, honestly. If shit's gonna go side ways for Mira it'll happen even if you burnt the letter.
Besides Cerseis bitch move, to have you sit as far away as possible from the 'happy' couple, would probably help your case, not hurt it. Also, the poison, when in the hell would the future queens handmaiden have time to go and find it? And from where? Let alone one as seemingly rare as the Strangler.
I didn't burn it because I saw it as the only opportunity for better trade related to the Forresters. People already assume it's her and no one's there to support her other than Tom and possibly Sera, so at this point my Mira is in King's landing to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And she's all out of bubblegum.
What is really the point of keeping it, though?