Knowing what you know now... (Ep.3)

Hi guys!

I knew what was going to happen to Tyrion from the books and the show, so I hesitated on accepting his help, knowing it could be nullified once he got caught, but still, I took it.

My question to you is: Knowing what you know now would you:

1) have accepted Tyrion's help?
2) kept the dagger?

So far, it seems these two factors are the most incriminating of all. Nevertheless, Telltale were clever, and made sure to force you to be seen interacting with Tyrion. I presume that regardless of your choice to take his help or not, Cersei would be onto you, and Margaery would still not forgive you (can anyone clarify this?).

Also, in regards to the dagger, our character seems to be a clever girl, I would seriously doubt that she would have kept the dagger bloodied, amking it even more incriminating, but Telltale could end up screwing us over on that one.

I wonder if I can deny going with Tyrion (doubt Margaery will forgive me, regardless), tell the coalboy about the knife, as he tells me to clean it, it would mean it would be cleaned, and then run back to Tyrion's room to steal the paper (to burn it).

So many options lol! And the worst part is, I have a sneaky feeling none of them will matter in the end :p


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