Hopeful Hopelessness

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Jeez, everything I did seemed hopeless in the end. Well done, Telltale.

Let's get the "happy" stuff out of the way.

I enjoyed Gared's segments as the Night's Watch got focused on a whole lot more. I really liked how they expanded Finn's character from a typical bully, to someone who seems honestly scared. At first, at the Cotter reveal that he is a wilding, I was like "Seriously?" Really interesting stuff there and nice way to make it seem actually plausible. Seems like there's gonna be some backlash in the end, even if you didn't kill Britt though as in the preview we see Gared and Cotter running. Where did I leave him? Walked away from Britt

Asher didn't really do a whole lot this ep. He aggravates Drogon and meets Dany in the end, which leads me to believe Asher might have a bigger orle next ep. Malcolm was being an overbearing uncle who got mad at me for saving Beksha even though she was the one fighting a freaking dragon! Come on, Malcolm! Really? Oh boy. Where did I leave him? Preparing to talk to Dany about Drogon

Now the "sad" POVS

Mira. My Mira is in a world of poop and lies called King's Landing. Every choice I make seems to have thrust her deeper and deeper towards the inevitable horrible death coming her way. I made the mistake of trusting Tyrion early on, making Margery hate me, even though I knew about the Purple Wedding. Cersei hates me because she's Cersei and Cersei hates everyone but her kids. I've asked Margery for help, trusted Coal Boy and Sera to a certain degree, and killed Damien while ditching the knife. I even messed up the deal with Morgryn or whatever his name was in that I didn't secure the deal with Tyrion fast enough. Where did I leave her? Burning Tyrion's decree with Coal Boy. I want her to get out of there. The longer she's in there, it seems the more hopeless things become which is quite accurate.

Rodrik is a mess. Everyone in Ironrath is a mess. I was wondering why Rodrik of Ep. 2 was being so commanding and proud despite how far House Forrestor had fallen. Ep. 3 turned this around and I made Rodrik submit every chance I got. I trusted Gwyn Whitehill, because why the heck not? She's risking her life to tell Rodrik important things and I screwed up the Glenmore marriage, so Rodrik needs all the help he can get! If any at least! And the whole business with the traitor? Well, I think it's either the Maester or even Lady Forrestor. Doesn't seem likely to be Duncan as that would mean that he's also messing with Gared for funzies and that seems way too cruel. Ruled out Royland to, just because he doesn't seem like the type to betray. Where did I leave him? In the watchtower with Talia, as the two seem hopeful for the first time in forever.

On a side note, I would love to play as Talia in the future. JUST PLEASE KEEP HER ALIVE. SHE'S WILLING TO CHANGE. Seriously, she's been with two POV characters far (Ethan and Rodrik). She's learned a lot and is still learning so much, similar to how Clem learned from Lee in TWD. I would seriously be okay with playing as Talia.

I'll be sad if she dies. And a little...okay...REALLY ticked off...which is why killing her would be great for making Rodirk pissed off...Just gonna stop now.

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My Choices

Who did Asher save? -Beksha. Like I said, she was the one fighting a dragon...

Did Mira speak to Tyrion? -Nope. I figured I was in too much trouble already. Of course, Tyrion blabbed anyway.

What did Gared do to Britt? -Walked away. Looks like he died anyway thogugh...

How did Rodrik handle Gryff? -Submitted. It was the smart thing to do.

What happened to the Ironwood Decree? -Burned it. It wasn't going to help me at all. Kinda surprised at the disrepency.

This was intense yo.

Seems to describe how I feel pretty accurately....
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