My review of the game thus far

I just played Episodes 1 through 3 straight through. Overall I think it's a good game, but I'm personally disappointed with it. I've played The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2. Season 1 was amazing while Season 2 left me disappointed. The reason being that your choices didn't matter. The only choices that mattered in Season 2 were in the very last few minutes of the game.

Game of Thrones seems to continue this design. My choices don't seem to matter at all. I can't change anything. This is very frustrating and becomes very obvious. I guess Telltale doesn't believe in integrating choice and consequence into their games anymore. The graphics in Game of Thrones are better, but I think the blurry oil painting effect is way overdone. I wish I could turn that off. I'm also having a hard time connecting with the characters because the game has you playing so many at once. I'm not really feeling like I'm that character. Basically, the game has a good story and I feel like I'm just along for the ride. Not a bad game, but not great either.


  • Choices don't matter. It's the illusion of choice, it's the journey not the destination, TellTale still has to Tell a Tale.

  • My choices don't seem to matter at all. I can't change anything

    You act like with TWD S1 the choices actually did change things. The choices work basically the same way as they did with season 1 of TWD, unless of course we played different versions of TWD S1, which I highly doubt.

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