Drogon and Daenerys

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

This may contain spoilers from the previous episode of game of thrones I think Daenerys is going to find Drogon because of Asher he lead Daenerys to Drogon and do you guys think she will have her other dragons?


  • I don't know. Everything we've tried to do to help our families has failed massively until now. I wouldn't be surprised if we spent two episodes going after Drogon just for him to fly off and go back to Daenerys by himself, leaving us with nothing again.

  • after burning the decree, I sure hope this works out...

  • Drogon can probably find Dany because she is his mother she is the "Mother of The Dragons" and maybe Asher and Dany can come to Ironrath to help get rid of the Whitehills maybe Drogon can come to and she start the war by saying "Dracarys".

    SanQae posted: »

    I don't know. Everything we've tried to do to help our families has failed massively until now. I wouldn't be surprised if we spent two epis

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