Story Mode vs Choice Mode

The game makes me a little frustrating because it is set into a story mode where regardless of the decision you make there are no real consequences or changes. It just follow the story and not change from the choices you choose. There was a few choices that was made in the game I like where you could make the decisions for asking for help for your family or not, and the option to receive the key or seal stamp. I'm not sure where this is going to lead but I am sure I want to find out. Also, the servant said he knew people who could help Mira and her family, but there was not a scene where she could receive his help to ask his friends to help her family. Hopefully, later in the game this will be removed of the Foresters being a total reck, and not receiving any help at all, and not allowing you the chance to choose the right choices to help the Forrester. What made me upset is how there was nothing Mira could say or do to help her family, where I feel it should have been an option there. I did like how you had the option to choose to stab the guard or run, or keep/drop the knife.

I feel what would of been a better option is to make the beginning of the game more Choice base then Story mode base. For Example: The decision to choose to save the squire vs Lord Forrester vs Rodrik getting hurt, or making the right decision so Rodrik could get married. What would of change the game drastically but a decision base game is better when all the options are covered, instead of leaving with no minimum options and just the story. Another example would of been to allow Gared the option to kill all the guards, because this would be more of a realistic choice if this really happen instead of allowing them to leave, when he had the ability to kill them all there, and knowing his father was dying in front of him because of them, and then say he going to kill them. Also, the game could be more interesting by allowing Gared the option to stay at the Forrester house and not go to the wall at all and the consequences or rewards for it by the decisions you choose. Since he is at the wall now there should be an option for him to stay at the wall and be a Ranger to help his uncle, or leave the wall, and be at Rodrik side, and go back to the Forrester leading him with the option to eventually marry Tailia, and help save the Forrester. I am not sure how anyone else feels but I want to see more drastic changes for the good or the bad when decisions are made in the game, instead of it going into this Story Mode and nothing really happens after making drastic decision.

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