I can feel it in my bone that Tales of Maniac Mansion will happen!!
I mean why would it not? Think about the potential! Of course the mansion would have to be larger than what TellTale usually do but hey, i'd pay more $$ for it without problems. In fact, i would pre-order the game even if i had to wait one whole year for it.
Imagine what it could be. With all the artistical skills at they're disposal they could have some pretty awesome and scary rendition of Weird Ed, the tentacles, Edna, Dr.Fred... Even chuck the plant!
The day this is announced i will shed tears of joys. As much as i was happy with TOMI announcement, it rang a bell in my heart for maniac mansion.
I have completed all the Maniac Mansion games, on pc, nes and days of tentacle on pc.
At first i didn't think it would be possible because of Lucasarts but now i am noticing that Telltale and LA are friends again.
I remember when i was walking in the mall with my mother when i was a little child, reading a magazine that had an add for it. Saying why is there a chainsaw in the kitchen and blood in the refridgerator... It all felt soo new and awesome, and when i played the game for the first time, i was just in awe at all the stuff you could do, like, ringing the doorbell. It was all soo involving and well done. God, i miss Maniac Mansion.
Think, even, maybe Maniac Mansion would not fit in episodic content? I would pay 100$ US or more if i had too, to put my hands on a modern, high quality full lenght sequel to Maniac Mansion.
Imagine what it could be. With all the artistical skills at they're disposal they could have some pretty awesome and scary rendition of Weird Ed, the tentacles, Edna, Dr.Fred... Even chuck the plant!
The day this is announced i will shed tears of joys. As much as i was happy with TOMI announcement, it rang a bell in my heart for maniac mansion.
I have completed all the Maniac Mansion games, on pc, nes and days of tentacle on pc.
At first i didn't think it would be possible because of Lucasarts but now i am noticing that Telltale and LA are friends again.
I remember when i was walking in the mall with my mother when i was a little child, reading a magazine that had an add for it. Saying why is there a chainsaw in the kitchen and blood in the refridgerator... It all felt soo new and awesome, and when i played the game for the first time, i was just in awe at all the stuff you could do, like, ringing the doorbell. It was all soo involving and well done. God, i miss Maniac Mansion.
Think, even, maybe Maniac Mansion would not fit in episodic content? I would pay 100$ US or more if i had too, to put my hands on a modern, high quality full lenght sequel to Maniac Mansion.

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But sam and max wasn't "Tales of Sam and Max", so I doubt that an episodic Maniac Mansion would share the title.
Maniac Mansion : Edison's file!
If it happens, I hope Green Tentacle is playable. His physical attributes would make for some great situations.
I haz skills!
Good times
I want to play as Bernard, Hoagie and Leverne.
I know what you mean. One of the good things about having so many verbs to choose from in the early Lucasarts games was that it seemed the character had limitless possibilities of interaction with the world.
It makes sense today to do away with that interface as sandbox style games have moved on but that's part of what made the Lucasarts graphic adventures fun to play.
Yes, it's an expression.
Perhaps he's not a native English speaker or (given the average skill at English of the non-native) perhaps more likely: he is a native English speaker. In which case we have no hope for accuracy!
Seriously, Britain is the country with the sloppiest standard of language ever.
This is Tales of the Tentacle boxart....version 1.2!!!
This time, I edited the developers logo, (I was to lazy to paste the real telltale logo, so I made one up) and the "Includes Maniac Mansion!" sticker.
As far as characters go, I'm hoping for something where the only characters you actually control are Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne. Some of the Maniac Mansion kids like Dave, Razor, Jeff etc. could come back as non-playable characters you can interact with, and have something important to do with the storylines.
You could have recurring characters you interact with like the Edisons and the tentacles (similar roles to S&M's Bosco and Sybil basically) and then have some Maniac Mansion characters turning up in one or two episodes each.
Actually i am not a native english speaker. In fact, where i live, i never speak english. I use english when i use *teh !nterneT*.
Still ok, i can feel it in my bones. It was really no pun intented.
As for the comments in the topic i agree the game should be based on the original. It had something magical that follows me to this day. Days of tentacle was awesome too! But if i had to make a choice, i'd follow the original. It was a more serious morbid game and i think we should keep it that way.
I also totally loved how the caracters you choose changed the puzzle solutions. A work of Genius and brilliance, i can't cherrish it enough.