Will Telltale Make a Game of Thrones Season 2?
Yes, I know its a bit early to be asking this question, since we're only midway through the six episode series at this point.
But considering their outstanding work so far, with how the story of House Forrester could legitimately fit in very well with the storylines and atmosphere of the HBO series, it would be a shame for this great game not to get an official continuation (just like Wolf Among Us...).
It seems obvious that the game is set during HBO Seasons 3 and 4, but we know the TV series can potentially have at least seven seasons, meaning Telltale could eventually have three seasons worth of source material to go on, which should be more than enough for them to at least make a second game.
What does the community here think, is Telltale Game of Thrones going to be another one-shot like TWAU, or could it potentially be a multi-season series of its own, like Telltale TWD?
Telltale signed a "multi-year, multi-title partnership" deal with HBO so it's likely that there will be more Game of Thrones. They didn't specifically mention any such deals for The Wolf Among Us so there is no way to tell yet if there will be more seasons.
I think it's way too early to see if they will stick with House Forrester and how far in the timeline they will advance but i do like them so i would like to see more of them if they survive season 1.
You can read the press release if you wan't to find out more about their deal.
depends on the sales I guess. I think they can tell you after April when the series is back in tv.
Hmmm... then hopefully there will be a Telltale Game of Thrones Season 2, or at least a DLC (not my preferred option but it would be better than nothing).
Considering its Game of Thrones even the most beloved main characters can be killed off, I just hope Mira and Rodrick at least survive, I'd like to stick with the Forresters if there will be a Season 2 though for all we know Telltale might just shift attention to a new House entirely.
If people like this one, which they seem to be doing, then they will. So I'd say yes.
Hell yeah. They love the books and the show, and it shows.
I think "the north grove" will be a season 2 thing.
As said before in this thread, there most likely will be a season 2 considering telltale signed a multi-year deal. And it will probably take some time before the North Grove comes into play.
The show will be ongoing for a long time still, perhaps their deal with Telltale will, as well.
hellyea! I love that it's so intense and dramatic, very much like the show. I hope theres more about the Forresters!
I think its a safe bet there will be one. The fact that Telltale signed for multiple seasons upfront is a big one, but on top of that it also seems to be selling well and receiving good fan reaction.
As long as they stick with this family, I'm definitely in! Hell, I'm in if they don't. But I'm so invested in these guys now, more so than anyone on the show after 4 whole seasons, I don't want to say goodbye :-(
Wonder if they'll introduce a new family or stick with whatever is left of the Forresters.
Personally I feel they will keep a couple of forresters and maybe switch point of views or add a few more.
For example I think Gwyn would be a good season 2 PC from what we've seen. I just hope they dont do a walking dead and kill every damn character every season
Every last one character you love will die anyway.
I hope so but no more than 2 seasons
I think a second season is likely if it's true they signed a multi-release deal.
Considering episode 5's ending, and if that Forrester brother survives episode 6 it might make a second season around the Forresters very hard, simply because two voice actors doing the whole game each (assuming they survive a whole game), even though it would really cool if that choice had such far-reaching effects.
I think it's far more likely the second season will have a new House and new characters. But maybe a few of the survivors from this season will appear in the sequel, like interacting with Malcolm if you go to see Daenerys.
Can't see it myself. TT seem more interested in trying fresh stuff instead of continuing seasons beyond TWD.
In FAQ Telltale was asked about the amount of episodes in the season "There are six episodes in this first season of Game of Thrones." This means that they at least have plans to make a second season.
https://www.telltalegames.com/gameofthrones/faq < link to the FAQ
Most likely.
I hope not
I would rather they focus on TWD and especially on TWAU.
Both are so much better than GoT
I'm counting on it. One episode seems too little to wrap it up nicely. Besides, I want to be in King's Landing when shit hits the fan and both queens are arrested.
They made a lot of money from this series, and there is a reason why they made it six episodes.
I definitely see them doing three seasons of Game of Thrones
the next release of game of thrones series should focus on different house in different part of the world..6 episodes for one house should be enough.
But that way everything we did to this point would be in vain. I've grown to love these charaters and this house. I don't want to start from scratch again. It's like Mass Effect without Shepard. Oh wait...
Like most things in entertainment, it probably comes down to sales figures.
But Shepard's story was over, and there is still so much more to see in the Mass Effect universe. I don't mind at all that they will set the game in a different galaxy and at a later point of time.
Back on topic though, while Shepard's story is over, the Forrester's has only begun. I don't think they can wrap the entire story up in just one Episode. It would either be a very long or a very disappointing Episode.
Are they going to finish a season 1?
Ditto. But check the AMA Reddit;
Yes please, TTG.
Something tells me that Mira's story might not finish in this season.
And hoping for Talia to be a PC.
If they manage to wrap up everything in one episode, maybe not.
Though if you want a second season, it will most likely happen.
Maybe they could have a cameo in the game? I would really like to play as a house from the Stormlands, Riverlands, Dorne. Just think of the possibilities!
Well there better be a season 2 because that ending (part 6) left me angry
After that episode 6 ending, there better be.
I hope they bring season 2 next year. I hate unconclude series.
Yes please, and hopefully we don't have to wait forever
I really hate you for killing almost all the forresters!!
me too
i want revenge
Yep wouldn't shocked me. They give the disappointing series a season 2, but not the good series like Tales and Wolf that we actually want.
Weird, I originally made this thread when Episode 3 came out...
The GoT cliffhanger leaves me more anxious than TWAU cliffhanger - though I wouldn't mind waiting two years for a Season 2 if we got a Wolf Season 2 first.
Tales is probably finished for now - at least until BL3 is released - which will hopefully have some ties to Tales.