The Mira Dilemma

Who are you siding with in Mira's story?

  1. Sera - The young handmaiden who now has Margery's ear and says she will help you.
  2. Coalboy Tom - The dirty but helpful kid with a mysterious employer who's motives are unclear.
  3. Morgryn - The merchant lord who was working for the Whitehills but says he want's to flip sides for money.
  4. Yourself - The player who thinks they can screw everyone and get away with it.

At the moment I think I am going with Morgryn. The thought of all the money we could make is hard to resist.


  • Every decision in Mira's playthrough feels wrong, I don't even try anymore.

  • This. No matter what I pick I feel like I lose. There's no happy ending for her. It's all one big political clusterfuck.

    Every decision in Mira's playthrough feels wrong, I don't even try anymore.

  • I know I shouldn't trust Tom (Coalboy) but I just do :/

  • I feel I trust Tom more than the rest of them.

  • why not? he is Varys' servant, and judging by tv series (I didnt read the books) Varys most logical and good man in king's landing.

    Michelbigby posted: »

    I know I shouldn't trust Tom (Coalboy) but I just do

  • edited March 2015

    1,2 and 3. Mira may be your friend, Tom are loyal dog, and Morgryn proposition may be a "push lever" to Cersei and opportunity to save Forresters

  • I'm sort of putting my faith in Morgryn solely because he's the most forthcoming with information. He told me exactly what he wanted from me. None of this "a friend wants to help you" Chinese whispers nonsense.

    Course I also sort of soured my chances of trusting Tom when i left him to be killed by that guard... I have a feeling he's not going forget about that. If only he wasn't so determined to survive this wouldn't be a problem. (though it was funny when he was like 'do you really want to risk my life for this?' like kid sorry to tell you this but I am not that bothered about your life.)

  • You don't know he works for Varys.

    Istibul posted: »

    why not? he is Varys' servant, and judging by tv series (I didnt read the books) Varys most logical and good man in king's landing.

  • As odd as it may sound I do trust Sera.

  • I don't completely but I'm starting to think that Sera is way too obvious a betrayer to actually be one. Maybe it'll depend on how you treated her over the course of the game.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    As odd as it may sound I do trust Sera.

  • Honestly, I side with everyone. Just in case.

  • edited March 2015

    We don't know, not yet. But he seems like one of Varys' little birds. Maybe that's why he's been following Mira, maybe the spider wants something?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You don't know he works for Varys.

  • I'm siding with Sera, my bae, and Morgryn, my other bae.

  • edited March 2015

    I do too.
    Marg would have picked her to replace Mira (sort of hinted when she says "what will you do to her?" when you ask her who), and Sera wants to be in her good books in order to get a good husband. But instead of seeming happy about getting what she truly wants she immediately warns Mira. I feel like if she was against Mira she wouldn't be so adamant about helping us stay and being in Marg's good favour again. Why would someone who isn't really your friend defend you against Marg (when asked about Tyrion and when she's angry to you), and warn you when she's about to get what she wants?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    As odd as it may sound I do trust Sera.

  • edited March 2015
    1. I trust Sera
    2. I trusted the coalboy a lot at first, but now I'm not so sure. Every time you make a decision to be nice or bad to him he 'remembers' it. I feel like there'll be a time he will either betray you (if you were cruel) or help (if you were kind). A sort of Kenny when going to fin Clem deal.
    3. I don't trust Morgryn at all, but I'll see where it goes.
    4. I think some of Mira's options aren't really what I think she should say or do. On one of my playthroughs I did not want to side with Tyrion but you have to anyway.
  • I spent the last three episodes shitting all over Margaery, quite unintentionally at times, so maybe I'll go with Sera to try and get back in the good books

  • I pretend to trust them all and am on my toes with Mira. If I had to pick anybody, it's gonna be Tom. Sera seems too judgmental, the merchant Lord too selfish and greedy.

  • I don't know. Every choice I make as her feels like the wrong one. Poor Mira, she has pretty hard.

    But if I had to pick, Tom.

  • Yeah I'm basically giving up, I get totally stressed playing her chapters.

    Every decision in Mira's playthrough feels wrong, I don't even try anymore.

  • I trust Sera the most. I know she could be a betrayer, but it seems like she's not working for anyone, which is more than I can say about the rest of them.

  • Am I the only one who thinks Morgryn looks Obi Wan Kenobi?


    The only nice part is shipping her and Tom.

    Tira ou Mirom

    Yeah I'm basically giving up, I get totally stressed playing her chapters.

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