Anyone else looking forward to Rodrik`s Wedding?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So, anyone else looking forward to Rodriks wedding? I know I am, cause well...we all know they do not end well in the George R.R Martin`s world, hehe. When and what do you think will happen?

I hope it happens in the next episode, but it might not. If it does, I have an odd feeling that some Whitehill or Ramsey himself may use the right to bed the bride on the night of the wedding. As this is a tradition some Lords in Westeros actually do, I think Walder Frey sometimes does this to his vassals if I recall correctly.

There may never be a wedding however, especially if you fail to convince Elaena, though it could be you get the option later to marry Gwyn in order to secure peace. Wouldn`t it be funny if there was a double marriage at the same time, Elaena marrying Gryff and Rodrik marrying Gwyn...that certainly would make things interesting. xD


  • She dumped me... :(

  • I do. Elaena is smart, resourseful and knows how to talk business. If we marry, they must help us, to have marriage with strong and rich house.

  • I think it will actually be a non issue. This episode they kept saying it was up to Asher and Mira. At best we might get it at the end of episode 6 as a treat for those that managed to keep them together. That's my guess anyway.

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