Invitation to Highpoint...speculation ep 4



  • This is suggested at Arya and Ramsay's wedding in book 4 or 5.

    If I remember right, that happens in War of The Samurai 4. I don't think it will happen though. Ludd's just a jackass who thinks he has a bi

  • That isn't a bad idea at all. If Elaena's father forces her to accept this betrothal instead of Rodrik's it could fuck up a lot of stuff for the Forresters

    WardenKing posted: »

    I think its about an announcement, a marriage announcement between Elaena and one of Lord Whitehill`s sons. xD

  • I'm kind of hoping against hope that the Forresters finally get to hit back in some way next episode. It's been episode after episode of the Whitehills knocking them to the dirt at every turn, it's time for the tables to be turned at least somewhat I reckon.

  • The Lord of Highpoint is so fing stupid and such a kiss ass he most likely wants to do a red wedding deal on our heroes...dude is such a dumb ass... i'm gonna refuse to go if given the choice.

  • Ludd is a prick theres no doubt about that but I don't think he's a monster.

  • I just feel like highpoint will end up as another Red Wedding scenario but ten times worse?!

  • If it were up to me, which I doubt. I would definitely not go to Highpoint, or at least be VERY careful. Whitehill doesnt want to upset the Boltons by causing chaos in the North but also doesn't care about any Male heirs of the Forrester house. If the male heirs of the House were to be wiped out, Ludd could have one of his sons marry Mira or Talia and then he would control Ironrath and all the Ironwood. But the only problem is that Roose Bolton is trying to secure the North, the last thing he would want is houses fighting each other and it reflecting on him. Ramsay on the other hand just doesnt care. So that would kind of make me feel a little bit safer if forced to go to Highpoint. Im guessing the reason he if is inviting you is to try and cause some issues to start a fight and wipe out Forresters. Also, I find it very likely he will have Ryon there to upset Lady Forrester and Rodrick along with anybody else who goes. Probably by having him recite anything that Ludd has told him about his family. And then there is the issues of Elaena Glenmore, who I think is going to be put in an extremely rough situation next episode. I have this feeling just from watching the preview for next episode that the invitation to highpoint will have something to do with her. Probably the betrothal not happening due to her father or if you didnt secure it, she is probably being forced to marry a whitehill. Ludd more than likely would want to embarrass Rodrick in front of everybody to cause a reaction from him. However from watching the preview, it looks like Elaena goes to Ironrath to speak with Rodrick. Since there are Forrester banners in the background and it looked like Rodricks chest piece in the same shot. So at least MAYBE she wouldnt be there.

  • Roose Bolton will meet them to negotiate a peaceful solution.

  • They can have Ryon as long as I get the chance to gutter Ludd.

  • Talia and Gryff

    WardenKing posted: »

    I think its about an announcement, a marriage announcement between Elaena and one of Lord Whitehill`s sons. xD

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