What do you think will we see Griff's brothers?

Maybe when we are at Highpoint.They could be there right?


  • I think we'll get to meet most of the Whitehill family next episode, yes.

  • Next Episode.

    There's three of them, so I hope at least one of them isn't a major dickhead like all the other Whitehill males. I'm guessing the firstborn is probably an ass because he's daddy's favourite, and Gryff has an inferiority complex making him an asshole when he's in control (and probably when he isn't, too). The second and thirdborn sons might be somewhat reasonable, though - and perhaps Lady Whitehill, too, if she's around.

  • The fact that Ludd trusts his fourthborn suggests two things:

    One, that his other sons are married off and have better things to do than hold a garisson.
    Two, that it's the only son of his that resembles him in character, making the others far more reasonable/sane.

  • or he knew ludd was a piece of shit that would taunt the forresters and maybe he axpected them to kill him so that he would have a reason to do to war. its his 4'th born so hes not exactly low on kids and out of all of them hes like the least important

    ninoobz posted: »

    The fact that Ludd trusts his fourthborn suggests two things: One, that his other sons are married off and have better things to do than

  • Yup, I think Lord Whitehill wants Gryff to die, especially by sending him to the Forresters in hope of starting a war he knows he can win. As a fourthborn, he has much to prove...and his anger/insecurity do indicate that his father does not treat him well.

    hampusjo95 posted: »

    or he knew ludd was a piece of shit that would taunt the forresters and maybe he axpected them to kill him so that he would have a reason to

  • I figure we will meet some of them eventually, though I don't know if we will meet all of them. For all we know, a couple of them could have died during the War of the Five Kings.

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