Lacks of happy moments drag episode 3 into paranoia?

Dont' you feel that there are too much negative events and decisions?

Don't you feel this episode lacks even brief but deep happy moments?

The only happy one is Garett meeting his uncle... but it seems to lacks pathos.


  • edited March 2015

    The Forresters whole world is literally falling down around them. The whole point of the story at this point is to express the hopelessness of it all. So I would say they achieved their goal there.

  • edited March 2015

    Gared also has a bro chat with Finn when they are going to the weirwood tree. And I think you can count the moment between Rodrik and Talia in the end happy...ish. And Asher has some funny/happy moments. But it's still GoT, I don't feel that this game is anymore negative than the show. Winter is coming, and that means hard times.

  • I think you're right. ;-)

    unseenclass posted: »

    The Forresters whole world is literally falling down around them. The whole point of the story at this point is to express the hopelessness of it all. So I would say they achieved their goal there.

  • I think one of the reasons I liked Gared's chapters past episodes is because of his dynamic with Finn and Cotter.There's a bit of comic relief with them. I've taken to calling them the three stooges XD

  • I hope in Episode 4 we get a happy moment where we reunite with Ryon, even if we're not allowed to take him back home.

  • I suppose that if we don't kiss Ludd's ring and let him come to the funeral, he's going to be bitter towards us.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I hope in Episode 4 we get a happy moment where we reunite with Ryon, even if we're not allowed to take him back home.

  • I've been paranoid since TWDG season one.

  • Well, happy moments in GoT are truly rare and are only there to make you sadder! :)

  • It's game of thrones. If you want happiness, you are into he wrong series

  • There is plenty of happy events, if you dont allow to be pushed around. Let me guess you staid down when threatened

  • no cause that is how game of thrones is

  • I think if you don't kiss the ring Ryon feels like his family has forgotten about him "Rodrik are you going to forget about me?" I think it's his worst fear at this point.

    Pride posted: »

    I suppose that if we don't kiss Ludd's ring and let him come to the funeral, he's going to be bitter towards us.

  • Welcome to Game of Thrones.

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